

CHEM 1311

CHEM 1311 (CHEM 1311) General Chemistry I (3-0). Students will study matter atomic theory atomic structure concept of moles chemical units of concentration concept of balanced chemical reaction equation chemical bonding and kinetic molecular theory of gases periodic table of the elements chemical bonding drawing Lewis structures molecular geometry and hybridization of atomic orbitals. Prerequisite: MATH 1314, MATH 1315, MATH 1316, MATH 2314 or equivalent. Advanced placement in CHEM 1311 may be given on successful completion of advanced placement examination.

Summer 2024

General Chemistry I   Section 1V1   Hong Young Chang
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

General Chemistry I   Section 001   Hong Young Chang

Fall 2022

General Chemistry I   Section 001   Hong Young Chang

Summer 2022

General Chemistry I   Section 2V1   Hong Young Chang

Spring 2022

General Chemistry I   Section 001   Hong Young Chang