


Browse by Subject

ACC   Accounting-ALP    ACCA   Accounting-ALP    
ACCR   Accounting-RGC    ACCT   Accounting-RGC    
AST   Admin Systems & Technology    AGB   Agricultural Business    
AGED   Agricultural Education    ANSC   Animal Science    
ANTH   Anthropology    ART   Art    
ARTC   Art Computer (digital)    ASTR   Astronomy    
BIOL   Biology-ALP    BIO   Biology-RGC    
CHEM   Chemistry    COMM   Communication    
CS   Computer Science    CSAT   Computer Science Art Tech    
CSST   Computer Science Cybersecurity    CSA   Computer Science-ALP    
CJ   Criminal Justice-ALP    CRIM   Criminal Justice-RGC    
ECO   Economics-ALP    ECOA   Economics-ALP    
ECON   Economics-RGC    ECOR   Economics-RGC    
ED   Education-ALP    EDUA   Education-ALP    
EDSR   Education-RGC    EDUC   Education-RGC    
ENG   English-ALP    ENGL   English-RGC    
FINA   Finance-ALP    FINR   Finance-RGC    
FA   Fine Arts    SRSU   First Year Experience    
FLP   Freshman Leadership Program    GBA   General Business-ALP    
GBAA   General Business-ALP    GBAR   General Business-RGC    
GBUS   General Business-RGC    GS   General Studies    
GGR   Geography-RGC    GEOL   Geology    
HIST   History-ALP    HST   History-RGC    
IT   Industrial Technology    JOUR   Journalism    
KES   Kinesiology - ALP    KINE   Kinesiology and Sports Science    
LA   Liberal Arts    MISR   Management Info System-RGC    
MISY   Management Info System-RGC    MGT   Management-ALP    
MGTA   Management-ALP    MGMT   Management-RGC    
MGTR   Management-RGC    MKT   Marketing-ALP    
MKTA   Marketing-ALP    MKTG   Marketing-RGC    
MKTR   Marketing-RGC    MATH   Mathematics-ALP    
MTH   Mathematics-RGC    MAS   Mexican American Studies    
MUS   Music    NRM   Natural Resource Management    
NCBO   Non-Course Based Offering    NSCL   NSCL Enrollment Reporting    
NUR   Nursing    NURS   Nursing - RN to BSN    
ORGL   Organizational Leadership-RGC    PHIL   Philosophy    
PE   Physical Education    PHYS   Physics    
PS   Political Science-ALP    POLS   Political Science-RGC    
PSY   Psychology-ALP    PSCH   Psychology-RGC    
RCH   Ranch Management    SCED   Science Education - ALP    
SCER   Science Education - RGC    SOC   Sociology    
SPAN   Spanish-ALP    SPN   Spanish-RGC    
STAT   Statistics    THEA   Theatre    
WS   Women's Studies    

Browse by Department

No College Designated
Ag Life and Phys Science
Acad Center for Excellence        Agriculture and Industry        
Animal Science        Biol Geol and Phys Sciences        
Biology        Computer Science and Math        
Computer, Math & Phys Sciences        Industrial Technology        
Kinesiology        Math and Computer Science        
Natural and Social Sciences        Natural Resource Management        
Natural Sciences        Nursing        
Arts and Sciences
Behavioral and Social Sciences        
Literature Arts and Social Sci
Acad Center for Excellence        Academic Center for Excellence        
Arts and Sciences        Behavioral and Social Sciences        
Behavioral and Social Sciences        Fine Arts and Communication        
Languages and Literature        Languages and Literature        
Visual and Performing Arts        
Ed and Professional Studies
Business Administration        Criminal Justice        
Criminal Justice        Education        
Homeland Security & CJ        Industrial Technology        
Kinesiology &Human Performance        
Rio Grande College
(unlisted)        Business Administration        
Education        Humanities        
Natural and Social Sciences