

Browse CHEM Courses

CHEM 1311   General Chemistry I   CHEM 1311 (CHEM 1311) General Chemistry I (3-0). Students will study matter atomic theory atomic structure concept of moles chemical units of concentration concept of balanced chemical reaction equation chemical bonding and kinetic molecular theory of gases periodic table of the elements chemical bonding drawing Lewis structures molecular geometry and hybridization of atomic orbitals. Prerequisite: MATH 1314, MATH 1315, MATH 1316, MATH 2314 or equivalent. Advanced placement in CHEM 1311 may be given on successful completion of advanced placement examination.  
CHEM 1312   General Chemistry II   CHEM 1312 (CHEM 1312) General Chemistry II (3-0). Students will study colligative properties of solutions chemical kinetics chemical equilibrium acid-base systems including the concept of pH thermodynamics energy relationships in chemistry reactions detailed redox reactions and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 1341, or CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1111.  
CHEM 2401   Analytical Chemistry I   CHEM 2401 (CHEM 2401) Analytical Chemistry I (2-4). This course includes chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria, buffers, solubility equilibria, and volumetric methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1312 and CHEM 1112. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 2402   Inorganic Chemistry I   CHEM 2402 Inorganic Chemistry I (3-3). This course involves an in-depth study of atomic structure crystalline solid state wave mechanical principles chemical bonds comparison of valence bond and molecular bond theories and inorganic nomenclature. Prerequisites: CHEM 1312 and CHEM 1112. Equivalent course: CHEM 3410 (through Summer 2022).  
CHEM 2423   Organic Chemistry I   CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I (3-3). This course is a thorough study of the chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Special emphasis on nomenclature stereochemistry reaction mechanisms and fundamental principles of organic chemistry. Nuclear magnetic spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy will be introduced. Prerequisites: CHEM 1402; or CHEM 1312 and CHEM 1112; or permission of instructor. Equivalent course: CHEM 3407 (through Summer 2022). Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 3408   Organic Chemistry II    
CHEM 3408   Organic Chemistry II Labl    
CHEM 4300   Undergraduate Research   CHEM 4300 Undergraduate Research (3-0). Individual research or studies on topics of general interest encouraged. May be repeated once for credit. (On demand)  
CHEM 4301   Biochemistry I   CHEM 4301 Biochemistry I (3-0). Students will study the structure and function of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids. This course also introduces biological membranes, membrane transport, enzyme kinetics, enzyme regulation, DNA replication, transcription and RNA translation. Prerequisite: CHEM 3407.