Browse NURS Courses
NURS 3301 | Trends and Issues in Prof Nurs | NURS 3301 Trends and Issues in Professional Nursing (3-0). Explores current societal health trends, political issues, informatics, and trends related to nursing and contemporary health care. Application to professionalism, empowerment and key components for clinical judgment. |
NURS 3303 | Nursing Theories and Concepts | NURS 3303 Nursing Theories and Concepts (3-0). Exploration of nursing theories and concepts that provide the foundation for and guide nursing interventions. Analysis of multi-cultural concepts that apply to selected populations across the life span. |
NURS 3305 | Nursing Research and App | NURS 3305 Nursing Research and Application (3-0). Basic concepts, research principles, processes and applications provide information for the role of the nurse as means of acquiring and refining knowledge and using data to enhance clinical judgment. Application of core concepts of informatics, computer skills, technology and ethical issues in patient confidentiality in clinical practice and data management. |
NURS 3307 | Role of Evid Based Prof Nur Pr | NURS 3307 Role of Evidence Based Professional Nursing Practice (3-0). Concepts of evidence-based nursing practice are applied to selected clinical situations. Care of aging patients and patient safety issues are included. Focuses on meeting individual patient needs with evidence-based methods in multidisciplinary situations is the focus. |
NURS 3309 | Comp Nursing Assessment | NURS 3309 Comprehensive Nursing Assessment (2-4). This course increases techniques process and bio-psycho-social-behavioral and cultural nursing principles utilized to achieve comprehensive patient assessment. General communication and psychomotor skills will be addressed across the lifespan while students are encouraged to focus on their selected patient population. This educational process builds on previously acquired assessment knowledge and skill as well as continued experiential skills gained from clinical practice experience. Exploration and incorporation of current therapeutic communication skills systems assessment screenings diagnostic data pathophysiologic knowledge and use of standardized data scales will contribute to comprehensive patient assessment. |
NURS 4301 | Nursing Managt & Leadership | NURS 4301 Nursing Management and Leadership (3-0). Examines leadership, management and organizational theories in relation to resource management, safety, and effective delivery of nursing to sets of clients. Focuses on the value of inter-professional teamwork, communication, reflection, and collaboration in systems and mid-level management in diverse settings. |
NURS 4303 | Leg & Ethic Iss in Health Care | NURS 4303 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care (3-0). Applies legal and ethical guidelines to clinical situations pertaining to the role of the professional nurse. Examines philosophic foundations of decision making in contemporary health care with extension to identification and management of ethical dilemmas. Applies legal guidelines from the Texas Nurse Practice Act and landmark court cases to clinical situations with consideration for the role of the professional nurse. |
NURS 4305 | Pop-Focused Comm Health | NURS 4305 Population-Focused Community Health (3-0). Examines roles and functions of nurses within the community including epidemiologic principles. Emphasis is on application of community/public health concepts and design and implementation of nursing systems of care for individuals, at-risk families and vulnerable populations with diverse needs. |
NURS 4307 | Risk Ana Qual Mangt & Imp Pra | NURS 4307 Risk Analysis, Quality Management and Implications for Practice (3-0). Application of ethical, legal, economic, and political concepts to nursing practice. Identification of methods to decrease sentinel events through consistent promotion of nursing actions that influence quality improvement and simultaneously reduce morbidity and mortality. |
NURS 4311 | Nursing Informatics | NURS 4311 Nursing Informatics (3-0). This course introduces students to fundamental concepts related to nursing information communication technologies systems and skills and their impact on patient centered care. A variety of learning activities will engage students in the use of clinical information systems electronic databases and health care records used to communicate and manage patient care data support patient care decision making and promote patient safety. Principles of legal ethical and policy issues associated with information management in health care settings and how these concepts are used to analyze work flow data trending and system change in health care settings are addressed. This course will be added as a potential elective for upper division requirements. |
NURS 4313 | Clinical Nursing Practice | NURS 4313 Clinical Nursing Practice (1-8). This course addresses the application of bio-psycho-socio-cultural concepts to individuals with health care needs. The educational process links previous basic nursing knowledge and obtained experience with content from baccalaureate courses to build new clinical nursing principles and practice. Students will utilize advanced systems assessment, screenings and diagnostic data, and pathophysiologic knowledge to guide professional nursing care planning and delivery for a selected patient population with attention to health promotion, patient education, safety issues, cultural needs, and spirituality. Leadership and management principles are evident throughout the course. |