

Browse Ag Life and Phys Science
Department of Biol Geol and Phys Sciences Courses

ASTR 1103   Stars and Galaxies Laboratory   ASTR 1103 (ASTR 1103) Stars and Galaxies Laboratory (0-2). Laboratory includes instruction in the university planetarium as well as telescopic observations. Lab fee: $8  
ASTR 1104   Solar System Laboratory   ASTR 1104 (ASTR 1104) Solar System Laboratory (0-2). Laboratory includes observations of the night sky and solar objects with various university telescope systems. Lab fee: $8  
ASTR 1303   Stars and Galaxies   ASTR 1303 (ASTR 1303) Stars and Galaxies (3-0). A descriptive non-mathematical course that deals mainly with stellar and galactic astronomy but begins with a brief survey of the solar system. Emphasis is on the study of properties of stars star clusters nebulae interstellar gas and dust the Milky Way galaxy and exterior galaxies.  
ASTR 1304   Solar System   ASTR 1304 (ASTR 1304) Solar System (3-0). A descriptive non-mathematical course that deals mainly with the solar system and its components. Emphasis is on the study of the celestial sphere the history of astronomy motions in the heavens and the survey of planets.  
BIOL 1107   Biology II Laboratory   BIOL 1107 (BIOL 1107) Biology for Majors II Laboratory (0-2). The second half of a two semester sequence including foundational concepts of natural selection evolution and speciation anatomy and physiology and diversity of plants and animals and ecological and environmental principles. This lab will focus on natural selection simulation phylogenetics microscopy animal and plant anatomy and the diversity of microbes protisis fungi plants invertebrates and vertebrates. Required for Biology Majors and Minors. Prerequisites: Biology for Majors II (BIOL 1307) lecture must be taken concurrently or previously  
BIOL 1111   General Botany Lab   BIOL 1111 (BIOL 1111) General Botany Lab (0-2). Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental biological concepts relevant to plant physiology life cycle growth and development structure and function and cellular and molecular metabolism. The role of plants in the environment evolution and phylogeny of major plant groups algae and fungi. Lab fee: $8  
BIOL 1113   General Zoology Lab   BIOL 1113 (BIOL 1113) General Zoology Lab (0-2). Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental biological concepts relevant to animals including systematics evolution structure and function cellular and molecular metabolism reproduction development diversity phylogeny and ecology. Lab fee: $8  
BIOL 1307   Biology for Majors II   BIOL 1307 Biology for Majors II (3-0). The second half of a two semester sequence including foundational concepts of natural selection evolution and speciation anatomy and physiology of plants and animals diversity of plants and animals and ecological and environmental principles. Required for Biology Majors and Minors. Prerequisites: Biology for Majors I (BIOL 1306/BIOL 1106)  
BIOL 1311   General Botany   BIOL 1311 (BIOL1311) General Botany (3-0). A general survey of the plant kingdom which considers the fundamentals of biological facts laws and principles as they apply to plants. Structure and functions of the organs of representative plants will be considered.  
BIOL 1313   General Zoology   BIOL 1313 (BIOL 1313) General Zoology (3-0). A general survey of the animal kingdom which considers the fundamentals of biological facts laws and principles as they apply to animals. The structure and functions of the organs and systems of representative animals will be covered.  
BIOL 2102   Anatomy/Physiology II Lab   BIOL 2102 Anatomy && Physiology II Laboratory (0-2). Study of the structure and function of the cardiovascular respiratory digestive urinary immune endocrine and reproductive systems. This lab will involve inspection of prepared slides anatomical models and dissection of mammalian material. Course is intended for pre-nursing pre-medical pre-optometry pre-veterinary students other pre-health professionals and Biology Majors. Prerequisites: Anatomy && Physiology I lecture and laboratory (BIOL 2301/BIOL2101) required; Anatomy && Physiology II (BIOL 2302) to be taken concurrently or previously.  
BIOL 2121   Microbiology Laboratory   BIOL 2121 Microbiology for Science Majors Laboratory (0-2). Principles of microbiology including metabolism structure and function of microbes. This lab presents an overview of the ubiquity and diversity of microorganisms and will focus on hands-on learning of microscopy aseptic technique isolating culturing and identifying bacteria. This course is designed for Biology Majors and Minors pre-nursing pre-dental and pre-veterinary students. Prerequisites: Microbiology for Science Majors (BIOL 2321) lecture must be taken concurrently or previously.  
