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Department of Business Administration Courses
ACCR 3312 | Accounting Systems-QuickBooks | ACCR 3312 Accounting Systems-Quickbooks (3-0). The study of Accounting Information Systems with an emphasis on the practical use of Accounting Software (Quickbooks). A hands-on approach to the accounting cycle including the following business processes: banking, Customers and Sales; Vendors, Purchases, and Inventory; Employees and Payroll; reports and Graphs. Prerequisites: ACC 2301, 2302. Equivalent course: ACCA 3312 |
ACCR 3330 | Intermediate Accounting I | ACCR 3330 Intermediate Accounting I (3-0). Concepts, principles, and practices of accounting with emphasis on determination of income and financial position of business corporations. Prerequisites: ACC 2301 and ACC 2302. Equivalent courses: ACC 3330 (through Summer 2022), ACCA 3330 |
ACCR 3332 | Cost Accounting | ACCR 3332 Cost Accounting (3-0). The study of cost accounting fundamentals, the purpose of cost accounting-primarily product costing and planning and control; various methods of attaining these goals, such as job order costing, process costing, budgeting, standard costs, profit-cost volume relationships, analysis of variances, contribution approach, relevant costs, and inventory control. Prerequisite: ACC 2301 and 2302. Equivalent courses: ACC 3332 (through Summer 2022), ACCA 3332 |
ACCR 3333 | Financial Statement Analysis | ACCR 3333 Financial Statement Analysis (3-0). This course provides an integrated approach to accounting. Concepts and issues in all functional areas of accounting are presented. Topics include budget and cost control, accounting data in planning, and policy formulation. Prerequisite: ACC 2301 & 2302. Equivalent courses: ACC 3333 (through Summer 2022), ACCA 3333 |
ACCR 4330 | Principles of Taxation | ACCR 4330 Principles of Taxation (3-0). Principles of income taxation with emphasis on basic individual deductions exemptions and losses. Prerequisite: ACC 2301 or ACC 2303. Equivalent courses: ACCT 4330 (through Summer 2022), ACCA 4330. |
ACCR 5307 | Accounting for Management | ACCR 5307 Accounting for Management (3-0).The study of accounting as related to problems of making business decisions. Readings, cases and problems dealing with accounting concepts; budgeting and cost control, use of accounting data in planning operation and policy formulation. Equivalent courses: ACC/ACCT 5307 (through Summer 2022), ACCA 5307 |
ACCR 5310 | Taxation Business Enterprise | ACCR 5310 Taxation Business Enterprise: Seminar in Taxation (3-0). An investigation and analysis of a variety of taxes and their impact on strategic business decisions. The tax implication of alternate business forms such as corporations or partnerships are examined in detail. Equivalent courses: ACCT 5310 (through Summer 2022). |
ECOR 3301 | Intermediate Economics | ECOR 3301 Intermediate Economics (3-0). A macro-micro survey that examines supply demand and price theory including aggregated demand aggregate supply macroeconomic instability unemployment and inflation. Fiscal and monetary policy money and banking taxes deficits and the national debt are also examined. Includes a survey of contemporary microeconomic problems and includes consumer behavior elasticity production and costs and a thorough examination of market structures and pricing and production policies. Equivalent courses: ECON 3301 (through Summer 2022); ECOA 3301. |
ECOR 5303 | Managerial Economics | |
ECOR 5303 | Managerial Economics | ECOR 5303 Managerial Economics (3-0). Economic analysis in forming business policies relative to profits, market demand, cost measurement and control, price policy and capital budgeting. The primary objective of this course is to enhance student understanding of microeconomic analysis to managerial decisions. Equivalent courses: ECO/ECON 5303 (through Summer 2022), ECOA 5303. |
FINR 3340 | Corporate Finance | FINR 3340 Corporate Finance (3-0). Money and Capital Markets, financial news, and investor services; and gives a broad view of the entire financial field with special emphasis on discounted cash flow analysis, stock and bond valuation models, financial statement analysis, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and working capital management. Equivalent courses: FINA 3340. |
FINR 5306 | Sem:Financial Mgmt | FINR 5306 Seminar in Financial Management (3-0). The role and objectives of financial management in the modern corporation: nature and mathematical formulation of underlying relationship in financial decision-making. Theories of capital budgeting, cost of capital, and investment. Equivalent courses: FINA 5306. |
GBAR 3350 | Business Information Systems | |
