Savannah L. Williamson

Curriculum Vitæ Not current staff or faculty |
Summer 2024
HIST 1302 1W1 | History Of The US Since 1877 | |
HIST 1302 2W1 | History Of The US Since 1877 | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 4317 2W1 | ST: Comparative Slavery | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 5304 2W1 | Sem: Comparative Slavery |
Spring 2024
HIST 1302 001 | History Of The US Since 1877 | |
HIST 1302 002 | History Of The US Since 1877 | |
HIST 4315 W01 | 19Th Century Us History | |
HIST 4317 W01 | ST:Sex & Violence in Old South | |
HIST 4317 W03 | ST: Age of Revolutions | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 5301 W01 | Historiography | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 5310 W01 | Sem.Am. Hist. 19th Cent US His | | Student Evaluation |
Fall 2023
HIST 1301 003 | History Of The US To 1877 | |
HIST 1302 001 | History Of The US Since 1877 | |
HIST 4317 2W1 | Special Topics | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 4317 W01 | ST: The American Revolution | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 5304 W01 | Seminar: Comparative Slavery |
Summer 2023
HIST 4316 2W1 | Readings And Research | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 4317 2W1 | ST: Comparative Slavery | |
HIST 5310 2W1 | Sem: Comparative Slavery |
Spring 2023
HIST 1302 003 | History Of The US Since 1877 | |
HIST 1302 004 | History Of The US Since 1877 | |
HIST 3314 001 | History of African Americans | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 4323 W01 | US Civil War & Reconstruction | |
HIST 5310 W01 | The Civil War & Reconstruction | |
HIST 6302 W01 | Thesis Defense | | Student Evaluation |
Fall 2022
HIST 1301 003 | History Of The US To 1877 | |
HIST 1301 004 | History Of The US To 1877 | |
HIST 4316 W01 | Race,Sex,&Power in Amrcn Hist | |
HIST 4317 W01 | The Coming of the Civil War | |
HIST 5310 W01 | The Coming of the Civil War | |
HIST 5310 W02 | Race, Sex, & Power | |
HIST 5313 W01 | Comprehensive Exam Prep | | Student Evaluation |
HIST 6302 W01 | Thesis Defense | | Student Evaluation |