BIOL 2302   Anatomy & Physiology II   BIOL 2302 Anatomy && Physiology II (3-0). Study of the structure and function of the cardiovascular respiratory digestive urinary immune endocrine and reproductive systems. Course is intended for pre-nursing pre-medical pre-optometry pre-veterinary students other pre-health professionals and Biology Majors. Prerequisites: Anatomy && Physiology I lecture and laboratory (BIOL 2301/BIOL2101) required  
BIOL 2320   Pathophysiology   BIOL 2320 Special Topics (3-0). A course offering selected topics in biology. This course may be repeated if topic varies. Prerequisite: BIOL 1306 - Biology for Majors I  
BIOL 2321   Microbiology   BIOL 2321 (BIOL 2321) Microbiology for Science Majors (3-0). Principles of microbiology including metabolism structure and function genetics and phylogeny of microbes. This course presents an overview of the ubiquity diversity and evolution of microorganisms microbial ecology and medical microbiology. This course is designed for Biology Majors and Minors pre-nursing pre-dental and pre-veterinary students. Prerequisites: Biology for Majors I (BIOL 1306/BIOL 1106) or Anatomy and Physiology I (BIOL 2301/BIOL 2101) required.  
BIOL 2405   Plants and People   BIOL 2405 Plants and People (3-2). A survey of plants and plant products that have major uses in human life. Such uses include food fiber medicines religious sacraments poisons stimulants inebriants oils perfumes dyes spices and beverages. Examples from Trans-Pecos Texas will be discussed including forages toxic plants and invasive species. Prerequisite: BIOL 1307 - Biology for Majors II preferred Lab fee: $8  
BIOL 2405   Plants and People Lab   BIOL 2405 Plants and People (3-2). A survey of plants and plant products that have major uses in human life. Such uses include food fiber medicines religious sacraments poisons stimulants inebriants oils perfumes dyes spices and beverages. Examples from Trans-Pecos Texas will be discussed including forages toxic plants and invasive species. Prerequisite: BIOL 1307 - Biology for Majors II preferred Lab fee: $8  
BIOL 3303   Sciences in Cinema & TV   BIOL 3303 Sciences in Cinema and Television (3-0). A lecture course examining the scientific content or lack thereof in classic and current films. Films with a scientific theme will be viewed and the merits of the scientific content will be discussed. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation of how science is portrayed to the viewing public by the film and television industries and can be used as a persuasive tool for political maneuvering.  
BIOL 3307   Animal Behavior   BIOL 3307 Animal Behavior (3-0). The study of feeding, defense, animal orientation, instinctive behavior, learning, communication, social, and sexual behavior with emphasis on evolutionary and ecological relationships. Prerequisites: BIOL 1306/1106 & BIOL 1307/1107  
BIOL 3309   History of Science   BIOL 3309 History of Science (3-0). The study of the evolution of scientific discovery over time. Topics covered will reach beyond just biology covering physics astronomy chemistry and medicine. Time periods covered begin in the ancient sciences and move forward to the Renaissance. Scientific discoveries will be examined culture by culture to see the multicultural influence on the development of science over time.  
BIOL 4101   Biology Senior Review    
BIOL 4102   Biological Investigations   BIOL 4102 Individual Studies (1-0). Individual study of selected topics in biological literature or Field Biology. Prerequisite: BIOL 1306 - Biology for Majors I  
BIOL 4301   Cell Biology   BIOL 4301 Cell Biology (3-0). A study of the particulate morphology and basic physiology of the cell and cell organelles, including basic facts, concepts, and problems in modern cellular biology. Prerequisite: BIOL 1306/1106 & BIOL 1307/1107.  
BIOL 4409   Mammalogy   BIOL 4409 Mammalogy (3-2). An exploration into the ecology, natural history, physiology, evolution, systematics, and economic relations of mammals with emphasis on those species found in the southwestern region of Texas. Museum technique and field work will be stressed. Prerequisites: BIOL 1306/1106 & BIOL 1307/1107.  
BIOL 4409   Mammalogy Lab   BIOL 4409 Mammalogy (3-2). An exploration into the ecology, natural history, physiology, evolution, systematics, and economic relations of mammals with emphasis on those species found in the southwestern region of Texas. Museum technique and field work will be stressed. Prerequisites: BIOL 1306/1106 & BIOL 1307/1107.  