GBAR 3350 | Business Information Systems | GBAR 3350 Business Information Systems (3-0). Exposure to business applications software from the perspective of a manager. Emphasis on the changing nature of information and the data needs of managers. Consideration of the expansion of E-Business and how that affects business functions. Emphasis on the vast array of options for managing information and exposure to techniques for improving management decisions. The course also considers practical approaches to understanding some associated areas of BIS such as the impact of large technology companies on their competitors and the linkage of social media with BIS and the issues that these dynamic areas create. Equivalent courses: MISY 3310 (through Summer 2021), GBA/GBUS 3350 (through Summer 2022), GBAA 3350. |
GBAR 3351 | Business Law | GBAR 3351 Business Law (3-0). Legal aspect of business transactions with emphasis on the law of contracts, agency, bailment, and commercial paper. BLAW 3310 (through Summer 2021), GBA/GBUS 3351 (through Summer 2022), GBAA 3351. |
GBAR 3352 | Quantitative Systems in Bus | GBAR 3352 Quantitative Systems in Business (3-0). A study of data presentation, descriptive measures, probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing with emphasis on business applications. Prerequisite: MATH 1314. Equivalent courses: QMTS 4311 (through Summer 2021), GBA/GBUS 3352 (through Summer 2022), GBAA 3352. |
GBAR 4305 | Business & Society | GBAR 4305 Business and Society (3-0). A study of the major laws and social issues affecting business policy and practice. This course examines the corporation and its stakeholders corporate social responsibility ethical issues in business corporate governance the community and the corporation and other current ethical and social issues related to the firm and society. Equivalent courses: GBUS 4305 (through Summer 2022). |
GBAR 4320 | Real Estate Principles | GBAR 4320 Real Estate Principles (3-0). An introduction to real estate principles and markets. Emphasis is placed on real property contract and agency law financing home ownership and real estate mathematics. Designed to inform and educate students and prepare them to become informed property owners and consumers. Prerequisite: MKTG/MKTR 3307. Equivalent courses: GBUS 4320 (through Summer 2022). |
GBAR 4355 | International Business | GBAR 4355 International Business (3-0). Covers the economic underpinnings of free trade; investment and trade barriers; foreign direct investment; the multi-national enterprise; assessing the international business environment; and global organization and strategy. Equivalent courses: IBUS 4306 (through Summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 4355 (through Summer 2022); GBAA 4355. |
GBAR 4360 | Business Capstone | GBUS 4360 Business Capstone (3-0). The BBA capstone course involving the integration of all functional business areas. Emphasis on management decision making as it pertains to planning, implementing, and evaluating organizational strategy. Prerequisites: Business Major - Senior standing. MKT 4379 (through summer 2021); MGMT 4317 (through summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 4360 (through summer 2022); GBAA 4360. |
GBAR 5301 | Bus Res & Reprtng | GBAR 5301 Business Research and Reporting (3-0). Designed to aid graduate students in analyzing reports and evaluating research and in planning research reports. Selection of research problems sources of data analysis presentation and report-writing are investigated. (MBA Core Course). Equivalent courses: GBUS 5301 (through Summer 2022). |
GBAR 5302 | Read & Case In Bus Adm | GBAR 5302 Readings and Cases in Business Administration (3-0) Covers one or more special fields. Separate sections for accounting, finance, marketing, quantitative analysis, risk management, industrial management, personnel and industrial relations and other fields are dealt with as needed. May be repeated for graduate credit course when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: GBUS 5302 (through Summer 2022), GBAA 5302 |
GBAR 5302 | Read & Case: Personal Budgets | GBAR 5302 Readings and Cases in Business Administration (3-0) Covers one or more special fields. Separate sections for accounting, finance, marketing, quantitative analysis, risk management, industrial management, personnel and industrial relations and other fields are dealt with as needed. May be repeated for graduate credit course when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: GBUS 5302 (through Summer 2022), GBAA 5302 |
GBAR 5302 | Read&Case Bus Adm: Remote Work | GBAR 5302 Readings and Cases in Business Administration (3-0) Covers one or more special fields. Separate sections for accounting, finance, marketing, quantitative analysis, risk management, industrial management, personnel and industrial relations and other fields are dealt with as needed. May be repeated for graduate credit course when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: GBUS 5302 (through Summer 2022), GBAA 5302 |
