Browse THEA Courses
THEA 1120 | Theatre Practicum I | THEA 1120 (DRAM 1120) Theatre Practicum I (0-3). Practical course designed for freshman students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. |
THEA 1121 | Theatre Practicum II | THEA 1121 (DRAM 1121) Theatre Practicum II (0-3). Practical course designed for freshman students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. |
THEA 1310 | Introduction to the Theatre | THEA 1310 (DRAM 1310) Introduction to the Theatre (3-0). A survey of the elements of theatre and how they were formed. What makes theatre? Where has it come from and what is the future? Equivalent courses: THEA 1302 (through Summer 2014) |
THEA 1322 | Stage Movement | THEA 1322 (DRAM 1322) Stage Movement (1-2). Examination and practical application of the styles of movement for the performing artist. Activities and exercises for the performing artist. Activities and exercises to improve posture agility vision endurance and personal awareness. |
THEA 1351 | Acting I | THEA 1351 (DRAM 1351) Acting I (2-2). A practical laboratory of the principles and technique of acting for the stage. |
THEA 1352 | Acting II | THEA 1352 Acting II (2-2). Study and practice of intermediate and advanced techniques used by actors in the development of good stage habits character development. Prerequisite: THEA 1351 or instructor permission |
THEA 1372 | Costume Construction | THEA 1372 (DRAM 1342) Costume Construction (2-2). A beginning overview of the vocabulary and basic sewing methods of theatrical costuming. |
THEA 2120 | Theatre Practicum III | THEA 2120 (DRAM 2120) Theatre Practicum III (0-3). Practical course designed for sophomore students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. |
THEA 2121 | Theatre Practicum IV | THEA 2121 (DRAM 2121) Theatre Practicum IV (0-3). Practical course designed for sophomore students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. |
THEA 2307 | Stage Combat | THEA 2307 Stage Combat (1-2). The practical application of the techniques used in the choreography of stage combat including unarmed combat techniques and various style of weaponry. |
THEA 2310 | Intro to Theatrical Design | THEA 2310 Introduction to Theatrical Design (2-2). A fundamental course in the basic aspects of all theatrical design: including scenic costume lighting sound and property design. Course projects may include fabrication modeling computer-aided design rendering and construction. |
THEA 2311 | Stage Management | THEA 2311 Stage Management (2-1). A course encompassing the basic theatrical stage management skills and procedures such as budgeting scheduling and personnel management for the pre-rehearsal rehearsal and performance periods of a production. |
THEA 2330 | Theatre Graphics | THEA 2330 Theatre Graphics (3-0). Theatre Graphics is an introductory course on the fundamentals of drafting for the theatre, Students learn hand drafting, Vectorworks 2020, and other similar software. Projects will consist of students translating existing draftings into 2-D and 3-D CAD drafting as well as translating a complete set of plates from an existing design. Students are expected to complete their projects largely outside of class. |
THEA 2331 | Stagecraft | THEA 2331 (DRAM 2331) Stagecraft (2-2). A lecture-laboratory course designed to give the student a fundamental knowledge of the theory and techniques of scenic construction and lighting. |
THEA 3101 | Theatre Workshop | |
THEA 3102 | Theatre Workshop | THEA 3102 Theatre Workshop (0-3). Practical course designed for junior students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. May be repeated for credit but not more than once for theatre majors and minors. |
THEA 3300 | Repertory II | THEA 3300 Repertory II (3-0). Building on the foundations of Repertory I (THEA 3303) this course offers practical experience in the problems of management, production, and acting in repertory theatre. May be repeated for credit, but not more than once for theatre majors or minors. |
THEA 3302 | Hist Thea I:Gk Thea-Ren Thea | THEA 3302 The History of Theatre I: Greek Theatre through Renaissance Theatre (3-0). A survey of the important people works and developments in theatre history from the ancient Greeks through the European Renaissance. |
THEA 3303 | Repertory Theatre | THEA 3303 Repertory Theatre. (0-5). Practice and theory in the problems of management production and acting in repertory theatre. May be repeated for credit but not more than once for theatre majors or minors. |
THEA 3304 | ST: Rep II | THEA 3304 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with topics in the study of theatre, such as theatrical design, mask characterizations, specialized acting methods or regional theatre history, etc. May be repeated when topic varies. |
THEA 3305 | Theatrical Design research | THEA 3305 Theatrical Design Research (0-3). Individual research on selected subjects to meet student needs and interests in theatre. May be repeated when topic varies. |
THEA 3308 | Acting III: Styles | THEA 3308 Acting III: Styles (2-2). An advanced study of acting styles and periods for the stage. Prerequisite: THEA 1352 |
THEA 3309 | Stage Make-Up | THEA 3309 Stage Make-up (1-2). QEP mapped course. A practical laboratory of the principles and techniques of stage and film make-up. |
THEA 3312 | Script Analysis | THEA 3312 Script Analysis (3-0). A study of the principles of various styles and periods of dramatic literature, involving a history of criticism from Aristotle to the present. Representative plays will be analyzed for theme, structure, characterization and dialogue with a view to their influences on contemporary theatre. Emphasis is placed on written student criticism and evaluation of plays. Writing enhanced course. Prerequisite: English 1302 |
