

Browse Ag Life and Phys Science
Department of Natural Resource Management Courses

AGB 3302   Agricultural Marketing   AGB 3302 Agricultural Marketing (3-0). An overview of the nature and structure of agricultural product markets in the U.S.; agricultural product prices price determination and price discovery processes; use of commodity futures as a marketing tool.  
AGB 4301   Sust/Div Ranch Business   AGB 4301 Sustainability && Diversity in Ranch Business (3-0). This course introduces and develops the idea of sustainability and diversity within the framework of a ranching business. Emphasis will be placed on how sustainability practices and diversity within business can mediate market risks and increase overall income and long term rangeland and economic health.  
AGB 4308   Natural Resource & Envir Econ   AGB 4308 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (3-0). Topics covered will include: an overview of the modern environmental movement economic impacts of law and regulation including planning zoning and farm policy the economics of pollution and recycling private property and free market conservation with an emphasis on the economic impacts and influences on farm ranch and agribusiness decision making processes.  
AGB 4315   Farm & Ranch Rec & Acc   AGB 4315 Farm and Ranch Records and Accounting (3-0). A review of the principles of accounting as they apply to the modern farm or ranch. Fundamentals of cost and managerial accounting applied directly to agricultural production at the farm and ranch level: product costing planning control standards and budgeting and profit-cost volume relationships. This course will emphasize the use and applications of spread sheet programs. Prerequisite: ACC 2301.  
NRM 1301   Horticulture    
NRM 1301   Horticulture Lab    
NRM 2301   Range Resources   NRM 2301 Range Resources (3-0). An introduction to the principles of range management including a survey of its history resources policies grazing regions range ecology grazing systems range improvements and evaluation.  
NRM 2303   Prin Conservation Biology   NRM 2303 Principles of Conservation Biology (3-0). QEP Introductory course on the fundamental issues in the discipline of conservation biology including conservation genetics habitat fragmentation natural resources sustainability and island biogeography.  
NRM 3301   Fire Ecology   NRM 3301 Fire Ecology (3-0). Study of fire in range ecosystems including history of fire climate factors associated with fire vegetation response evolution of ecosystems with fire prescribed burning as a management tool fire safety and liability concerns.  
NRM 3302   Forest Ecology   NRM 3302 Forest Ecology (3-0). Introduction to forest ecosystems. Includes forest types and distribution inventory and monitoring techniques and management of forest ecosystems.  
NRM 4301   Human Dimensions In NRM   NRM 4301 Human Dimensions in Natural Resource Management (3-0). Theory and applications for considering human dimensions in an integrated approach to wildlife conservation and management. Course emphases will include human values the role of constituency groups natural resource policy development conflict resolution group decision-making research methods and case studies. Prerequisite: NRM 2330 and NRM 2303  
NRM 4303   Range Ecology   NRM 4303 Range Ecology (3-0). A study of rangeland communities including principal forage species characteristics growth and phenology; resource planning and management; the effects of range livestock and wildlife on range vegetation; the study of plant succession and climax in relation to grazing and ecological condition. Prerequisite: NRM 2301  
NRM 4305   Wildlife Mgmt Techniques   NRM 4305 Wildlife Management Techniques (2-2). QEP MAPPED COURSE An overview of habitat inventory and evaluation techniques census methods age and sex criteria; banding data analysis telemetry analysis and research methods in wildlife management. Prerequisite: NRM 2302 and NRM 3202  
NRM 4305   Wildlife Mgmt Techniques   NRM 4305 Wildlife Management Techniques (2-2). QEP MAPPED COURSE An overview of habitat inventory and evaluation techniques census methods age and sex criteria; banding data analysis telemetry analysis and research methods in wildlife management. Prerequisite: NRM 2330.  
NRM 4305   Wildlife Mgmt Techniques Lab   NRM 4305 Wildlife Management Techniques (2-2). QEP MAPPED COURSE An overview of habitat inventory and evaluation techniques census methods age and sex criteria; banding data analysis telemetry analysis and research methods in wildlife management. Prerequisite: NRM 2302 and NRM 3202  
NRM 4305   Wildlife Mgmt Techniques Lab   NRM 4305 Wildlife Management Techniques (2-2). QEP MAPPED COURSE An overview of habitat inventory and evaluation techniques census methods age and sex criteria; banding data analysis telemetry analysis and research methods in wildlife management. Prerequisite: NRM 2330.  
