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Department of Education Courses
EDSR 3300 | Pedagogy & Prof. Resp. | EDSR 3300 Pedagogy & Professional Responsibility (3-0). A course providing an overview of key aspects of the American Educational System including: Curriculum models and assessment, educator standards, the Texas Administrative Code, legal case studies, and the Educator Code of Ethics. Participants will review local, state, and national policies as they impact PK-12 education. Prerequisite: Completion of Blocks I and II, ED/EDUA 3302 & 4314 & 3303 & 4322. Equivalent courses: EDUA 3300 |
EDSR 3301 | Planning, Instruction & Assmnt | EDSR 3301 Planning, Instruction, and Assessment (3-0). A course designed for the classroom teacher focusing on key aspects of data driven planning, instruction, and assessment in the classroom. The role of standards based from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) will be applied incorporating various forms of inquiry and direct instruction. Prerequisite: Completion of Blocks I and II, ED/EDUA 3302 & 4314 & 3303 & 4322. Equivalent courses: ED 3301 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3301 |
EDSR 3302 | Developmental & Learning Thry. | EDSR 3302 Educational Psychology (3-0) A researched based study of teaching-learning procedures includes the role and methods of assessment and evaluation of student achievement with theories of human growth and development. The course includes the role of educational ethics and the role of the educator. In addition, knowledge of the legal information requirements for the education of the needs of special populations, including multicultural, gifted, and talented students. Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3302 (through Summer 2022) |
EDSR 3303 | Mthds & Matrls. for Clsrm. Tea | EDSR 3303 Methods & Materials for the Classroom Teacher (3-0). An in-depth study of assessment and analysis of student learning focusing on assessment systems, systems used to identify students for learning support, data analysis, and the analysis and response to the data analysis. Classroom and behavioral management will be presented with an emphasis on implementation of developmentally appropriate practices in the educational setting. Includes 10 hours of field experience per TAC ?228.35(b)(1). Prerequisite: Completion of Block I. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3303 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3303 |
EDSR 3304 | Human Growth & Development | EDSR 3304 Methods & Materials for the Classroom Teacher (3-0). A course in the theories of normal child growth and development and biological factors in the development of children as it pertains in the educational setting. Theories will include language development, cognitive, emotional and personality development. Further, content addresses the influence of diverse socio/cultural factors and learning styles. This course supports competencies within evaluative measures as identified by the State of Texas for Teacher Certification. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3304 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3304 |
EDSR 3305 | Teach Strat & Class Mgt Sec Sc | EDSR 3305 Teaching Strategies and Classroom Management in School (3-0) An examination of instructional strategies, for subjects taught in the secondary school, utilizing the Texas essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Instruction focuses on content organization and lesson planning to assess and improve student learning. Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3305 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 3307 | Technology in Instruct Setting | EDSR 3307 Technology in the Instructional Setting (3-0). This course prepares teachers to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction that incorporates the effective use of current technology. Equivalent courses: ED 3307 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3307 |
EDSR 3308 | Lang Acquis & Emergent Lit | EDSR 3308 Language Acquisition & Emergent Literacy (3-0). A course in language acquisition in children. Developmentally appropriate activities, diversity, and individual learning styles found in the educational setting are discussed as they facilitate language in young children. All theories and activities are presented as they ultimately contribute to an integrated curriculum. This course supports competencies within the Evaluative measure as identified by the State of Texas for Teaching Certification. In addition, this course utilizes the competencies prescribed for Early Childhood-6th grade as identified by the State of Texas. Equivalent courses: ED 3308 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3308 |
EDSR 3310 | EC-6Early Childhood:Curr | EDSR 3310 EC-6 Early Childhood Curriculum (3-0). The course addresses early childhood from infancy through fourth grade. Various early childhood settings and programs are described from their inception to present educational application. Developmentally appropriate practice is presented as it affects both the student and the teacher in the educational setting. Students will be presented with the role of the early childhood teacher and the importance of lifelong learning as it pertains to early childhood methods and classroom management in schools. In addition, this course serves as a prerequisite to taking the Teacher Certification Instrument as defined by the State of Texas. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3310 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3310 |
