Browse ENG Courses
ENG 0109 | ED 0300 Reading Review | |
ENG 0109 | ENG 0109 Basic IRW Review | |
ENG 0110 | ENG 0310 IRW Review | |
ENG 0309 | Basic IRW | |
ENG 0310 | Integrated Rdg & Wrtg | |
ENG 0310 | Integrated Rdg & Wrtg - SSS | |
ENG 1301 | Composition I | ENG 1301 (ENGL 1301) Composition I (3-0). This is an introductory college course which emphasizes the composition of short essays and reading skills. Required of all students. Prerequisite: English 0300 or sufficient English verbal and reading scores to meet the requirements of English 0300 as described above. |
ENG 1301 | Composition I - SSS | ENG 1301 (ENGL 1301) Composition I (3-0). This is an introductory college course which emphasizes the composition of short essays and reading skills. Required of all students. Prerequisite: English 0300 or sufficient English verbal and reading scores to meet the requirements of English 0300 as described above. |
ENG 1302 | Composition II | ENG 1302 (ENGL 1302) Composition II (3-0). This course includes the study of various writing modes with emphasis on exposition critical analysis and research techniques. Students will write well-developed critical persuasive documented papers. Required of all students. Prerequisite: English 1301. All sophomore and advanced English courses require completion of ENG 1301 and ENG 1302/ENG 2311 as a prerequisite unless otherwise noted. |
ENG 2311 | Technical and Business Writing | ENG 2311 (ENGL 2311) Technical and Business Writing (3-0). The study and practice of writing technical and professional reports related to scientific industrial and commercial fields. Prerequisite: ENG 1301. |
ENG 2315 | Environmental Literature | ENG 2315 Environmental Literature (3-0). An ecocritical survey of literature that reflects relationships among humans animals and nature. Readings will span literature from rural agricultural Native American Hispanic and world cultures. |
ENG 2322 | British Literature I | ENG 2322 (ENGL 2322) British Literature I (3-0). English literature of the Anglo-Saxon Period Middle Ages Renaissance and Age of Reason. |
ENG 2323 | British Literature II | ENG 2323 (ENGL 2323) British Literature II (3-0). English literature of the Romantic Victorian and Modern Periods. |
ENG 2327 | American Literature I | ENG 2327 (ENGL 2327) American Literature I (3-0). A study of American literature from Colonial times through the Civil War. |
ENG 2331 | World Literature | ENG 2331 (ENGL 2331) World Literature (3-0). A study of masterpieces of world literature from ancient times to 1600.) |
ENG 2341 | Forms of Literature | ENG 2341 (ENGL 2341) Forms of Literature (3-0). Techniques of critical analysis of major literary types: prose fiction poetry and drama. |
ENG 3301 | Contemporary Literature | ENG 3301 Contemporary Literature (3-0). A study which emphasizes works of fiction drama and poetry since 1960. |
ENG 3302 | Creative Writing - Multigenre | ENG 3302 Creative Writing Multi Genre (3-0).??Emphasis on study and practice in techniques of creative writing. Conducted in a workshop format. Prerequisite: ENG 1301 & 1302 or 2311. Equivalent courses: ENGL 3302 |
ENG 3303 | Struc & Hist English Language | ENG 3303 Structure and History of the English Language (3-0). The structural essentials of English with some treatment of the historical development of the language from Anglo-Saxon to modern English. |
ENG 3304 | Shakespeare | ENG 3304 Shakespeare (3-0). Shakespeare's principal histories comedies and tragedies. |
ENG 3309 | Eng Lit From Beowulf to 1800 | ENG 3309 English Literature from Beowulf to 1800 (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE This course surveys English literature including the Anglo Saxon poem Beowulf Chaucer?s tales seventeenth and eighteenth-century poems and some travel fiction. Prerequisite: ENG 1301 and ENG 1302 |
ENG 3311 | Children's & Adolescent Lit | |
ENG 3312 | Advanced Composition | ENG 3312 Advanced Composition (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE An intensive study of writing techniques useful to the advanced writer. Areas of concentration include grammar rhetorical strategies and style. |
ENG 3316 | Foundations of Lit Studies | ENG 3316 Foundations of Literary Studies (3-0). Techniques of critical analysis of major literary types: prose fiction poetry and drama. |
ENG 3317 | World Literature II | ENG 3317 World Literature II (3-0). A study of world literature from the Early Modern World to 1945. |
ENG 3320 | Creative Writing:Fiction | ENG 3320 Creative Writing: Fiction (3-0). Emphasis on writing short stories. Includes the study of ways to examine and incorporate techniques used by established short story writers into original short fiction. Focuses on writing and critiquing original short stories. |
ENG 3321 | Creative Writing:Poetry | ENG 3321 Creative Writing: Poetry (3-0). Emphasis on poetry. Provides intensive study of various poetic forms. Focuses on writing and critiquing original poetry. |
ENG 3322 | Creatve Write:Nonfiction Travl | ENG 3322 Creative Writing: Nonfiction (3-0). Emphasis on writing creative nonfiction (creative essays). Includes the study of various rhetorical devices used in effective creative nonfiction. Focuses on writing and critiquing original creative nonfiction. |
ENG 3322 | Creatve Writing:Nonfiction | ENG 3322 Creative Writing: Nonfiction (3-0). Emphasis on writing creative nonfiction (creative essays). Includes the study of various rhetorical devices used in effective creative nonfiction. Focuses on writing and critiquing original creative nonfiction. |
ENG 4300 | Portfolio Capstone Course | ENG 4300 Portfolio Capstone Course (3-0). A course required of English majors in which they compile the portfolio of materials which must be submitted to the department for its assessment of program learning outcomes. Students enroll in this class during their final semester in the English undergraduate program. |
ENG 4302 | Southwestern Literature | ENG 4302 Southwestern Literature (3-0). A study of the literature of the Southwest with attention given to its regional characteristics and the social background that produced it. |
ENG 4303 | Special Topics Literature | ENG 4303 Special Topics in Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of literacy studies and will be announced in the curricular schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENG 4305 | Topics: British Short Story | ENG 4305 Topics in British Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of British literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENG 4306 | American Literature to 1865 | ENG 4306 American Literature to 1865 (3-0). This course is about Americans thought on the human condition of various times up to the Civil War. The course will cover period styles major ideas and works and understanding library devices. |
