

Browse CS Courses

CS 1309   Computer Science I   CS 1309 (COSC 1336) Computer Science I (2-2). This course is a disciplined approach to problem-solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using pseudo-code and graphical tools. There will be discussions of methods for testing evaluation and documentation. Topics include data types; control structures; functions structures arrays and file input/output; the mechanics of running testing and debugging programs; introduction to programming; and introduction to the historical and social context of computing. Prerequisite: Students may concurrently enroll in Math 1314.  
CS 1320   Computer Science II   CS 1320 (COSC 1337) Computer Science II (2-2). Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming including concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming. This course introduces students to objects classes constructors methods object inheritance and polymorphism from a practical and hands-on approach. Prerequisite: CS 1309.  
CS 2315   Data Structures   CS 2315 (COSC 2336) Data Structures (2-2). This course is a further application of programming techniques. Topics include Abstract Data Types (ADTs) linear data structures (arrays stacks queues and lists) and non-linear data structures including graphs trees heaps has tables dictionaries and maps. Students will also be introduced to recursive algorithms and graph traversal techniques. Prerequisite: CS 1320.  
CS 3306   ST: Python Programming   CS 3306 Special Topics (3-0). Discussion of selected topics in computer science suitably for upper division students. The course may be repeated with different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.  
CS 3310   Computer Communications   CS 3310 Computer Communications (3-0). Course covers network systems topology media the theoretical network real-world networks and configuration of networks. Offered fall even years. Prerequisite: CS 1320  
CS 3320   Object-Oriented Program    
CS 4320   Software Engineering   CS 4320 Software Engineering (2-2). This course emphasizes the software life cycle and the tools and models that have been developed to build large systems. Planning estimating and managing project development are discussed. Both the structured and the object-oriented paradigms will be covered. Offered fall even years. Prerequisite: CS 2315 or permission of the instructor.