NRM 4409   Mammalogy    
NRM 4409   Mammalogy Lab    
NRM 5302   Range Ecology   NRM 5302 Seminar in Range and Wildlife Management (3-0). This course is designed to be flexible to meet the needs of graduate students studying various disciplines in Range and Wildlife Management. May be repeated under different subject matter titles. Recent courses include GIS applications; Applied Wildlife Research; Wildlife Research Grants and Publications; Principles of Ecology; Wildlife Conservation for Teachers; Advanced Techniques in Vegetation Analysis; Range Research Techniques. May be repeated under different subject matter titles.  
NRM 5305   Range/Wildlife Res Methods   NRM 5305 Range and Wildlife Research Methods (3-0). An overview of the design and analysis of research projects pertaining to the ecology and management of wildlife species and rangeland ecosystems. Specific problems pertaining to the Trans-Pecos region will be stressed but regional and national issues will be discussed. Methods discussed in the classroom will be applied in field situations.  
NRM 5306   GIS, GPS, & Remote Sensing   NRM 5306 GIS GPS and Remote Sensing for Resource Managers (2-2). An advanced course on the rapidly growing geographic technology used by natural resource managers and scientists including: geographic information systems (GIS) global positioning systems (GPS) and remote sensing methods. Prerequisite: Geology 3401  
NRM 5306   GIS, GPS, & Remote Sensing Lab   NRM 5306 GIS GPS and Remote Sensing for Resource Managers (2-2). An advanced course on the rapidly growing geographic technology used by natural resource managers and scientists including: geographic information systems (GIS) global positioning systems (GPS) and remote sensing methods. Prerequisite: Geology 3401  
NRM 5311   Scientific Writing   NRM 5311 Scientific Writing (3-0). An advanced study of proposal and thesis format in Animal Science or Range and Wildlife Management. Covers publication styles common in each student?s chosen field. Scientific publications are emphasized.  
NRM 5316   Project Research   NRM 5316 Project Research (1to9-0). Research for thesis project. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Master of Science students that have been admitted to candidacy. May be repeated.  
NRM 5321   Wildlife & Society   NRM 5321 Wildlife and Society (3-0). This is an advanced course on the theory and applications for considering human dimensions in wildlife conservation. Course emphasis will include human values the role of constituency groups natural resource policy development conflict resolution group decision-making and community-based conservation. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS PURSUING AN M.S. IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THEIR GRADUATE COMMITTEE.  
NRM 5322   Sustainability   NRM 5322 Sustainability (3-0). This course examines the theories principles and practices of sustainability. Topic covered will include water resources food production urban development and economics. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS PURSUING AN M.S. IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THEIR GRADUATE COMMITTEE.  
NRM 5323   Social Media and Outreach   NRM 5323 Social Media and Outreach (3-0). This course examines the various forms of social media and their use in education and outreach. This course reviews the latest trends in social media use including audience demographics and best practices specific to the field of natural resource conservation. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS PURSUING AN M.S. IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THEIR GRADUATE COMMITTEE.  
NRM 5325   Natural Resource Conserv   NRM 5325 Natural Resource Conservation (3-0). This course is a study of rangeland communities including principle forage species characteristics growth and phenology; resource planning and management; the effects of range livestock and wildlife on range vegetation; the study of plant succession and climax in relation to grazing and ecological conditions. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS PURSUING AN M.S. IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THEIR GRADUATE COMMITTEE.  
NRM 5326   Silviculture   NRM 5326 Silviculture (3-0). This course examines ecological processes affecting establishment and growth of forest stands with particular emphasis on forest types throughout the United States. This course will also cover forest stand productivity hoe productivity is influenced by site stand dynamics climatic factors and application of specific prescriptions to establish and manipulate composition growth and health of forest stands. THIS COURSE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS PURSUING AN M.S. IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THEIR GRADUATE COMMITTEE.  
NRM 5413   Biostatistical Theory    
NRM 6301   Thesis Proposal   NRM 6301 Thesis Proposal (0-6). Satisfactory completion of this course will result in an acceptable prospectus presented to the Graduate Committee. The student will normally register for this course no earlier than the second semester of graduate study.  
NRM 6302   Thesis Defense   NRM 6302 Thesis Defense (0-6). The student will enroll in this course each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by Committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. Satisfactory completion of this course will result in the completed thesis presented to the graduate committee accepted by the Graduate Dean and filed appropriately.  
