

Browse Ag Life and Phys Science
Department of Nursing Courses

NUR 3201   Fndn of Nur Informatics   NUR 3201 Foundations of Nursing Informatics (2-0). This course introduces students to fundamental concepts related to nursing information communication technologies systems and skills and their impact on patient centered care. A variety of learning activities will engage students in the use of clinical information systems electronic databases and health care records used to communicate and manage patient care data support patient care decision making a and promote patient safety. Principles of legal ethical and policy issues associated with information management in health care systems and how these concepts are used to analyze workflow data trending and system change in health care settings are addressed.  
NUR 3220   Professional Nursing I   NUR 3220 Professional Nursing I (2-0). This course establishes the role of the registered nurse as a member of the profession with individual accountability to the public, with responsibility for coordination of patient care, and for patient advocacy. The course addresses decision making related to providing direct care in any setting. The course addresses the ANA code for Nurses principles 1,2 and 3 related to the individual professional nurse. Prerequisites: Successful completion of previous nursing courses.  
NUR 3304   Intro Ru/Bo Communities   NUR 3304 Introduction to Rural and Border Communities (3-0). This course introduces the students to the concept of rural and border communities compared to urban/suburban. The focus is on the changes over time, differences, impact of health awareness, and access to health care, preventive, and treatment resources. This course addresses potential for health promotion and disease prevention in the rural and border community. Skills include identifying sources of health-related information for population/community assessment as basis for policy planning. The unique role of being known to the population as a member of the community and also the professional health provider role related to confidentiality and trust. Students will engage in the community to assess perceptions and practices. The role and challenges of the community health nurse are introduced.  
NUR 3304   Intro Ru/Bo Communities Clc   NUR 3304 Introduction to Rural and Border Communities (3-0). This course introduces the students to the concept of rural and border communities compared to urban/suburban. The focus is on the changes over time, differences, impact of health awareness, and access to health care, preventive, and treatment resources. This course addresses potential for health promotion and disease prevention in the rural and border community. Skills include identifying sources of health-related information for population/community assessment as basis for policy planning. The unique role of being known to the population as a member of the community and also the professional health provider role related to confidentiality and trust. Students will engage in the community to assess perceptions and practices. The role and challenges of the community health nurse are introduced.  
NUR 3304   Intro Ru/Bo Communities Lab   NUR 3304 Introduction to Rural and Border Communities (3-0). This course introduces the students to the concept of rural and border communities compared to urban/suburban. The focus is on the changes over time, differences, impact of health awareness, and access to health care, preventive, and treatment resources. This course addresses potential for health promotion and disease prevention in the rural and border community. Skills include identifying sources of health-related information for population/community assessment as basis for policy planning. The unique role of being known to the population as a member of the community and also the professional health provider role related to confidentiality and trust. Students will engage in the community to assess perceptions and practices. The role and challenges of the community health nurse are introduced.  
NUR 3310   Intro Nur Research   NUR 3310 Introduction to Nursing Research (3-0). This course is one component of baccalaureate education for professional nursing focusing on students becoming competent consumers of research in nursing and related fields. Various models of inquiry in nursing including basic concepts research principles processes and applications needed to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills will be examined. Theories of evidence informed practice appraisal of published research and translation of findings into clinical practice serve as the foundation for knowledge development and skills that foster clinical reasoning decision making and practice. Students will have the opportunity to apply evidence when participating in planning and implementing nursing care inter-professional communication population health for rural and border communities and demonstrating professionalism and professional values.  
NUR 3311   Essen Prof Nur Ru/Bo Cmty    
NUR 3311   Essen Prof Nur Ru/Bo Cmty Lab    
NUR 3312   Intro to Concepts   NUR 3312 Introduction to Patient Centered Concepts (3-0). This course is an introduction to selected behavioral and pathophysiological concepts that commonly occur with patient care situations. Analysis of these concepts include data for all age groups. Students will obtain introductory information through class preparation and class room discussion for each concept which will be exemplified in the skills and simulation laboratory and external clinical agency activities. Recall of growth and development will enhance knowledge obtained for each age group and concept. Basic nursing activities linked to selected concepts will be experienced and guided within Concept-Based Clinical Competencies.  