EDSR 3312 | Fine Arts in the Classroom | EDSR 3312 Fine Arts in the Classroom (3-0). Course is designed to introduce students to the principles of art music and theatre that can be related to the expressive and developmental needs of children in the Early Childhood-Sixth grade classroom. Students will learn basic techniques activities and strategies for integrating art music and theatre into the EC-6 curriculum. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3312 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3312. |
EDSR 3328 | Found Of Bilingual Ed | EDSR 3328 Foundations of Bilingual Education (3-0). A survey of the research, philosophy and the legal requirements of bilingual education. The process of second language development. Also, a review and analysis of the differences of various bilingual programs. Note: EDSR 3328 is required for those seeking Bilingual Certification. Equivalent courses: EDUC 3328 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 3328 |
EDSR 4300 | Internship In Student Teach | EDSR 4300 Internship in Teaching (3-0). A course designed for post-baccalaureate certification candidates to satisfy student teaching requirements by being employed as the teacher of record in an accredited school jointly supervised by the University and school personnel. Must meet requirements for eligibility to student teach. Offered during the fall term only. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4300 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 4301 | Intrnshp In Tchng II | EDSR 4301 Practicum in Teaching II (3-0). A course serving as a capstone experience for teacher candidates enrolled in the teacher education program. Designed for certification candidates completing their clinical experience over two semesters at an accredited school, jointly supervised by the University and school personnel. Must meet requirements for eligibility to student teach. Offered during spring term only. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4301 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4301 |
EDSR 4306 | Survey of Exceptional Children | EDSR 4306 Survey of Exceptional Children (3-0). A survey of exceptional children involving categorical identification, learning characteristics, instructional intervention, and adjustment needs.?Equivalent courses: ED 4306 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4306 |
EDSR 4307 | Language Arts in the Classroom | EDSR 4307 Language Arts in the Classroom (3-0). A study of the methods and strategies in teaching language arts in the elementary grades. A focus on phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and comprehension development, composition, grammar, and handwriting as it relates to grade level TEKS and guidelines will be covered. Classroom management, instructional materials, curricula and best practice of analysis and response are presented. Activities focus on development of lesson plans, instructional materials, visual aids and assessment of student progress. Opportunities for data-driven and performance-based practices are presented. Prerequisite: ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 3308 and ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 4308. Equivalent courses: ED 3314 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4307 |
EDSR 4307 | Language Arts in the Classroom | EDSR 4307 Language Arts in the Classroom (3-0). A study of the methods and strategies in teaching language arts in the elementary grades. A focus on vocabulary, comprehension, and comprehension development, composition, grammar, and handwriting as it relates to grade level TEKS and guidelines will be covered. Classroom management, instructional materials, curricula and best practice of analysis and response are presented. Activities focus on development of lesson plans, instructional materials, visual aids and assessment of student progress. Opportunities for data-driven and performance-based practices are presented. Prerequisite: ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 3308 and ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 4308. Equivalent courses: ED 3314 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4307 |
EDSR 4308 | The Teaching of Reading | EDSR 4308 The Teaching of Reading (3-0). Intensive study of the foundations of oral language development, reading readiness, beginning reading, remedial reading, reading assessment, reading devices, and the use of audiovisual aids in reading instruction. Topics presented in this course will provide an understanding of reading pedagogy, best practices for reading assessment, and foundational skills for reading development. This course serves as a foundation to the Science of Teaching Reading. Equivalent courses: ED 4308 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4308 |
EDSR 4308 | The Teaching of Reading | EDSR 4308 The Teaching of Reading (3-0). Intensive study of the foundations of reading readiness, beginning reading, remedial reading, reading assessment, reading devices, and the use of audiovisual aids in reading instruction. Topics presented in this course will provide an understanding of reading pedagogy, best practices for reading assessment, and foundational skills for reading development. This course serves as a foundation to the reading component and is encouraged to be taken as the first course of the reading component. Equivalent courses: ED 4308 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4308 |
EDSR 4310 | Soc Studies in the Clsrm I | |