THEA 3314 | Costume Design | THEA 3314 Costume Design (2-1). The theory and practical application of the costume designer's process from conception to presentation of design and construction and an understanding of the costume designer's responsibilities and duties as a member of the production team and as the head of the costume design team. Prerequisite: Theatre 2310 |
THEA 3315 | Lighting and Sound Design | THEA 3315 Lighting and Sound Design (2-1). The theory and practical application of the lighting and sound designer's process from conception to presentation of design and an understanding of the designer's responsibilities and duties as a member of the production team and as the head of the lighting or sound design team. |
THEA 3316 | Hist Thea II:Eng Rstor-Cntemp | THEA 3316 The History of Theatre II: The Theatre of the English Restoration through Contemporary Theatre (3-0). A survey of the important people, works, and developments in theatre history from the English Restoration through contemporary theatre. |
THEA 3317 | Acting IV: Improvisation | THEA 3317 Acting IV: Improvisation (0-6). In this lab students develop improvisational skills including plot character and dialogue. Students will learn approaches to assist with listening and spontaneity. Prerequisite: THEA 1352 |
THEA 3318 | Directing I | THEA 3318 Directing I (2-1). The technology and application of directing for the stage. Prerequisite: THEA 3312. |
THEA 3319 | Producing | THEA 3319 Producing (2-2). A comprehensive study of the theory and practice of film/video production. |
THEA 3321 | Screenwriting | THEA 3321 Screenwriting (3-0). An introduction to screenwriting format craft and technique with an emphasis on the fundamentals of storytelling. Prerequisite: ENG 1302 |
THEA 3322 | Screenwriting II | THEA 3322 Screenwriting II (3-0). Screenwriting II is the continuation of Screenwriting I. Over the semester, students will build upon the foundational skills in Screenwriting I to complete a feature screenplay, one-hour television pilot, two episodes of half0hour comedy, or a web series. Screenwriting I or instructor permission required to enroll. |
THEA 3330 | Fiction Production | THEA 3330 Fiction Production (3-0). Students serve as crew in the preproduction and production phases of a short film project. Hands on workshop class designed to simulate the demands and standards of a professional set. |
THEA 3332 | Fiction Post Production | THEA 3332 Fiction Post Production (3-0). Students will serve as sound and video editors in the post production phase of a short film project. Hands on workshop class designed to simulate the demands and standards of a professional production. |
THEA 4101 | Theatre Workshop | THEA 4101 Theatre Workshop (0-3). Practical course designed for junior students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. May be repeated for credit but not more than once for theatre majors and minors. |
THEA 4102 | Theatre Workshop | THEA 4102 Theatre Workshop (0-3). Practical course designed for junior students who do acceptable work in the dramatic productions of the department. May be repeated for credit but not more than once for theatre majors and minors. |
THEA 4304 | Directing II | THEA 4304 Directing II (2-1). QEP MAPPED COURSE Continued study of the theory and application of directing for the stage from the directorial vision to the production of a one-act play. Prerequisite: THEA 3318 |
THEA 4306 | Acting V: Acting for Camera | THEA 4306 Acting V: Acting for the Camera (2-2). A study of acting styles specific to film and television. Emphasis on sense memory scene work audition techniques and preparation to enter the industry. Prerequisite: THEA 1352 |
THEA 4307 | Senior Project | THEA 4307 Senior Project (0-4). An intensive, independent study of a selected area of theatre, such as directing, writing, or designing of a full-length play or acting in a one-person show, by those seeking a theatre degree or theatre certification. An oral comprehensive examination and exit survey are additional requirements. |
THEA 4308 | Acting VI: Adv Act Camera | THEA 4308 Acting VI: Advanced Acting for the Camera (0-6). This lab explores acting techniques affiliated with mixed media: film video and game design development. Prerequisite: THEA 3308. |
THEA 4310 | Audition Techniques | THEA 4310 Audition Techniques (3-0). Students learn auditioning techniques and etiquette through exercises and simulated classroom auditions. Students also learn how to record and submit video auditions, create a professional acting resume, and what makes a strong headshot. |
THEA 4330 | Cinematograpy | THEA 4330 Cinematography (3-0). Students will learn the specifics of motion picture cinematography, lenses, and lighting as addressed by the camera department. While directors and producers have a general understanding of imagemaking, cinematographers are image creators. This class approaches production from the cinematographer's unique point of view. Topics covered include lighting, metering, prime lenses, sensors, and moving the camera. |
THEA 5303 | Seminar in Theatre | THEA 5303 Seminar in Theatre (2-2). An advanced study of problems of analysis design rehearsal and performance in theatre. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
THEA 5304 | Theatre Workshop | THEA 5304 Theatre Workshop (1-4). An advanced study of problems of analysis, design, rehearsal and performance in modern theatre and classic revivals. May be repeated for credit. |
THEA 5304 | Theatre Workshop Acting Camera | THEA 5304 Theatre Workshop (1-4). An advanced study of problems of analysis, design, rehearsal and performance in modern theatre and classic revivals. May be repeated for credit. |
THEA 5304 | Theatre Workshop: Auditioning | THEA 5304 Theatre Workshop (1-4). An advanced study of problems of analysis, design, rehearsal and performance in modern theatre and classic revivals. May be repeated for credit. |
THEA 5305 | Individual Research | THEA 5305 Individual Research (0-4). Directed individual research in selected areas of theatre and dramatic arts. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |