

Browse PS Courses

PS 2305   Federal Government   PS 2305 (GOVT 2305) Federal Government (3-0). A required course in United States Government. Equivalent courses: PS 2302 (through Summer 2003)  
PS 2306   State Government   PS 2306 (GOVT 2306) State Government (3-0). A required course in Texas Government. Equivalent courses: PS 2301 (through Summer 2003)  
PS 3302   American Constitutional Law   PS 3302 American Constitutional Law (3-0). A study of the Constitution of the United States judicial processes and the effect of leading Supreme Court decisions on the meaning of the United States Constitution. Emphasizes relationships between governments and between government and the individual. Equivalent courses: POLS 3302 (through Summer 2022), PLSC 3302.  
PS 3303   Public Policy   PS 3303 Public Policy (3-0). An introduction to public policy making in the United States. Includes stages of the policy making process and theoretical basis of public policy as well as special focus on selected policies. May be repeated for credit when policy focus varies. Equivalent course: POLS 3303.  
PS 3305   Public Administration   PS 3305 Public Administration (3-0). The development and role of administration in the governmental process; principles and problems of administrative organization and coordination financial responsibility and personnel management problems of administrative control and accountability. Equivalent course: POLS 3305.  
PS 3306   International Relations   PS 3306 International Relations (3-0). The theory and practice of international relations with particular attention to the forces and processes contributing to conflict and cooperation among nations. Equivalent course: POLS 3306.  
PS 3307   Contemp Amer Foreign Policy   PS 3307 Contemporary American Foreign Policy (3-0). This course involves the study of policies and problems in the foreign relations of the United States since World War II. Included are studies in the politics formulation conduct and consequences of American foreign policy.  
PS 3308   The Presidency   PS 3308 The Presidency (3-0). This course involves studies in the nature and growth of executive power the analysis of the many- faceted role of the President and attention to the types of performances of different men in the office. Also studied are the problems of staffing and advising activities the decision-making process in foreign policy domestic issues and budgeting and the future of the Presidency.  
PS 3315   Women and Politics   PS 3315 Women and Politics (3-0). Women's roles in politics at national state and local levels as they reflect the economic legal social status of women; also an overview of related political issues important concepts events and movements. Equivalent course: POLS 3315.  
PS 4302   American Political Thought   PS 4302 American Political Thought (3-0) The evolution of American Democracy; ideas of important American writers and statesmen who have contributed to our democratic heritage.  
PS 4303   Comparative Politics & Gov   PS 4303 Comparative Politics and Government (3-0). Study of the politics and governments of nations other than the United States. Course may be repeated for credit when topic varies. Equivalent course: POLS 4303.  
PS 4308   Readings & Research   PS 4308 Readings and Research (0-3). Selected readings or research projects to be offered as individual study to meet student needs. May be repeated once for credit with departmental approval. Equivalent course: POLS 4308.  
PS 4312   Field Experience in Pol Sci   PS 4312 Field Experience in Political Science (3-0). In this course the student is placed in a supervised setting within a government office or an agency with a governmental mission. Approval of department chair is required. May be repeated for credit with departmental approval. Equivalent course: POLS 4312.  
PS 5301   Sem in Comparative Gov   PS 5301 Seminar in Comparative Government (3-0). An examination of various approaches to the study of comparative government with individual research problems designed to explore specific topics. May be repeated when topic varies.  
PS 5302   Sem in International Relations   PS 5302 Seminar in International Relations (3-0). An examination of key concepts and approaches to the study of international relations in connection with a study of recurrent issues and topics through individual research problems. May be repeated when topic varies.  
PS 5303   Public Administration Survey   PS 5303 Public Administration Survey (3-0). The conduct of public business by organized agencies at national state and local levels. (Public Administration). Equivalent course: POLS 5303.  
PS 5305   Readings & Research in Govt   PS 5305 Readings and Research in Government (3-0). A readings and research course for graduate students in political science designated to meet needs not provided for in other available courses. May be repeated for credit with the approval of the department.  
PS 5307   Scope & Methods in Soc Sci   PS 5307 Scope and Methods in Social Science (3-0). An introduction to the subject matter of the social sciences and the major contemporary approaches to it. This course is cross referenced with Criminal Justice 5334. Equivalent course: POLS 5307.  
PS 5309   Internship in Public Admin   PS 5309 Internship in Public Administration (3-0). Students who enroll in this course are involved in work experience in public or non-profit agencies. Permission of the department chairman required. Academic and work experience evaluations. Maximum of six semester credit hours allowed toward degree requirements. (Public Administration). Equivalent courses: POLS 5309  
PS 5310   Public Budgeting & Finance   PS 5310 Public Budgeting and Finance (3-0). Focuses on the development and execution of various budgeting systems with special attention given to the political content of the budgetary process in the public sector. (Public Administration). Equivalent courses: POLS 5310  
PS 5311   Intergovernmental Relations   PS 5311 Intergovernmental Relations (3-0). A study of governmental relations among public administrators at various levels?national, state, regional, local?focusing on interactions among these public officials. (Public Administration). Equivalent courses: POLS 5311  
PS 5312   Agency Politics   PS 5312 Agency Politics (3-0). A seminar which deals with the several types of non-electoral politics in which public agencies are regularly involved: intra-organizational conflicts, accommodations, negotiations and competitions; and inter-organizational with other agencies, clientele-constituency groups, and legislative and executive entities. (Public Administration). Equivalent courses: POLS 5312  
PS 5313   Public Policy Analysis   PS 5313 Public Policy Analysis (3-0). Focuses on techniques used in policy development, adoption, and evaluation in the public sector. Topics include policy reviews, needs assessment, the establishment of goals and objectives, and the analysis of benefits, costs, and risks. (Public Administration). Equivalent courses: POLS 5313  
PS 5316   ST: Grant Writing & Management   PS 5316 Special Topics in Public Administration (3-0). Special courses in Public Administration not included in the regular curriculum. May be repeated for credit with departmental approval. (Public Administration). Equivalent courses: POLS 5316  
PS 5317   Contemp Amer For Policy    
PS 6301   Thesis Proposal   PS 6301 Thesis (0-6). Satisfactory completion of this course will result in an acceptable prospectus presented to the Graduate Committee. The student will normally register for this course no earlier than the second semester of graduate study. The student will enroll each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by Committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. Equivalent courses: POLS 6301  
PS 6302   Thesis Defense   PS 6302 Thesis (0-6). The student will enroll in this course each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by Committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. Satisfactory completion of this course will result in the completed thesis presented to the Graduate Committee, accepted by the Dean of the College, and filed in the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost for Academic Affairs. Equivalent courses: POLS 6302