EDSR 4310 | Soc Studies in the Clsrm I | EDSR 4310 Social Studies in the Classroom I (3-0). This is the first course in methods and strategies in teaching social studies curriculum in the public schools. Topics include, but are not limited to, citizenship, historical knowledge, political systems, socioeconomic systems, historical inquiry, curricula, instructional materials, and assessment and evaluation. Equivalent courses: ED 4310 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4310 |
EDSR 4311 | Soc Studies in the Clasrm II | |
EDSR 4311 | Soc Studies in the Clasrm II | EDSR 4311 Social Studies in the Classroom II (3-0). This is the second course in methods and strategies in teaching social studies curriculum in the public schools. Topics include, but are not limited to, citizenship, historical knowledge, political systems, socioeconomic systems, historical inquiry, curricula, instructional materials, and assessment and evaluation. Prerequisite: EDUA/EDSR 4310. Equivalent courses: EDUA 4311 |
EDSR 4313 | Reading Comprhnsn & Enrichment | EDSR 4313 Reading Comprehension & Enrichment (3-0). An intense course for the development and teaching of phonics, vocabulary, structural analysis, context clues to enhance comprehension for all readers. This course will prepare students to provide multisensory instruction and culturally responsive intervention in the following reading areas: vocabulary development, critical-analytical reading, research based strategies, and metacognition approaches to assist with understanding literacy texts and informational texts. Includes field experience. Prerequisites: ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 3308 & ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 4308. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4313 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4313 |
EDSR 4314 | Read Skills For Content Sub | EDSR 4314 Reading Skills for Content Subjects (3-0). Methods and materials for teaching skills needed for locating, interpreting, and organizing reading materials used in science, social studies, math and the other content subjects.? ?Includes interpretation of graphic aids, skimming and scanning. ?Includes 10 hours of field experience. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education . Equivalent courses: EDUC 4314 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4314 |
EDSR 4315 | Reading Diagnosis & Remediatn | EDSR 4315 Reading Diagnosis and Remediation (3-0). Assessment, diagnostic, and remediation techniques to use in the classroom to determine how to best assist students with reading and identify reading problems. Prerequisites: ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 3308 & ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 4308. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4315 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4315 |
EDSR 4315 | Reading Enrch. Diag. & Remed. | EDSR 4315 Reading Enrichment, Diagnosis & Remediation (3-0). An intense course on how to effectively utilize evidence-based literacy assessment and instructional strategies in the classroom. This course will prepare students to provide multisensory instruction and culturally responsive intervention in the following reading areas: vocabulary development, critical-analytical reading, research based strategies, and metacognition approaches to assist with understanding literacy texts and informational texts. Students will learn literacy assessment tools and techniques to identify students' strengths and needs. The course will also cover strategies to plan for effective intervention that enhances student literacy development. Students will demonstrate assessment, instruction, and intervention related to early literacy, fluency, vocabulary instruction and comprehension. Diagnosis of specific learning needs related to reading will also be examined. Equivalent courses: ED 4315 (through Summer 2022), EDUC 4315 (through Summer 2022), and EDUA 4315. Prerequisite: EDUA/EDSR 4308. |
EDSR 4320 | Diverse Populations | |
EDSR 4320 | Diverse Populations | EDSR 4320 (3-0). The course explores the complexities of equity in the classroom related to children with exceptional needs, ranging from Special Education to Gifted and Talented. Best practices related to teaching children with special needs are identified. Meanwhile, dilemmas related to sociocultural and economic factors that impact learning in a diverse society are stressed. Data-driven practices for programming educational inclusion are emphasized. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4320 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4320 |
EDSR 4322 | Classroom Management | EDSR 4322 Classroom Management (3-0). This course presents practical methods for creating a positive learning environment working with behavior problems and dealing with a range of challenges in the K-12 classroom. ?An online format that provides discussion opportunities during student teaching. ?Prerequisite: Completion of Blocks I; ED/EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 3302 & 4314. Equivalent courses: ED 4322 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4322 |
EDSR 4601 | Stud Teach In Elem Sch | EDSR 4601 Student Teaching Elementary (Block III) (0-6). The course serves as a capstone experience for teacher candidates enrolled in the teacher education program. Students are required to work within their placement campuses and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations outlined in the student teaching handbook. Students are expected to serve in a teaching and leadership role in public school classroom(s) under the supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Teacher Education. Student Teaching fee: $200. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4601 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4601 |