BIOL 4414   Forensic Entomology   BIOL 4414 Forensic Entomology (3-2). The study of the various insects associated with forensic investigations. Course will cover the use of insect related evidence in legal investigations and how that evidence can be collected analyzed and used in a court of law. Lectures will emphasize the major aspects of forensic entomology from calculating post mortem the different types of data that can be obtained from insects the effects of the environment on forensic entomology and other aspects of the filed. Laboratory studies will emphasize taxonomy and identification as well as collection techniques. Prerequisites: BIOL 1306 Biology for Majors I  
BIOL 4414   Forensic Entomology Lab   BIOL 4414 Forensic Entomology (3-2). The study of the various insects associated with forensic investigations. Course will cover the use of insect related evidence in legal investigations and how that evidence can be collected analyzed and used in a court of law. Lectures will emphasize the major aspects of forensic entomology from calculating post mortem the different types of data that can be obtained from insects the effects of the environment on forensic entomology and other aspects of the filed. Laboratory studies will emphasize taxonomy and identification as well as collection techniques. Prerequisites: BIOL 1306 Biology for Majors I  
BIOL 4607   Arachnida of the Trans Pecos   BIOL 4607 Special Topics Field Studies (4-4). A course offering selected topics in Biology that consist of field work. This course may be repeated if topic varies. Prerequisite: BIOL 1307 - Biology for Majors II. Field school fee: $175 - $1800  
BIOL 4607   Field Zoology   BIOL 4607 Special Topics Field Studies (4-4). A course offering selected topics in Biology that consist of field work. This course may be repeated if topic varies. Prerequisite: BIOL 1307 - Biology for Majors II. Field school fee: $175 - $1800  
BIOL 5303   NT Oral Exam and Prep   BIOL 5303 Non-Thesis Oral Exam and Preparation (3-0). A short course covering all the major topics and areas of biology in order to prepare for the final exam for the degree. Students will be expected to review and teach back material including but not limited to basic biological concepts such as photosynthesis cellular respiration transcription and translation mitosis and meiosis and evolution via natural selection. Current relevant topics in biology will also be incorporated into the course. Toward the end of the semester students will take the final comprehensive exam required for completion of the degree.  
BIOL 5307   Biogeography   BIOL 5307 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with selected and timely topics in biology. May be repeated when topic varies.  
BIOL 5307   Readings in Conservation Biol.   BIOL 5307 Special Topics (3-0). A course dealing with selected and timely topics in biology. May be repeated when topic varies.  
BIOL 5602   Field Zoology   BIOL 5602 Field Zoology (3-6). A course devoted primarily to acquainting the student with animal life in its natural habitat. Collecting museum techniques systematic and ecological implications will be stressed. Field school fee: $175 - $1800  
BIOL 5607   Arachnida of the Trans Pecos   BIOL 5607 Special Topics Graduate Field Studies (3-6). A course offering selected topics in biology that consist of field work. This course may be repeated if topic varies. Field school fee: $175 - $1800  
BIOL 6040   Thesis Research   BIOL 6040 Thesis Research (0-18). The student will enroll in this course after earning credit for BIOL 6301 (Thesis Prospectus) each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by Committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. The course is variable for 1 to 9 credit hours and may be repeated with approval of advisor. Credit hours earned may not be applied towards the 30 or 36 hours required for the degree. Prerequisites: Master of Science students that have been admitted to candidacy including earned credit for Thesis Prospectus.  
BIOL 6301   Thesis Prospectus   BIOL 6301 Thesis Prospectus (0-6). Satisfactory completion of this course requires an acceptable prospectus presented to the Graduate Committee. The student will normally register for this class no earlier than the second semester of graduate study. The prospectus is expected to be completed promptly as this course may not be taken more than two long semesters.  
BIOL 6302   Thesis Defense   BIOL 6302 Thesis Defense (0-6). The student will enroll in this course at the time of the defense and after earning credit for BIOL 6301 (Thesis Prospectus). Satisfactory completion of this course will result in the completed thesis presented to the Graduate Committee accepted by the Dean of the School the Dean of the Graduate School and filed in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Prerequisite: BIOL 6301.  