GBAR 5309 | Quant Anlys & Dec Thry For Bus | GBAR 5309 Quantitative Analysis and Decision Theory for Business (3-0). A study of decision-making under uncertainty, decision-making under risk, decision trees, utility theory, linear regression, time series forecasting models, linear programming (graphical methods and simplex method), and project management. (PERT/CPM). Prerequisite: QMTS 4311. Equivalent courses: QMTS/GBA/GBUS 5309 (through Summer 2022); GBAA 5309 |
GBAR 5311 | Business Strategy | GBUS 5311 Business Strategy (3-0). The MBA capstone course integrates the different functional business areas. Emphasis on strategic management decision making as it pertains to planning, implementing and evaluating organizational strategy. Prerequisite: 15 SCH of MBA Required Courses. Equivalent courses: GBA 5301 (through Summer 2021), MGMT 5303 (through Summer 2021), GBA 5311/GBUS 5311 (through Summer 2022, GBAA 5311 |
MGTR 3306 | Principles Of Management | MGTR 3306 Principles of Management (3-0). Introduction to basic management philosophy and decision-making processes; study of principles involved in the functions of planning organizing directing and controlling. Equivalent courses: MGT 3360 (through Summer 2021), MGT/MGMT 3306 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 3306 |
MGTR 3322 | Management Communication | MGTR Management Communication (3-0). The application of communication models and principals within organizations including leadership, coordination, control, and teams. Equivalent courses: GBA 4354 (through Summer 2014), MGT 4322 (through Summer 2021), MGT/MGMT 3322 (through Summer 2022), MGMT 4322 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 3322. |
MGTR 3363 | Human Resource Management | MGTR 3363 Human Resource Management (3-0). Study of the human resources tasks and duties managers perform including: determining the organizations human resource needs; compensation; evaluation; benefits, discipline; promotion; assignments; employee related legal matters, records, training, privacy; policy application; and orientation. Equivalent courses: MGT 3363 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 3363 |
MGTR 4350 | Project Management | MGTR 4350 Project Management (3-0). Study of concepts and techniques for the management of various types of projects including product development engineering construction and science and technology projects. Students will develop planning skills including scope definition scheduling cost-estimating and risk assessment. The course will also help in developing skill in support of project leadership team building and communication. Equivalent courses: MGMT 4350 (through Summer 2022); MGTA 4350. |
MGTR 4361 | Organizational Behavior | MGTR 4361 Organizational Behavior (3-0). The study of inter-personal skills in organizations. The course provides the student with insights critical to management concerning individual processes, social dynamics, and organizational practices combined with knowledge of real work sensitivities, demands and practices. Equivalent courses: MGT 4361 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 4361 |
MGTR 4362 | Management of Small Business | MGTR 4362 Management of Small Business Enterprise (3-0). This course offers a practical approach to planning, organizing, and running a small business. It explains how to achieve optimum benefits from the limited resources available to small firms, as well as how to plan for growth and succession in a business. It also explores arguments both for and against owning a small business. The focus is on the start-up and operation of small business. Through the creation of a business plan the student will examine the functions of business as they pertain to small business endeavors. Equivalent courses: MGT 4362 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 4362 |
MGTR 5304 | Seminar In Management | MGTR 5304 Seminar in Management (3-0). The study of the management process of planning, organizing, controlling, etc, based on extensive reading and case problem analysis. Equivalent courses: MGT/MGMT 5304 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 5304 |
MGTR 5307 | Managing Organizational Change | MGTR 5307 Managing Organizational Change (3-0). This course exposes students to the process of organizational change. It discusses why change happens and why it is important for management to look at change in a proactive manner in order to stay ahead of potential industry and market demands. One of the course major goals is to help students develop an awareness of the issues involved in managing change and help them realize that there is a variety of change approaches and not only a single ?best? approach to change situations. Equivalent courses: MGMT 5307 (through Summer 2022), MGTA 3307 |