EDSR 4602 | Student Teaching:Middle School | EDSR 4602 Student Teaching Middle School (Block III) (3-0). The course serves as a capstone experience for teacher candidates enrolled in the teacher education program. Students are required to work within their placement campuses and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations outlined in the student teaching handbook. Students are expected to serve in a teaching and leadership role in public school classroom(s) under the supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Teacher Education. Student Teaching fee: $200. Equivalent courses: ED 4602 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 4602 |
EDSR 4605 | Stud Teach In Sec Sch | EDSR 4605 Student Teaching: Secondary School (0-6) The course serves as a capstone experience for teacher candidates enrolled in the teacher education program. Students are required to work within their placement campuses and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations outlined in the student teaching handbook. Students are expected to serve in a teaching and leadership role in a public school classroom(s) under the supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Teacher Education. Student Teaching fee: $200. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4605 (through Summer 2022) |
EDSR 5302 | The Principalship | EDSR 5302 The Principalship (3-0). A course designed especially for elementary and secondary school principals in which the role, scope and function of the principalship is thoroughly studied. Equivalent courses: EDUC 4302 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5302 |
EDSR 5307 | Graduate Research | EDSR 5307 Graduate Research (3-0). The student will demonstrate competency in reading and interpreting research and will use the APA style and format. Demonstrated competency in research design will be shown through written products and presentations. Must be taken within first 12 hours of graduate coursework. No substitutions for this course without written permission from the Education Department Chair. Equivalent courses: EDUC 5301 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5307 |
EDSR 5309 | Intro to School Admin | EDSR 5309 Introduction to School Administration (3-0). An overview of school administration that includes roles functions and duties of those who administer and supervise in the schools. Policy development planning goal setting program evaluation and accreditation standards are also included. Equivalent courses: ED 5330 (through Summer 2021), ED/EDUC 5309 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5309. |
EDSR 5313 | Career Dev & Life Planning | EDSR 5313 Career Development, Life Planning, and Counseling (3-0). A study of career development theory; systems of career awareness, exploration, preparation, and growth, and their application to career counseling, career guidance, career decision making, life planning, and career education with diverse and multicultural populations in school and community settings. Equivalent courses: EDUC 5313 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5313 |
EDSR 5314 | Personality & Counsel Theory | EDSR 5314 Personality and Counseling Theories (3-0). A study of traditional and contemporary theories of personality as they relate to the process and practice of counseling in a pluralistic society. Equivalent courses: EDUC 5314 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 5315 | Assessment in Counseling | |
EDSR 5315 | Assessment in Counseling | EDSR 5315 Assessment in Counseling (3-0). An introduction to testing and assessment for use in counseling individuals and groups, including basic psychometric theories and approaches to appraisal; psychometric statistics; factors influencing appraisals, data and information gathering; and use of appraisal results in the helping process. Also addresses test selection, test administration, and the dynamics of test interpretation. Equivalent courses: ED/EDUC 5315 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5315 |
EDSR 5316 | Multicultrl Perspectives in Ed | EDSR 5316 The Multicultural Perspectives in Education (3-0). This course is designed to examine theoretical and practical issues of diversity. Multiculturalism perspectives such as culture, race, gender, ethnicity, language, exceptionality, class, age, differentiated lifestyles, religion and socio-economic levels will be critically examined to develop awareness and sensitivity to the rich diversity of all students. Equivalent courses: EDUC 5316 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5316 |
EDSR 5319 | School Law | EDSR 5319 School Law (3-0). A study of general laws applying to all states concerning education; an in-depth study of cases and decisions affecting current education. Equivalent courses: ED 5319 (through Summer 2022), EDUC 5319 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5319 |
EDSR 5322 | Behavior Management | EDSR 5322 Behavior Management (3-0). An in-depth look at classical and operant conditioning principles from the standpoint of human application, from the classroom to the home, from private practice to institutional placements. Actual behavior modification project included. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Equivalent courses: ED 5322 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5322 |
EDSR 5332 | Educational Research I | EDSR 5332 Educational Research I (3-0). A course designed to broaden the perspectives of education graduate students and to introduce them to the techniques of educational research that promote data-driven decision-making on their campuses. Must be completed in first 6 sch. Equivalent courses: EDUC 5332 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5332. |