CHEM 1111   General Chemistry I Lab   CHEM 1111 (CHEM 1111) General Chemistry I Lab (0-2). This course consists of basic laboratory experiments such as recrystallization crystal growing redox reactions metathesis reactions basic organic chemistry chromatography and titrations to support the theoretical principles presented in CHEM 1311. This course introduces students to the scientific method experimental design data collection and analysis and preparation of laboratory reports. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or equivalent. Corequisite: CHEM 1311. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 1112   General Chemistry II Lab   CHEM 1112 (CHEM 1112) General Chemistry II Lab (0-2). This course consists of laboratory experiments such as enthalpy of solutions heat of reactions polymerization chemical kinetics acid-base reactions pH titrations solubility products and qualitative analysis of ions to support the theoretical principles presented in CHEM 1312. Prerequisites: CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1111. Corequisite: CHEM 1312. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 1311   General Chemistry I   CHEM 1311 (CHEM 1311) General Chemistry I (3-0). Students will study matter atomic theory atomic structure concept of moles chemical units of concentration concept of balanced chemical reaction equation chemical bonding and kinetic molecular theory of gases periodic table of the elements chemical bonding drawing Lewis structures molecular geometry and hybridization of atomic orbitals. Prerequisite: MATH 1314, MATH 1315, MATH 1316, MATH 2314 or equivalent. Advanced placement in CHEM 1311 may be given on successful completion of advanced placement examination.  
CHEM 1312   General Chemistry II   CHEM 1312 (CHEM 1312) General Chemistry II (3-0). Students will study colligative properties of solutions chemical kinetics chemical equilibrium acid-base systems including the concept of pH thermodynamics energy relationships in chemistry reactions detailed redox reactions and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1111.  
CHEM 2401   Analytical Chemistry I   CHEM 2401 (CHEM 2401) Analytical Chemistry I (2-4). This course includes chemical equilibria acid-base equilibria buffers solubility equilibria and volumetric methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1312 and CHEM 1112. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 2401   Analytical Chemistry I Lab   CHEM 2401 (CHEM 2401) Analytical Chemistry I (2-4). This course includes chemical equilibria acid-base equilibria buffers solubility equilibria and volumetric methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1312 and CHEM 1112. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 3408   Organic Chemistry II   CHEM 3408 Organic Chemistry II (3-3). The study of aromatic heterocyclic and unsaturated compounds. The chemistry of aldehydes ketones ethers alcohols carboxylic acids amines and carbonyl reactions will be discussed in detail. Prerequisite: CHEM 3407. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 3408   Organic Chemistry II Lab   CHEM 3408 Organic Chemistry II (3-3). The study of aromatic heterocyclic and unsaturated compounds. The chemistry of aldehydes ketones ethers alcohols carboxylic acids amines and carbonyl reactions will be discussed in detail. Prerequisite: CHEM 3407. Lab fee: $8  
CHEM 4300   Welch Chemistry Research   CHEM 4300 Undergraduate Research (3-0). Individual research or studies on topics of general interest encouraged. May be repeated once for credit. (On demand)  
CHEM 4301   Biochemistry I   CHEM 4301 Biochemistry I (3-0). Students will study the structure and function of amino acids proteins carbohydrates lipids nucleotides and nucleic acids. This course also introduces biological membranes membrane transport enzyme kinetics enzyme regulation DNA replication transcription and RNA translation. Prerequisite: CHEM 3407.  
GEOL 1103   Physical Geology Lab   GEOL 1103 (GEOL 1103) Physical Geology Lab (0-2). Laboratory exercises emphasizing hands-on work with geologic materials as well as application of Physical Geology principles and concepts. Minerals igneous rocks sedimentary rocks and matamorphic rocks will be examined described tested and identified. Sediment porosity and permeability will be tested. Topographic maps will be examined and a topographic map and cross section drawn. Geologic structures will be examined and a structure cross-section drafted. Geologic maps will be examined and interpreted. Relative dating and absolute dating will be used to interpret timing of geologic events. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 1104   Historical Geology Laboratory   GEOL 1104 (GEOL 1104) Historical Geology Laboratory (0-2). Laboratory exercises emphasizing hands-on work with geologic materials as well as application of Historical Geology principles and concepts. Minerals igneous rocks sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks will be examined and identified. Relative dating will be used to interpret timing of geologic events. The Geologic Time Scale and major events in the Earth's history will be examined. Sedimentary depositional environments as well as their facies relationships will be studied through examination of characteristic sediments and rock types. Representative fossils from the Paleozoic Mesozoic and Cenozxoic will be examined and identified. Prerequisite: GEOL 1303. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 1303   Physical Geology   GEOL 1303 (GEOL 1303) Physical Geology (3-0). This course covers the nature and properties of the materials which make up the earth the distribution of these materials throughout the earth the processes (volcanism glaciation stream erosion weathering etc.) by which these materials are formed altered transported and deformed and the nature and development of the landscapes.  
