On this page, you’ll find helpful information and tips about the Registration process, Academic Advising, Degree Plan navigation, and more!

New students are guided and registered by an Academic Advisor from the Lobo Den (Alpine Campus.) The Lobo Den has been established to help meet the academic advising and tutoring needs of students at the University. Located on the first floor of the Bryan Wildenthal Memorial Library, our advisors and staff are here to assist all students.
Explain your Degree Plan
Here are a few helpful guides:

If you have taken college courses after completing high school, you are a transfer student.
Transfer students have attempted college credits at an institution of higher education other than Sul Ross State University. The student must provide official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or greater is required. The student must be in good standing with all other attended colleges or universities.
As a Transfer Student you will be contacted by your Major Academic Advisor.
Here are a few helpful guides:
**** DON’T forget to turn in your OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT before September 1, 2024 ****
Degree Works
Degree works is a system tool used to monitor the progression of your degree plan.
When you know what classes you need to finish your degree, you and your advisor can discuss your options.
Degree Works can be accessed through mySRSU.
Texas Core Curriculum
Veteran's Benefits
Academic Calendar

Contact the Lobo Den: Advising & Tutoring Center
- BWML 125
- (432) 837-8982
- loboden@sulross.edu
Contact the Registrar's Office:
- Alpine: BAB 104
- (432) 837-8862
- Eagle Pass: B 115
- (830) 758-5041
- registrar@sulross.edu