Browse CSA Courses
CSA 1309 | Computer Science I | CSA 1309 (COSC 1336) Computer Science I (2-2). This course is a disciplined approach to problem-solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using pseudo-code and graphical tools. There will be discussions of methods for testing, evaluation, and documentation. Topics include data types; control structures; functions, structures, arrays, and file input/output; the mechanics of running, testing and debugging programs; introduction to programming; and introduction to the historical and social context of computing. Prerequisite: Students may concurrently enroll in Math 1314. Equivalent courses: CS 1320 (through Summer 2014), CS 1309 (through Summer 2023). |
CSA 1320 | Computer Science II | CSA 1320 (COSC 1337) Computer Science II (2-2). Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming, including concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming. This course introduces students to objects, classes, constructors, methods, object inheritance, and polymorphism from a practical and hands-on approach. Prerequisite: CSA 1309. Equivalent course: CS 1320 (through Summer 2023), CS 1321 (through Summer 2014). |
CSA 1370 | Cyber Ethics | CSA 1370 Cyber Ethics (3-0). This course focuses on computer science programming ethics and management ethics with consideration for others. Students are expected to meet the learning objective of the course through a wide range of activities to include reading, viewing, researching, programing and completing lab access assignments as well as participation in collaborative projects and a community interaction project. Equivalent course: CSST 1370 (through Summer 2023). |
CSA 2315 | Data Structures | CSA 2315 (COSC 2336) Data Structures (2-2). This course is a further application of programming techniques. Topics include Abstract Data Types (ADTs), linear data structures (arrays, stacks, queues, and lists), and non-linear data structures, including graphs, trees, heaps, has tables, dictionaries, and maps. Students will also be introduced to recursive algorithms and graph traversal techniques. Prerequisite: CSA or CS 1320, or CS 1321. Equivalent course: CS 2320 (through Summer 2014) and CS 2315 (though Summer 2023). |
CSA 2326 | Basic Television Technology | CSA 2326 Basic Television Technology (3-0). Introductory course dedicated to basic television principles as related to game technology and communication design. Including, but not limited to camera, sound, lights, story board, and basic production elements to be used with green screen technology. Equivalent course: CSAT 2306 (through Summer 2023) |
CSA 2327 | Introduction to Audio | CSA 2327 Introduction to Audio (2-2). Students learn the fundamentals of the physics of sound and basic recording and editing techniques. Equivalent course: CSAT 2307 (through Summer 2023) |
CSA 3310 | Computer Communications | CSA 3310 Computer Communications (3-0). Course covers network systems, topology, media, the theoretical network, real-world networks, and configuration of networks. Offered fall even years. Prerequisite: CS or CSA 1320. Equivalent course: CS 3310 (through Summer 2023), CSR 3310. |
CSA 3316 | Operating Systems | CSA 3316 Operating Systems (3-0). This course examines the important problems in operating system design and implementation. Operating systems provide an established, convenient, and efficient interface between user programs and the bare hardware of the computer on which they run. The operating system is responsible for sharing resources (e.g. disks, networks, and processors), providing common services needed by many different programs (e.g. file services, the ability to start or stop processes, and access to the printer), and protecting individual programs from interfering with one another. Prerequisites: CS or CSA 2315. Equivalent course: CS 3316 (through Summer 2023), CSR 3316. |
CSA 3325 | Art History for the Designer | CSA 3325 Art History for the Designer (3-0). This course is a survey of the visual arts of the world tailored specifically to the needs of designers. It will cover all regions and periods of the visual arts and focus on how students can utilize historical styles for their own design work. Emphasis will be placed on how to replicate authentic and historical styles for a variety of design purposes, including gaming, print, costume, theatre, and communication design applications. Prerequisite: CSAT or CSA 2310, or FA 2302. Equivalent course: CSAT 3310 (through Summer 2023), CSR 3325. |
CSA 3350 | Secure Program Practices | CSA 3350 Secure Programing Practices (3-0). This course provides students with an understanding of the characteristics of secure programs and the ability to implement programs that are free from vulnerabilities. It addresses robust programming, defensive programming, and programming flaws. Prerequisite CSA 1320 (may be concurrent). Equivalent course: CSST 3322 (through Summer 2023), CSR 3350. |
CSA 3360 | Cyber Sec Plan & Mgmt | CSA 3360 Cyber Security Planning and Management (3-0). This course provides students with the ability to develop plans and processes for a holistic approach to cyber security for an organization. It addresses CBK, operational and tactical strategic plans and management, and making cyber security a strategy. Prerequisite: CSA 2372. Equivalent course: CSST 3382 (through Summer 2023), CSR 3360. |
CSA 4306 | Individual Studies | CSA 4306 Individual Studies (3-0). Investigation of special topics in Computer Science, conducted on an individual basis. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Equivalent course: CS 4306 (through Summer 2023), CSR 4306. |
CSA 4310 | Senior Capstone I | CSA 4310 Senior Capstone I (0-6). This is a capstone course in which the student is required to complete a project demonstrating command of a significant body of computer science. Includes oral defense of a paper written in ACM style and an exit examination designed to show mastery of all computer science courses completed. This course is required of all senior Computer Science majors. Offered when needed. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Equivalent course: CS 4390 (through Summer 2023), CSR 4310. |
CSA 4311 | Senior Capstone II | CSA 4311 Senior Capstone II (3-0). Continuation of Senior Capstone I Students complete a collaborative programming project and present a working product and business plan. Prerequisites: CSA 4310. Equivalent course: CS 4311 (through Summer 2023), CSR 4311. |
CSA 4324 | Arts Technology Capstone I | CSA 4324 Arts Technology Capstone I (3-0). The Senior Capstone is the culminating course in the CSAT concentrations sequence. Each capstone is implemented by students with the help and encouragement of an academic advisor. Capstone experiences allow each student to demonstrate the capacity to bring information, skills, and ideas acquired from the major to bear on one significant project. It is aimed at providing students with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired as Computer Science majors as well as provide experiences for students to exhibit competent Computer Science skills within their concentration learned during their program of study in order to prepare for a career in Computer Science Applied Technology. Equivalent course: CSAT 4310 (through Summer 2023), CSR 4324. |
CSA 4372 | Intrusion Detect/Prevent | CSA 4372 Intrusion Detection/ Prevention Systems (3-0). This course provides students with knowledge and skills related to detecting and analyzing vulnerabilities and threats and taking steps to mitigate associated risks. It addresses deep packet inspection, log file analysis, cross log comparison and analysis, host or network based intrusion detection, honeynets and honeypots. Prerequisite: CSA 3310. Equivalent course: CSST 4372 (through Summer 2023), CSR 4372. |