RCH 2101   Ranch Management Skills   RCH 2101 Ranch Management Skills (0-2). This course covers basic skills necessary for successful ranch management including communication observation record keeping and basic implementation of ranch improvements. May be repeated for credit.  
RCH 3301   Sustainability in Ag   RCH 3301 Sustainability in Agriculture (2-2). This course provides an in-depth look at environmental social and economic sustainability on a global to local scale. Emphasis will be placed on how ranchers and land managers can provide for long-term sustainability through planning and implementation of sustainable practices.  
RCH 3302   Outdr Hospitality Indstry   RCH 3302 The Outdoor Hospitality Industry (2-2). An overview of the outdoor hospitality industry including ecotourism and hunting. The course will cover all aspects from guiding and interpretation to providing housing and meals as well as business analysis of cost benefit for providing different services within the framework of a ranch business and a stand-alone business.  
RCH 4101   Adv Ranch Mgmt Skills   RCH 4101 Advanced Ranch Management Skills (0-2). This course covers advanced skills necessary for successful ranch management including communication landscape level planning long-term sustainability planning and implementation of ranch improvements. May be repeated for credit.  
RCH 4301   Ranch Ecosystem Mgmt   RCH 4301 Ranch Ecosystem Management (2-2). This course covers ranch management through an ecosystem approach with an emphasis on sustainable management of the entire system including abiotic factors such as soil and water; biotic factors such as plants livestock and wildlife and social factors such as job satisfaction and economic benefit.  
RCH 4301   Ranch Ecosystem Mgmt Lab   RCH 4301 Ranch Ecosystem Management (2-2). This course covers ranch management through an ecosystem approach with an emphasis on sustainable management of the entire system including abiotic factors such as soil and water; biotic factors such as plants livestock and wildlife and social factors such as job satisfaction and economic benefit.  
RCH 4601   Ranch Internship   RCH 4601 Ranch Internship (0-12). A directed internship course that will entail working on one or multiple working ranches. The experience will be directed by a faculty member who will aid the student in the selection of the ranch or ranches and ensure a broad range of experience through the internship.  
STAT 3308   Agricultural Statistics   STAT 3308 Agricultural Statistics (3-0). Major emphasis is placed upon design analysis and interpretation of agricultural and biological experimental data. Information presented in this course will include statistical concepts and models simple tests of significance analysis of variance mean separation procedures and linear regression-correlation analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 1305, or MATH 1310, or MATH 1314, or MATH 1315, or MATH 1342, or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: ANSC 3308, NRM 3308 (through Summer 2022).  
STAT 5412   Biostat Analysis I    
STAT 5412   Biostat Analysis I L01    
STAT 5412   Biostat Analysis I Lab    
STAT 5413   Biost Analysis App. R&SPSS Lab   STAT 5413 Biostatistical Analysis Application in R and SPSS (2-4). An advanced course in statistical concepts and models applied to agricultural and biological systems. Emphasis will be placed on data analysis and interpretation using computer statistical applications. The course applies all null hypotheses significance testing (NHST) procedures taught in NRM 5412 first in Program SPSS then in Program R after the thorough overview of R programming. NHST theory for these advanced scenarios will also be introduced and applied in R; Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) including Poisson regression dichotomous variables binomial distribution and proportion testing and logistic regression: Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs); and circular distributions. Equivalent course: BIOL 5317 (through Summer 2022), ANSC 5313 (through Summer 2022), NRM 5313 (through Summer 2022), NRM 5413 (through Summer 2022).  
STAT 5413   Biost. Analysis Applc. R&SPSS   STAT 5413 Biostatistical Analysis Application in R and SPSS (2-4). An advanced course in statistical concepts and models applied to agricultural and biological systems. Emphasis will be placed on data analysis and interpretation using computer statistical applications. The course applies all null hypotheses significance testing (NHST) procedures taught in NRM 5412 first in Program SPSS then in Program R after the thorough overview of R programming. NHST theory for these advanced scenarios will also be introduced and applied in R; Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) including Poisson regression dichotomous variables binomial distribution and proportion testing and logistic regression: Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs); and circular distributions. Equivalent course: BIOL 5317 (through Summer 2022), ANSC 5313 (through Summer 2022), NRM 5313 (through Summer 2022), NRM 5413 (through Summer 2022).