

Browse AGB Courses

AGB 2302   Agri Economics   AGB 2302 Agricultural Economics (3-0). Orientation to the application of economic theory to agribusiness management. Microeconomic principles pertaining to the production and marketing of agricultural products.  
AGB 3302   Agricultural Marketing   AGB 3302 Agricultural Marketing (3-0). An overview of the nature and structure of agricultural product markets in the U.S.; agricultural product prices, price determination and price discovery processes; use of commodity futures as a marketing tool.  
AGB 3304   Range Use Economics   AGB 3304 Range Use Economics (3-0). This course covers all facets of the economics of rangeland management, including grazing management, supplemental feeding and other inputs, balancing multiple species use, and calculating the benefits of range improvement and opportunity costs associated with rangeland use.  
AGB 3305   Ag Event Planning & Management   AGB 3305 Ag Event Planning & Management (3-0). To plan, organize, manage, and produce events.  
AGB 3310   ST: Prof Rodeo as a Business   AGB 3310 Special Topics (3-0). Selected topics in the field of agricultural business. Topics selected according to student interest and need. May be repeated as topics vary.  
AGB 4301   Sust/Div Ranch Business   AGB 4301 Sustainability & Diversity in Ranch Business (3-0). This course introduces and develops the idea of sustainability and diversity within the framework of a ranching business. Emphasis will be placed on how sustainability practices and diversity within business can mediate market risks and increase overall income and long term rangeland and economic health.  
AGB 4303   Agri-Business Management   AGB 4303 Agri-Business Management (3-0). Agriculture production as a business. Types of legal organization for farms and ranches, as well as businesses involved in the processing, wholesaling, and retailing of agricultural products. Principles of business management applied to the agri-business with emphasis on factors affecting profits, choice of enterprises, and the efficient use natural, financial and human resources.  
AGB 4308   Natural Resource & Envir Econ   AGB 4308 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (3-0). Topics covered will include: an overview of the modern environmental movement, economic impacts of law and regulation including planning, zoning and farm policy, the economics of pollution and recycling, private property and free market conservation with an emphasis on the economic impacts and influences on farm, ranch, and agribusiness decision making processes.  
AGB 4315   Farm & Ranch Rec & Acc   AGB 4315 Farm and Ranch Records and Accounting (3-0). A review of the principles of accounting as they apply to the modern farm or ranch. Fundamentals of cost and managerial accounting applied directly to agricultural production at the farm and ranch level: product costing, planning, control, standards and budgeting, and profit-cost volume relationships. This course will emphasize the use and applications of spread sheet programs. Prerequisite: ACC 2301.