Browse MKTR Courses
MKTR 3307 | Principles Of Marketing | MKTR 3307 Principles of Marketing (3-0). Studies the place of marketing in our economic structure; the present marketing structures and the formulating by management of marketing policies and procedures aimed at satisfying consumer needs. Equivalent courses: MKT 3370 (through Summer 2021), MKT/MKTG 3307 (through Summer 2022), MKTA 3307. |
MKTR 3317 | Promotion | MKTR 3317 Promotion (3-0). Persuasive communication in marketing; elements of persuasion including personal selling advertising sales promotion indirect promotion; management and coordination of the promotion program. Prerequisite: MKTG/MKTR 3307 or MKT 3370. Equivalent courses: MKTG 3317 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 3371 | Consumer Behavior | MKTR 3371 Consumer Behavior (3-0). Consumer application of fundamental processes of motivation, perception and learning; nature and influence of individual predisposition; group influences; consumer decision process. Prerequisite: MKTA 3307 - Principles of Marketing or Equivalent. Equivalent courses: MKT 3371 and MKTG 3318 (through Summer 2022), MKTA 3371 |
MKTR 4310 | CT in Mktg: Services Marketing | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | CT in MKTG: Strtegic Marketing | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | CT: History of Marketing Innov | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | Current Topics: Sales Mgmt. | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | Topics in MKTG: Strategic MKTG | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4310 | Topics: Digital Marketing | MKTR 4310 (3-0). An elective marketing course designed to expand students? basic knowledge and skills beyond the Principles of Marketing course. The course will focus on readings and discussions addressing current topics in consumer marketing. May be repeated for credit when course topic changes. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4310 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 4349 | Marketing Communications | MKTR 4349 Marketing Communications (3-0). An elective marketing course intended for students interested in expanding their marketing knowledge and skills beyond Principles of Marketing. Explores changes in technology buyer behavior economic cycles and industry performance that impact the ways in which organizations communicate with target markets. Prerequisite: MKTR/MKTA 3307 Principles of Marketing. Equivalent courses: MKTG 4349 (through Summer 2022); MKTA 4349. |
MKTR 4370 | Marketing Research | |
MKTR 5305 | Seminar In Marketing | MKTR 5305 Seminar in Marketing (3-0). Analysis of policy formulation by marketing management with special emphasis on the influence of marketing institutions market structure governmental regulation and fluctuation in population and national income. (MBA Core Course) Prerequisite: MATH 2413 or permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MKTG 5305 (through Summer 2022). |
MKTR 5306 | Brand Management | MKTR 5306 Brand Management (3-0). An elective course for MBA students interested in expanding their marketing knowledge/skills beyond what they learned in the core MBA marketing course MKTG 5305 Seminar in Marketing. Students will learn both from an academic and practitioner point-of-view how brands reduce consumer risk and simplify their purchasing decisions. MBA Course. MBA Only. Equivalent courses: MKTG 5306 (through Summer 2022); MKTA 5306. |