GEOL 1304   Historical Geology   GEOL 1304 (GEOL 1304) Historical Geology (3-0). A study of the record of life forms (fauna and flora) that evolved throughout the geologic time 4.5 billion years ago up to the occurrence of man. It also covers the physical changes of the earth through 4.5 billion years of advancing and retreating seas of deposition and of erosion of rocks fashioned into mountain ranges-the entire chronological history of how processes of physical geology have operated. Prerequisite: Geology 1303  
GEOL 2401   Lithology   GEOL 2401 Lithology (3-2). Introductions to the basic concepts of identification classifications and origins of igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory exercises consist of hand specimen identification and classification of suites of all three rock classes. Prerequisite: Geology 1311/1103  
GEOL 2401   Lithology Lab   GEOL 2401 Lithology (3-2). Introductions to the basic concepts of identification classifications and origins of igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory exercises consist of hand specimen identification and classification of suites of all three rock classes. Prerequisite: Geology 1311/1103  
GEOL 3301   Geology of West Texas   GEOL 3301 Geology of West Texas (3-0). Designed as an introduction the geology of West Texas this course contains a brief introduction to general geology followed by outlines of the geologic evolution of the region. Topics range from billion -year-old continental collisions through deep sea deposition coral reefs explosive volcanism mineral and petroleum deposits to the evolution of the present day West Texas landscape. Optional field trips will be available. Prerequisite: Geology 1304  
GEOL 3402   Structural Geology   GEOL 3402 Structural Geology (3-3). QEP mapped course. A study of the structural features (faults folds etc.) their classification identification occurrence causes and geographic distribution. Course includes two required weekend field trips. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 3402   Structural Geology Lab   GEOL 3402 Structural Geology (3-3). QEP mapped course. A study of the structural features (faults folds etc.) their classification identification occurrence causes and geographic distribution. Course includes two required weekend field trips. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 4301   McNair Research: Fault Strain   GEOL 4301 Research (3-0). In this course the student researches a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification.  
GEOL 4301   McNair Research:Fault Geochron   GEOL 4301 Research (3-0). In this course the student researches a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification.  
GEOL 4403   Igneous & Metamorphic Pet Lab   GEOL 4403 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3-3). A study of the mode of origin environment evolution characteristics and association of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory consists of hand specimen and petrographic examination of igneous and metamorphic rock suites from differing environments. Prerequisite: Geology 2405 and Chemistry 1311 1111. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 4403   Igneous & Metamorphic Petrol   GEOL 4403 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3-3). A study of the mode of origin environment evolution characteristics and association of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory consists of hand specimen and petrographic examination of igneous and metamorphic rock suites from differing environments. Prerequisite: Geology 2405 and Chemistry 1311 1111. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 4418   Groundwater Hydrology   GEOL 4418 Groundwater Hydrology (3-3). A detailed analytical quantitative discussion of the occurrences and movements of waters beneath the Earth?s surface. Topics include: the hydraulics of water flow through aquifers and the geologic setting for them as well as considerations for their development as water sources. A combination of lecture field and lab exercises emphasize the subsurface part of the hydrologic cycle in various rock types and the quantities and qualities (physical and chemical) of ground water. Prerequisite: GEOL 1303 and GEOL 1103. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 4418   Groundwater Hydrology Lab   GEOL 4418 Groundwater Hydrology (3-3). A detailed analytical quantitative discussion of the occurrences and movements of waters beneath the Earth?s surface. Topics include: the hydraulics of water flow through aquifers and the geologic setting for them as well as considerations for their development as water sources. A combination of lecture field and lab exercises emphasize the subsurface part of the hydrologic cycle in various rock types and the quantities and qualities (physical and chemical) of ground water. Prerequisite: GEOL 1303 and GEOL 1103. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 4421   Vertebrate Paleontology    
GEOL 4421   Vertebrate Paleontology Lab    
GEOL 5326   Carbonate Petrology   GEOL 5326 Carbonate Petrology (3-0). Origin classification and diagenesis of ancient and modern carbonate rocks and sediments.  
GEOL 5404   Advanced Hydrology   GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 5404   Advanced Hydrology Lab   GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 5404   Vertebrate Paleontology   GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 5404   Vertebrate Paleontology Lab   GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8  
GEOL 6040   Thesis Research   GEOL 6040 Thesis Research (0-18). The student will enroll in this course after earning credit for GEOL 6301 each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. The course is variable for 1 to 9 credit hours and may be repeated with approval of advisor. Credit hours earned may not be applied towards the 30 or 36 hours required for the degree. Prerequisite: Master of Science students that have been admitted to candidacy  
GEOL 6301   Thesis Proposal   GEOL 6301 Thesis Proposal (0-6). Satisfactory completion of this course requires an acceptable prospectus presented to the Graduate Committee. The student will normally register for this course no earlier than the second semester of graduate study. The student will enroll each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by Committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made.  