NUR 3312   Intro to Concepts Clc   NUR 3312 Introduction to Patient Centered Concepts (3-0). This course is an introduction to selected behavioral and pathophysiological concepts that commonly occur with patient care situations. Analysis of these concepts include data for all age groups. Students will obtain introductory information through class preparation and class room discussion for each concept which will be exemplified in the skills and simulation laboratory and external clinical agency activities. Recall of growth and development will enhance knowledge obtained for each age group and concept. Basic nursing activities linked to selected concepts will be experienced and guided within Concept-Based Clinical Competencies.  
NUR 3312   Intro to Concepts Lab   NUR 3312 Introduction to Patient Centered Concepts (3-0). This course is an introduction to selected behavioral and pathophysiological concepts that commonly occur with patient care situations. Analysis of these concepts include data for all age groups. Students will obtain introductory information through class preparation and class room discussion for each concept which will be exemplified in the skills and simulation laboratory and external clinical agency activities. Recall of growth and development will enhance knowledge obtained for each age group and concept. Basic nursing activities linked to selected concepts will be experienced and guided within Concept-Based Clinical Competencies.  
NUR 3314   Nur Pharmacology   NUR 3314 Nursing Pharmacology (3-0). This course is an introduction to pharmacology with emphasis on the actions interactions dosage half-life adverse effects and nursing implications for medications in each drug classification. Emphasis on medications as a major treatment modality for all age groups will continue throughout the nursing education experience. In addition to learning key medications in each drug classification topics will include the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in safe administration of medications observation and documentation of desired and adverse effects from the medication and principles to be followed in patient teaching within a legal/ethical framework. Rural and frontier community characteristics that pose unique challenges or successful pharmacological therapies will be addressed. Knowledge of how medication effectiveness may be altered by circadian rhythms; incompatibilities with other prescribed rugs over the counter drugs and alternative medications; conflict with nutritional intake and poor compliance with drug intake will be acquired in classroom skills lab and external lab clinical learning activities.  
NUR 3314   Nur Pharmacology Lab   NUR 3314 Nursing Pharmacology (3-0). This course is an introduction to pharmacology with emphasis on the actions interactions dosage half-life adverse effects and nursing implications for medications in each drug classification. Emphasis on medications as a major treatment modality for all age groups will continue throughout the nursing education experience. In addition to learning key medications in each drug classification topics will include the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in safe administration of medications observation and documentation of desired and adverse effects from the medication and principles to be followed in patient teaching within a legal/ethical framework. Rural and frontier community characteristics that pose unique challenges or successful pharmacological therapies will be addressed. Knowledge of how medication effectiveness may be altered by circadian rhythms; incompatibilities with other prescribed rugs over the counter drugs and alternative medications; conflict with nutritional intake and poor compliance with drug intake will be acquired in classroom skills lab and external lab clinical learning activities.  
NUR 3320   Pro Nursing I   NUR 3320 Professional Nursing I (3-0). This course establishes the role of the registered nurse as a member of the profession with individual accountability to the public with responsibility for coordination of patient care and for patient advocacy. The course addresses decision making related to providing direct care in any setting. The course addresses the ANA code for Nurses principles 1 2 and 3 related to the individual professional nurse.  