EDSR 5333 | Educational Research II | EDSR 5333 Educational Research II (3-0). An advanced course designed for education graduate students to apply the techniques of educational research that promote data-driven decision-making on their campuses by completing a statistically-sound data-driven educational research project on an identified need of their school campus related to student achievement. Equivalent courses: ED/EDUC 533 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 5333. |
EDSR 6305 | Curricul Instruc & Assmnt | EDSR 6305 Curriculum Instruction and Assessment (3-0) A course which introduces education graduate students to public school curriculum and its adoption process in Texas; Instruction and how to improve it to positively impact student achievement; and assessment and how to measure student success. Students will be introduced to the topics among others of the change process horizontal and vertical alignment scope and sequence and rigor. Equivalent courses: ED/EDUC 6305 (through Summer 2022), ED 6312 (through Summer 2021), EDUA 6305. |
EDSR 6308 | Adv Human Grow & Dev | |
EDSR 6308 | Adv Human Grow & Dev | EDSR 6308 Advanced Human Growth and Development (3-0). A study of the life span human development from conception to death encompassing physical social and emotional theories of development. Including an emphasis on childhood and adolescence and the implications for effective academic and interpersonal experiences. ED/EDUC 6308 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6308. |
EDSR 6309 | Hum Gro&Dev Emph Ad Lear Pedag | EDSR 6309 Human Growth & Development w/Emphasis on Adult Learning Pedagogy (3-0). A study of human development from adolescence through adult with learning theory application for different modes of pedagogical delivery. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6309 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6309 |
EDSR 6311 | Emergent Lit & Lang Dev | EDSR 6311 Emergent Literacy and Language Development (3-0). This advanced course is a requirement for the Master of Education Language and Literacy program. It is designed to provide students with and understanding of the components of reading and the strength and needs of individual students. This course will demonstrate how young children become literate, how language is acquired, and how competence in oral language supports the development of reading and writing. Attention will also be given to the critical role adults play in fostering the literacy development young children. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6311 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6311 |
EDSR 6317 | Organztn & Suprvsn Read Prog | EDSR 6317 Organization and Supervision of Reading Programs (3-0). The intention of this course is to prepare reading specialists, reading teachers, leaders and school administrators to develop a research-based philosophy of reading, design and implement a school-wide reading program, evaluate existing reading programs, and lead in faculty development. Students enrolled in this course must possess a strong understanding of the reading/writing process or administration background. The course is intended for graduate students seeking certification in administration or in becoming a reading specialist. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6317 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6317 |
EDSR 6318 | Multiculturalism and Diveristy | |
EDSR 6319 | Psychopathology&Psychopharmclg | |
EDSR 6319 | Psychopathology&Psychopharmclg | EDSR 6319 Psychopathology and Psychopharmacology (3-0). This course will investigate abnormal behavior as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Prerequisites: Student must have earned a grade of B or higher in EDUC/EDSR 5314, EDUC/EDSR 6322 and have permission of the instructor. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6319 (through Summer 2022) |
EDSR 6320 | Substance Use, Abuse, & Addict | EDSR 6320 Chemical Dependency Counseling (3-0). This course will examine the use, abuse and addiction of drugs and alcohol in a postmodern multicultural and diverse society. Emphasis will be placed on the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of abuse/addiction, their impact on the individual, family, and community, and evidence-based treatment approaches. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6320(through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6321 | Tech Of Counseling I | |
EDSR 6321 | Tech Of Counseling I | EDSR 6321 Techniques of Counseling I (3-0). An experiential course in professional counseling practice designed to develop communication and conceptualization skills essential to an effective and culturally relevant counseling relationship. Prerequisite: Student must have earned a grade of B or higher in EDSR 5314 and have Instructor Approval. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6321 (through Summer 2022) |
EDSR 6322 | Techniques Of Counseling II | |
EDSR 6322 | Techniques Of Counseling II | EDSR 6322 Techniques of Counseling II (3-0) An advanced experiential course in which students are required to demonstrate proficiency in counseling concepts, skills, and techniques that are sensitive to human diversity, with a major emphasis on students developing insight into their own theoretical orientations. Prerequisite: Student must have earned a grade of B or higher in EDUC/EDSR 6321 and Instructor Approval. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6322 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6323 | Marriage/Family Counseling | |