MISR 3360 | Bus Data Communications | MISR 3360 Business Data Communication Systems (3-0). Characteristics of contemporary business data communication components their configurations and their impact on management information systems design. Topics include designing managing securing and implementing business data communication networks and their integration into management information systems. Exercises and assignments will use various data communication facilities. Equivalent courses: MISY 3360 (through Summer 2022). |
MISR 4310 | Information Resource Mgmt | MISR 4310 Information Resource Management (3-0). A course providing a broad overview of the information resource management function. The course emphasizes information systems management with particular attention on planning organizing and controlling user services managing the computer information systems development process and the fundamentals of EDP auditing. Equivalent courses: MISY 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 3307 | Principles Of Marketing | MKTR 3307 Principles of Marketing (3-0). Studies the place of marketing in our economic structure; the present marketing structures and the formulating by management of marketing policies and procedures aimed at satisfying consumer needs. Equivalent courses: MKT 3370 (through Summer 2021), MKT/MKTG 3307 (through Summer 2022), MKTA 3307. |
MKTR 3317 | Promotion | MKTR 3317 Promotion (3-0). Persuasive communication in marketing; elements of persuasion including personal selling advertising sales promotion indirect promotion; management and coordination of the promotion program. Prerequisite: MKTG/MKTR 3307 or MKT 3370. Equivalent courses: MKTG 3317 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 3371 | Consumer Behavior | MKTR 3371 Consumer Behavior (3-0). Consumer application of fundamental processes of motivation, perception and learning; nature and influence of individual predisposition; group influences; consumer decision process. Prerequisite: MKTA 3307 - Principles of Marketing or Equivalent. Equivalent courses: MKT 3371 and MKTG 3318 (through Summer 2022), MKTA 3371 |
MKTR 4310 | CT in Mktg: Services Marketing | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | CT in MKTG: Strtegic Marketing | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | CT: History of Marketing Innov | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | Current Topics: Sales Mgmt. | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | Topics in MKTG: Strategic MKTG | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | Topics: Digital Marketing | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4349 | Marketing Communications | MKTR 4349 Marketing Communications (3-0). An elective marketing course intended for students interested in expanding their marketing knowledge and skills beyond Principles of Marketing. Explores changes in technology buyer behavior economic cycles and industry performance that impact the ways in which organizations communicate with target markets. Prerequisite: MKTR/MKTA 3307 Principles of Marketing. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4349 (through Summer 2022); MKTA 4349. |
MKTR 4370 | Marketing Research | |
MKTR 5305 | Seminar In Marketing | MKTR 5305 Seminar in Marketing (3-0). Analysis of policy formulation by marketing management with special emphasis on the influence of marketing institutions market structure governmental regulation and fluctuation in population and national income. (MBA Core Course) Prerequisite: MATH 2413 or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MKTG 5305 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 5306 | Brand Management | MKTR 5306 Brand Management (3-0). An elective course for MBA students interested in expanding their marketing knowledge/skills beyond what they learned in the core MBA marketing course MKTG 5305 Seminar in Marketing. Students will learn both from an academic and practitioner point-of-view how brands reduce consumer risk and simplify their purchasing decisions. MBA Course. MBA Only. Equivalent courses: MKTG 5306 (through Summer 2022); MKTA 5306. |
ORGL 4306 | Leadership and Strategy | ORGL 4306 Leadership and Strategy (3-0). A capstone course that integrates the lessons and principles taught about leading organizations. Emphasis is on the role of leaders in generating implementing and evaluating strategy for non-profit for profit and governmental organizations. This course integrates the lessons and principles taught about leading organizations and uses them to develop a strategic leadership plan. Prerequisites: ORGL 3300 and ORGL 3302 |