Browse Agriculture Life and Physical
Department of Biol Geol and Phys Sciences Courses
GEOL 3401 | Interdiscp Geog. Info Sys Lab | |
GEOL 3401 | Interdiscp Geographic Info Sys | |
PHYS 1101 | College Physics Laboratory I | PHYS 1101 (PHYS 1101) College Physics Laboratory I (0-2). This laboratory-based course accompanies PHYS 1301 College Physics I. Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental principles of physics using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics including harmonic motion mechanical waves and sound physical systems Newton Laws of Motion and gravitation and other fundamental forces; emphasis will be on problem solving. Corequisite: Physics 1301. Lab fee: $8 |
PHYS 1301 | College Physics I | PHYS 1301 (PHYS 1301) College Physics I (3-0). Non-calculus based survey course in general physics covering kinematics dynamics temperature heat thermal properties of matter and wave phenomena. Emphasis is placed upon the concepts of physics rather than mathematical relationships. Prerequisite: Math 1314 or a satisfactory score on the algebra placement test. |
PHYS 2125 | University Physics Lab I | PHYS 2125 (PHYS 2125) University Physics Laboratory I (0-2). Basic laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles presented in PHYS 2325 involving the principles and applications of classical mechanics including harmonic motion and physical systems; experimental design data collection and analysis and preparation of laboratory reports. Corequisite: Physics 2325. Lab fee: $8 |
PHYS 2325 | University Physics I | PHYS 2325 (PHYS 2325) University Physics I (3-0). General physics for students who plan to do further work in engineering mathematics chemistry geology or other related sciences. The course covers vectors statistics linear and rotational kinematics and dynamics and wave phenomena. Prerequisites: Math 1316 and Math 2413 |
SCED 3409 | Foundatns of Elementary Sci II | SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409 |
SCED 3409 | Foundatns of Elemntry Sci2 Lab | SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409 |
SCED 3409 | Foundtns Elementary Sci II Lab | SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409 |
SCED 3409 | Foundtns Elementary Sci Il Lab | SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409 |
SCED 3409 | Foundtns of Elemntry SciII Lab | SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409 |