GEOL 6302   Thesis Defense   GEOL 6302 Thesis Defense (0-6). The student will enroll in this course at the time of the defense and after earning credit for GEOL 6301 (Thesis Proposal). Satisfactory completion of this course will result in the completed thesis presented to the Graduate Committee accepted by the Dean of the School the Dean of the Graduate School and filed in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. Prerequisite: GEOL 6301.  
PHYS 1101   College Physics Laboratory I   PHYS 1101 (PHYS 1101) College Physics Laboratory I (0-2). This laboratory-based course accompanies PHYS 1301 College Physics I. Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental principles of physics using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics including harmonic motion mechanical waves and sound physical systems Newton Laws of Motion and gravitation and other fundamental forces; emphasis will be on problem solving. Corequisite: Physics 1301. Lab fee: $8  
PHYS 1102   College Physics Laboratory II   PHYS 1102 (PHYS 1102) College Physics Laboratory II (0-2). This laboratory-based course accompanies PHYS 1302 College Physics II. Laboratory activities will reinforce fundamental principles of physics using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of electricity and magnetism including circuits electromagnetism waves sound light optics and modern physics topics; with emphasis on problem solving. Corequisite: Physics 1302. Lab fee: $8  
PHYS 1301   College Physics I   PHYS 1301 (PHYS 1301) College Physics I (3-0). Non-calculus based survey course in general physics covering kinematics dynamics temperature heat thermal properties of matter and wave phenomena. Emphasis is placed upon the concepts of physics rather than mathematical relationships. Prerequisite: Math 1314 or a satisfactory score on the algebra placement test.  
PHYS 1302   College Physics II   PHYS 1302 (PHYS 1302) College Physics II (3-0). This non-calculus based survey course in general physics covers electricity magnetism electromagnetic waves optics atomic and nuclear physics special relativity and quantum chromo dynamics. Emphasis is placed on the concepts of physics rather than mathematical relationships. Prerequisite: Physics 1301  
PHYS 2125   University Physics Lab I   PHYS 2125 (PHYS 2125) University Physics Laboratory I (0-2). Basic laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles presented in PHYS 2325 involving the principles and applications of classical mechanics including harmonic motion and physical systems; experimental design data collection and analysis and preparation of laboratory reports. Corequisite: Physics 2325. Lab fee: $8  
PHYS 2126   University Physics Lab II   PHYS 2126 (PHYS 2126) University Physics Laboratory II (0-2). Laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles presented in PHYS 2326 involving the principles of electricity and magnetism including circuits electromagnetism waves sound light and optics; experimental design data collection and analysis and preparation of laboratory reports. Corequisite: Physics 2326. Lab fee: $8  
PHYS 2325   University Physics I   PHYS 2325 (PHYS 2325) University Physics I (3-0). General physics for students who plan to do further work in engineering mathematics chemistry geology or other related sciences. The course covers vectors statistics linear and rotational kinematics and dynamics and wave phenomena. Prerequisites: Math 1316 and Math 2413  
PHYS 2326   University Physics II   PHYS 2326 (PHYS 2326) University Physics II (3-0). Continuation of Physics 2325 covering kinetic theory thermal properties of matter thermodynamics electrostatic fields potential electric circuits and magnetic fields. Prerequisites: Physics 2325 and Math 2414.  
SCED 3409   Foundatns of Elementary Sci II   SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409  
SCED 3409   Foundatns of Elemntry Sci2 Lab   SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409  
SCED 3409   Foundtns Elementary Sci II Lab   SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409  
SCED 3409   Foundtns Elementary Sci Il Lab   SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409  
SCED 3409   Foundtns of Elemntry SciII Lab   SCED 3409 Foundations of Elementary Science II (3-2). Second course in a series of two in required science content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics covered will include the following TEA science competencies: Lab Processes, Equipment & Safety; Students as Learners & Science Instruction; Science Assessment; Adaptions * Evolution; Organisms & the Environment; Structure & Function of Earth Systems; Cycles in Earth Systems; Energy in Weather & Climate; Solar System & the Universe. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. For elementary education majors only. Offered spring. Equivalent courses: BIO 3309 (through Summer 2022), SCER 3409