NUR 3341   Competencies Pt Cent. Care Lab    
NUR 3341   Competencies Pt Centered Care    
NUR 3413   Concepts Life Span I    
NUR 3413   Concepts Life Span I Lab    
NUR 3440   Assessment Ru/Bor Comm   NUR 3440 Comprehensive Patient Assessment in Rural/Border Communities (2-2). This course addresses techniques and application of bio-psycho-socio-behavioral and cultural principles of assessment applicable across the life span for individuals with health care needs in rural/border communities. This educational process links previous basic knowledge and experience with concepts, skill to utilize diagnostic tools and equipment, therapeutic communication skills, body systems assessment, screenings, diagnostic data, pathophysiologic knowledge and standardized data scales to obtain a comprehensive patient assessment. Assessment techniques will be applied in all areas of nursing including obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, medical-0surgical patients, mental health, and acute care. Classroom, laboratory and on-line experiences will be utilized throughout the semester. Prerequisites: Successful completion of summer semester courses  
NUR 3440   Assessment Ru/Bor Comm Lab   NUR 3440 Comprehensive Patient Assessment in Rural/Border Communities (2-2). This course addresses techniques and application of bio-psycho-socio-behavioral and cultural principles of assessment applicable across the life span for individuals with health care needs in rural/border communities. This educational process links previous basic knowledge and experience with concepts, skill to utilize diagnostic tools and equipment, therapeutic communication skills, body systems assessment, screenings, diagnostic data, pathophysiologic knowledge and standardized data scales to obtain a comprehensive patient assessment. Assessment techniques will be applied in all areas of nursing including obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, medical-0surgical patients, mental health, and acute care. Classroom, laboratory and on-line experiences will be utilized throughout the semester. Prerequisites: Successful completion of summer semester courses  
NUR 3441   Competencies Care I   NUR 3441 Competencies for Patient Centered Care I (2-8). This course continues the development of professional nursing skills/competencies required to provide competent nursing are to patients of all ages. Focus is on psychomotor skills with attention to clinical judgment required to perform skills in a safe effective manner to each age group. Competencies are centered around curriculum concepts which are repeated and evaluated during skills and simulation lab to achieve mastery before performed in the clinical setting. Administration of medications including intravenous access delivery of medications and blood products is initiated in this course. Clinical scheduling will provide for continuation of the Geriatric Modules and initiation of Obstetric and Per-operative Modules.  
NUR 3441   Competencies Care I Lab   NUR 3441 Competencies for Patient Centered Care I (2-8). This course continues the development of professional nursing skills/competencies required to provide competent nursing are to patients of all ages. Focus is on psychomotor skills with attention to clinical judgment required to perform skills in a safe effective manner to each age group. Competencies are centered around curriculum concepts which are repeated and evaluated during skills and simulation lab to achieve mastery before performed in the clinical setting. Administration of medications including intravenous access delivery of medications and blood products is initiated in this course. Clinical scheduling will provide for continuation of the Geriatric Modules and initiation of Obstetric and Per-operative Modules.  
NUR 3540   Assessment Ru/Bor Comm   NUR 3540 Comprehensive Patient Assessment in Rural Border Communities (2-12). This course addresses techniques and application of bio-psycho-socio-behavioral and cultural principles of assessment applicable across the life span for individuals with health care needs in rural/border communities. This educational process links previous basic knowledge and experience with concepts, skill to utilize diagnostic tools and equipment, therapeutic communication skills, body systems assessment, screenings, diagnostic data, pathophysiologic knowledge and standardized data scales to obtain a comprehensive patient assessment. Assessment techniques will be applied in all areas of nursing including obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, medical-0surgical patients, mental health, and acute care. Classroom, laboratory and on-line experiences will be utilized throughout the semester.  
NUR 3540   Assessment Ru/Bor Comm Lab   NUR 3540 Comprehensive Patient Assessment in Rural Border Communities (2-12). This course addresses techniques and application of bio-psycho-socio-behavioral and cultural principles of assessment applicable across the life span for individuals with health care needs in rural/border communities. This educational process links previous basic knowledge and experience with concepts, skill to utilize diagnostic tools and equipment, therapeutic communication skills, body systems assessment, screenings, diagnostic data, pathophysiologic knowledge and standardized data scales to obtain a comprehensive patient assessment. Assessment techniques will be applied in all areas of nursing including obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, medical-0surgical patients, mental health, and acute care. Classroom, laboratory and on-line experiences will be utilized throughout the semester.  
NUR 4222   Pro Nursing III   NUR 4222 Professional Nursing III (2-0). This course addresses the role of the nursing profession in the context of local state national and global systems impacting health and well being of individuals and populations. This course addresses the role of the nurse and profession in the evolution of regulation and policies that impact health and safety of populations. The course prepares the nurse graduation licensure and anticipation of life-long nursing career. The course addresses the ANA Code for Nurses Principles 78 and 9 related to the context of nursing practice including regulation and policy. Prerequisites: NUR 331132204321  
NUR 4305   Pub Health - Rural/Border    
NUR 4305   Pub Health - Rural/Border Lab    
NUR 4321   Pro Nursing II   NUR 4321 Professional Nursing II (3-0). This course addresses the role and accountability of the professional nurse engaged in the health care system as primary coordinator of patient care and safety. The course addresses decision-making within the health care setting including delegation performance improvement and peer review. The course addresses the ANA Code for Nurses Principles 4 5 and 6 related to the nursing practice environment including health care systems and various practice settings. Prerequisites: NUR 33113220  
NUR 4414   Concepts Life Span II   NUR 4414 Patient Centered Concepts Across the Life-Span II (4-0). Coverage of health care concepts with application of selected exemplars continues to enhance development of clinical judgment knowledge and skills. Exemplars for each concept include conditions across all ages with expanding intensity of conditions and complexity of treatment modalities which demonstrate evidence-based practice. Simulations are designed to enhance nursing knowledge and skill through model, related, and borderline cases for selected concepts.  
