

GBAR 4360

GBUS 4360 Business Capstone (3-0). The BBA capstone course involving the integration of all functional business areas. Emphasis on management decision making as it pertains to planning, implementing, and evaluating organizational strategy. Prerequisites: Business Major - Senior standing. MKT 4379 (through summer 2021); MGMT 4317 (through summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 4360 (through summer 2022); GBAA 4360.

Fall 2024

Business Capstone   Section V01   Thomas Matula
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

Business Capstone   Section W01   Thomas Matula

Fall 2023

Business Capstone   Section W01   Thomas Matula

Spring 2023

Business Capstone   Section W01   Thomas Matula

Fall 2022

Business Capstone   Section W01   Thomas Matula