

ACCR 3332

ACCR 3332 Cost Accounting (3-0). The study of cost accounting fundamentals, the purpose of cost accounting-primarily product costing and planning and control; various methods of attaining these goals, such as job order costing, process costing, budgeting, standard costs, profit-cost volume relationships, analysis of variances, contribution approach, relevant costs, and inventory control. Prerequisite: ACC 2301 and 2302. Equivalent courses: ACC 3332 (through Summer 2022), ACCA 3332

Fall 2024

Cost Accounting   Section V01   Mary Jane Sauceda
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

Cost Accounting   Section W01   Mary Jane Sauceda

Fall 2023

Cost Accounting   Section W01   Mary Jane Sauceda

Spring 2023

Cost Accounting   Section W01   Mary Jane Sauceda

Fall 2022

Cost Accounting   Section W01   Mary Jane Sauceda