Withdraw: removing all classes from your schedule for the semester/session.
Withdrawing From the Term or Session
NOTIFICATION TO THE INSTRUCTOR DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WITHDRAWAL. Students considering withdrawal (dropping ALL classes) are encouraged to visit with their advisor prior to making a decision. If withdrawal is still desired, follow the directions below. The withdrawal process is different than dropping a course. If you withdraw before the 4th class day in a summer term or the 12th class day in a fall or spring term, there will not be a record of classes. Withdrawing after the 4th/12th class day will create an academic record. All classes will reported with a grade of “W”.
***Financial Aid recipients are encouraged to contact 432.837.8050, option 5
to discuss withdrawing and effects on their Financial Aid.***
Due to a change in the law, students who are receiving financial aid and withdraw from the University may be required to repay a portion of tuition at the time they withdraw.
Academic Calendar – check the final withdrawal deadline listed on the calendar.
Withdrawal refund deadline information can be found on Cashier’s web page or contact the Cashier’s Office at (432) 837-8047.
Withdraw in Person:
- Official Withdrawal may be requested by visiting our office in the Briscoe Administration Building.
- Official Withdrawal requires the student’s signature.
- A picture ID is required.
Withdraw by Mail:
Print out a Withdrawal Form, fill it out and mail it to:
Sul Ross State University
Office of the Registrar
Box C-2
Alpine, TX 79832
- Official Withdrawal by mail requires the student’s signature.
- Received date will be used as the withdrawal date.
Withdraw by Email:
- Print out a Withdrawal Form, fill it out, scan and email to registrar@sulross.edu.
- Official Withdrawal by email requires the student’s signature.
- Please allow 24 hours before calling to check if an email was received by our office.
Withdraw by Online Form:
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