

Browse POLS Courses

POLS 3302   American Constitutional Law   POLS 3302 American Constitutional Law (3-0). A study of the Constitution of the United States, judicial processes and the effect of leading Supreme Court decisions on the meaning of the United States Constitution. Emphasizes relationship between governments and between government and the individual. Equivalent courses: PS 3302  
POLS 3304   Integrated Social Sciences   POLS 3304 Integrated Social Sciences (3-0). This course covers the State of Texas interdisciplinary standards for Social Studies Generalist EC-6; social sciences in society and the world, history, geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, science, technology, and society. Equivalent courses: PS 3304  
POLS 3306   International Relations   POLS 3306 International Relations (3-0). The theory and practice of international relations with particular attention to the forces and processes contributing to conflict and cooperation among nations. Equivalent course: PS 3306.  
POLS 3307   Contemp Amer For Policy   POLS 3307 Contemporary American Foreign Policy (3-0). This course involves the study of policies and problems in the foreign relations of the United States since World War II. Included are studies in the politics, formulation, conduct, and consequences of American foreign policy. Equivalent courses: PS 3307  
POLS 3308   The Presidency   POLS 3308 The Presidency (3-0). This course involves studies in the nature and growth of executive power, the analysis of the many-faceted role of the President; and attention to the types of performances of different individuals in the office. Also studied are the problems of staffing and advising activities, the decision making process in foreign policy, domestic issues, budgeting, and the future of the Presidency. Equivalent courses: PS 3308  
POLS 4302   American Political Thought   POLS 4302 American Political Thought (3-0). The evolution of American Democracy; ideas of important American writers and statesmen who have contributed to our democratic heritage. Equivalent courses: PS 4302  
POLS 4308   Readings & Research   POLS 4308 Readings and Research (0-3). Selected readings or research projects to be offered as individual study to meet student needs. May be repeated once for credit with departmental approval. Equivalent course: PS 4308.