NUR 4414   Concepts Life Span II Lab   NUR 4414 Patient Centered Concepts Across the Life-Span II (4-0). Coverage of health care concepts with application of selected exemplars continues to enhance development of clinical judgment knowledge and skills. Exemplars for each concept include conditions across all ages with expanding intensity of conditions and complexity of treatment modalities which demonstrate evidence-based practice. Simulations are designed to enhance nursing knowledge and skill through model, related, and borderline cases for selected concepts.  
NUR 4415   Concepts Lifespan III    
NUR 4415   Concepts Lifespan III Lab    
NUR 4542   Competencies Care II   NUR 4542 Competencies for Patient Centered Care II (5-0). This course focuses on integrated concepts for the development of the professional nurse/s role in complex nursing situations across the life span. Emphasis is on knowledge and competency development while incorporating clinical judgment professional values and evidence-based practice within the nursing process. Learning experiences will occur in all clinical nursing areas throughout the semester with guidance from faculty members and preceptors. Clinical learning opportunities will incorporate previously learned and current concepts. Clinical scheduling will provide opportunities for continuation of Geriatric obstetrical and Peri-operative Modules. Effective communication with members of the health-0care team increases the potential for positive outcomes in patients across the life span.  
NUR 4544   Competencies Care III    
NUR 4544   Competencies Care III   NUR 4544 Competencies for Patient Centered Care III (5-0). This course focuses on integrated concepts and skills for the development of the professional nurse's role in advanced nursing situations with a all aged patents/families involving multiple body systems in intermediate and critical care settings. Emphasis is on knowledge judgment skills and professional values within a legal/ethical framework. Development of beginning leadership and management skills will be reflected in direct-patient learning activities in all clinical sites. Incorporation of evidence-based practice is evident as the basis for decision making for nursing intervention leadership and management. Clinical scheduling will provide opportunities to complete Geriatric Obstetrical and Per-operative Modules.  
NURS 3309   Comp Nursing Assessment   NURS 3309 Comprehensive Nursing Assessment (2-4). This course increases techniques process and bio-psycho-social-behavioral and cultural nursing principles utilized to achieve comprehensive patient assessment. General communication and psychomotor skills will be addressed across the lifespan while students are encouraged to focus on their selected patient population. This educational process builds on previously acquired assessment knowledge and skill as well as continued experiential skills gained from clinical practice experience. Exploration and incorporation of current therapeutic communication skills systems assessment screenings diagnostic data pathophysiologic knowledge and use of standardized data scales will contribute to comprehensive patient assessment.  
NURS 4311   Nursing Informatics   NURS 4311 Nursing Informatics (3-0). This course introduces students to fundamental concepts related to nursing information communication technologies systems and skills and their impact on patient centered care. A variety of learning activities will engage students in the use of clinical information systems electronic databases and health care records used to communicate and manage patient care data support patient care decision making and promote patient safety. Principles of legal ethical and policy issues associated with information management in health care settings and how these concepts are used to analyze work flow data trending and system change in health care settings are addressed. This course will be added as a potential elective for upper division requirements.  
NURS 4313   Clinical Nursing Practice   NURS 4313 Clinical Nursing Practice (1-8). This course addresses the application of bio-psycho-socio-cultural concepts to individuals with health care needs. The educational process links previous basic nursing knowledge and obtained experience with content from baccalaureate courses to build new clinical nursing principles and practice. Students will utilize advanced systems assessment, screenings and diagnostic data, and pathophysiologic knowledge to guide professional nursing care planning and delivery for a selected patient population with attention to health promotion, patient education, safety issues, cultural needs, and spirituality. Leadership and management principles are evident throughout the course.