

Browse MTH Courses

MTH 3301   Geometry   MTH 3301 Geometry (3-0). Modern formal development of Euclidean geometry with congruences and constructions. Introduction to other geometries as time permits. Prerequisite: MATH 2311/MTH 3309, MATH 2413, or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 3301  
MTH 3302   Probability & Statistics I   MTH 3302 Probability and Statistics I (3-0). Descriptive statistics, probability, random variables and their distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 3302  
MTH 3305   History of Mathematics   MTH 3305 History of Mathematics (3-0). Biographies of mathematicians along with an exploration of the chronological development of important ideas in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 2413. Equivalent courses: MATH 3305  
MTH 3306   Special Topics: Linear Algebra   MTH 3306 Special Topics (3-0). Discussion of selected topics in mathematics. Course may be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 3306  
MTH 3306   ST: Fourier Series   MTH 3306 Special Topics (3-0). Discussion of selected topics in mathematics. Course may be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 3306  
MTH 3307   Differential Equations   MTH 3307 Differential Equations (3-0). First-order differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order, systems of linear differential equations, and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 2414. Equivalent courses: MATH 3307  
MTH 3308   Found of Elem Mathematics I   MTH 3308 Foundations of Elementary Math I (3-0). Numeration systems, foundations of arithmetic, fractions and decimal numbers, measurement concepts, and problem solving. Elementary Education majors only. Prerequisite: MATH 1314  
MTH 3309   Found of Elem Mathematics II   MTH 3309 Foundations of Elementary Math II (3-0). Geometric concepts, probability, statistics, estimation, problem solving and other related topics. Elementary Education majors only. Prerequisite: MTH 3308  
MTH 3330   Number Theory & Cryptography    
MTH 3340   Foundations of Higher Math   MTH 3340 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (3-0). Organization and structure of mathematical thought. Writing and evaluating proofs. Topics include propositional logic, set theory, functions, sequences, relations, number theory, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MATH 2311 / MTH 3309 or MATH 2414. Equivalent courses: MATH 3340  
MTH 3415   Calculus III   MTH 3415 Calculus III (3-0). Calculus of functions of several variables, including partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 2414 with a C or better. Equivalent courses: MATH 2415 (through Summer 2014), MATH 3415  
MTH 4301   Modern Abstract Algebra   MTH 4301 Modern Abstract Algebra (3-0). Congruence classes, group theory and its applications to number theory and geometry, introduction to rings, integral domains, and fields. Prerequisite: MATH 2318 and MATH 3301/MTH 3301 or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MTH 4301  
MTH 4320   Real Analysis   MTH 4320 Real Analysis (3-0). Topology of the real line, sequences, series, continuity, and differentiation. Prerequisite: MATH 2414. Equivalent courses: MATH 4320  
MTH 4360   Complex Variables I   MTH 4360 Complex Variables I (3-0). An introductory course covering functions of one complex variable. Topics will include: the algebra of complex numbers, geometry in the complex plane, polar representation of complex numbers, analytic functions, mappings, continuity, differentiability, Cauchy-Riemann equations, elementary functions of a complex variable, contour integrals and the Cauchy integral formula. Rotated with 4320 and 4330. Prerequisite: Math 2415. Equivalent courses: MATH 4360  
MTH 4390   Senior Project   MTH 4390 Senior Project (3-0). Directed individual studies in a mathematical topic of interest to the student. Emphasis on written and oral communication. Prerequisite: Completion of any 4000-level course with a C or better or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 4390  
MTH 5301   Special Topics: Topology   MTH 5301 Special Topics in Mathematics (3-0). Selected topics in theoretical and applied mathematics. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 5301  
MTH 5301   ST: Differential Equations   MTH 5301 Special Topics in Mathematics (3-0). Selected topics in theoretical and applied mathematics. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 5301  
MTH 5301   ST: Number Theory & Cryptograp   MTH 5301 Special Topics in Mathematics (3-0). Selected topics in theoretical and applied mathematics. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 5301  
MTH 5301   ST: Regular Polytopes   MTH 5301 Special Topics in Mathematics (3-0). Selected topics in theoretical and applied mathematics. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MATH 5301  
MTH 5305   Advanced Geometry    
MTH 5307   Mathematics History    
MTH 5309   Advanced Algebra    
MTH 5311   Real Analysis   MTH 5311 Real Analysis (3-0). Metric spaces Lebesque measure integration differentiation function spaces and harmonic analysis. Prerequisite: MTH 4307 or permission of the instructor.  
MTH 5316   Fourier Ser&Ortho Funct   MTH 5316 Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions (3-0). Function spaces orthogonal functions Fourier series Legendre polynomials spherical harmonics heat and temperature waves and vibrations. Prerequisite: MTH 3303 and MTH 3304 or permission of the instructor. Equivalent courses: MTH 5303 (through Summer 2022).