ENG 4307 | ST: Witchcraft in Am Lit | ENG 4307 Topics of American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENG 4307 | ST:Polit Beaut Multiethnic Lit | ENG 4307 Topics of American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENG 4307 | Topics in American Literature | ENG 4307 Topics of American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENG 4307 | Topics: Contemp Amer. Fantasy | ENG 4307 Topics of American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENG 4308 | American Literature:1865-1940 | ENG 4308 American Literature to 1865 to 1940 (3-0). This course is a critical study of American literature written from Reconstruction to the present. |
ENG 4313 | Professional Reports | ENG 4313 Professional Reports (3-0). An advanced technical communications course. Professional Reports develops knowledge and skills to successfully create cross-curricular professional documents. |
ENG 4320 | International Literature | ENG 4320 International Literature (3-0). A study of contemporary international often postcolonial literature by authors from countries such as Australia New Zealand India the Caribbean and various African nations. |
ENG 5109 | Readings and Research | ENG 5109 Readings and Research (1-0). Individually guided research in literature of the English language. May be repeated for credit as needed. Equivalent courses: ENGL 5109 |
ENG 5300 | Stu Res Tech Bibl & Crit Thnkn | ENG 5300 Studies and Research Techniques in Bibliography and Critical Theory (3-0). An introduction to graduate research methods in literature including experience in enumerative and analytical bibliography and to critical theory as applied to literature. |
ENG 5302 | Sem.: Creative Writing - Fict. | ENG 5302 Seminar: Creative Writing (3-0). A writing workshop course which may be devoted to fiction poetry nonfiction or other such genres. May be repeated for credit when topic (genre of writing) changes. |
ENG 5302 | Sem: Creative Writing - Poetry | ENG 5302 Seminar: Creative Writing (3-0). A writing workshop course which may be devoted to fiction poetry nonfiction or other such genres. May be repeated for credit when topic (genre of writing) changes. |
ENG 5302 | Sem: Travel Writing-NonFiction | ENG 5302 Seminar: Creative Writing (3-0). A writing workshop course which may be devoted to fiction poetry nonfiction or other such genres. May be repeated for credit when topic (genre of writing) changes. |
ENG 5302 | Seminar: Creative Writing | ENG 5302 Seminar: Creative Writing (3-0). A writing workshop course which may be devoted to fiction poetry nonfiction or other such genres. May be repeated for credit when topic (genre of writing) changes. |
ENG 5306 | Brit Lit Shakespeare Tragedies | ENG 5306 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in English Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Shakespeare; British Novel; Victorian Poets; Contemporary Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5306 | Sem: British Lit & Culture | ENG 5306 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in English Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Shakespeare; British Novel; Victorian Poets; Contemporary Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5306 | Seminar:Stud/Res Tech Eng Lit | ENG 5306 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in English Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Shakespeare; British Novel; Victorian Poets; Contemporary Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5307 | American Short Story | ENG 5307 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in American Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Thoreau; American Short Fiction; Southern Fiction; Twentieth-Century Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5307 | Sem. 20th Cent Amer. Short Fic | ENG 5307 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in American Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Thoreau; American Short Fiction; Southern Fiction; Twentieth-Century Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5307 | Sem: Transcendentalism Amer Lt | ENG 5307 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in American Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Thoreau; American Short Fiction; Southern Fiction; Twentieth-Century Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5307 | Sem: Validating Borderlands Ex | ENG 5307 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in American Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Thoreau; American Short Fiction; Southern Fiction; Twentieth-Century Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5307 | Seminar:Res Tech Amer Lit | ENG 5307 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in American Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Thoreau; American Short Fiction; Southern Fiction; Twentieth-Century Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5307 | Witches &Witchcrft in Amer Lit | ENG 5307 Seminar: Studies and Research Techniques in American Literature (3-0). Topics include subjects like those named below and are announced in the Schedule of courses for the semester in which they are offered: Thoreau; American Short Fiction; Southern Fiction; Twentieth-Century Fiction. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5308 | Stu & Res Tech Eng Lang | ENG 5308 Studies and Research Techniques in the English Language (3-0). A study of specific problems concerned with the English language. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 5309 | Res:Creative Writing Portfolio | ENG 5309 Readings and Research (3-0). Individually guided research in English or American literature or the English language. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. |
ENG 6301 | Thesis Proposal | ENG 6301 Thesis Proposal (0-6). Satisfactory completion of this course will result in an acceptable prospectus presented to the Graduate Committee. The student will normally register for this course no earlier than the third semester of graduate study. The student will enroll each semester of summer term in which assistance is provided by committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. |
ENG 6302 | Thesis Defense | ENG 6302 Thesis Defense (0-6). The student will enroll in this course each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. Satisfactory completion of this course will result in the completed thesis presented to the Graduate Committee accepted by the Dean of the College and filed in the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost for Academic Affairs. |