EDSR 6323 | Marriage/Family Counseling | EDSR 6323 Marriage and Family Counseling (3-0). The general purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the stages of family development family dynamics and techniques of marriage and family counseling family consultation and parent education. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6323 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6324 | School Support Services | EDSR 6324 School Support Services (3-0). A study of the management of school services for which a chief administrator of an educational unit is responsible. Course content includes attendance accounting physical plant and facilities construction and maintenance human resources nutrition and transportation. Students will create a Professional Development Plan that addresses a need identified on their campus by data. If the student is seeking Certification this course must be taken with EDUC/EDSR 7101. Equivalent courses: ED 6320 (through Summer 2021), ED/EDUC 6324 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6324. |
EDSR 6326 | Adv Couple/Family Counsel | EDSR 6326 Advanced Strategies in Couples and Family Counseling (3-0) The course is designed to assist advanced counseling students in the full integration of theories and skills in relationship counseling and family therapy. Students will develop professional competence in assessment, treatment planning, and therapeutic interventions for effectively counseling couples and families of multicultural and diverse backgrounds. Prerequisites: EDUC/EDSR 6323 and/or instructor approval. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6326 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6327 | Marr, Div & Fam Mediation | EDSR 6327 Marriage, Divorce, and Family Meditation (3-0) This course provides advanced counseling students with cutting-edge knowledge of the models and methods of mediation. Emphasis is placed on the strategies and skills necessary for counselors to competently provide professional mediation assistance to families and couples, as well as the evaluative, transformative, and therapeutic practices employed before, during and after relationship dissolution and divorce. Prerequisite: Instructor Approval. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6327 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6330 | Play Therapy | EDSR 6330 Play Therapy (3-0). This course will develop knowledge and skills to enhance the counseling relationship with diverse clients of all ages by utilizing play media to facilitate expression self-understanding catharsis and personal growth and development. The basic theories and applications of play- related and action-based approaches will be explored with special emphasis on the counselor?s own unique contribution to the therapeutic relationship and the emotional needs of the client. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6330 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6333 | Ethical, Legal, Prof Iss Coun | EDSR 6333 Ethical Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling (3-0). This course will examine legal ethical and professional standards and issues affecting the practice of professional counseling in schools community agencies and private practices in the multicultural and diverse society of the 21st century. Ethical standards will be discussed from an historical and practice perspective as well as legal issues that affect and/ or conflict with the professional practice of counseling. Ethical decision-making models will be examined and professional issues distinctive to the specific practice settings of counseling will be presented. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6333 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6340 | Bilingual &Cultural Counseling | EDSR 6340 Bilingual and Cultural Counseling (3-0) This course offers a comprehensive and in-depth examination of current theories, research, and strategies in bilingual and bicultural counseling with clients of all ages. Bilingual and bicultural individuals can effectively employ two different languages and successfully navigate in two different cultures. Subsequently, language choice and cultural relevance are therapeutic strategies effectively employed by bilingual and monolingual counselors. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6340 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6342 | Counsel Crisis,Trauma&Disaster | EDSR 6342 Counseling for Crisis, Trauma & Disaster (3-0) This course offers a comprehensive and in-depth examination of current theories, research, and strategies in bilingual and bicultural counseling with clients of all ages. Bilingual and bicultural individuals can effectively employ two different languages and successfully navigate in two different cultures. Subsequently, language choice and cultural relevance are therapeutic strategies effectively employed by bilingual and monolingual counselors. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6342 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6344 | Mindful-Based Appr to Counsel | EDSR 6344 Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Counseling (3-0). This course explores mental health wellness counseling and cutting-edge neuroscience through the lens of mindfulness- based counseling paradigms. Emphasis is placed on students developing knowledge and skills in the applications of mindfulness- based theories and strategies in the counseling process. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6344 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6350 | Counseling & the Neurosciences | |
EDSR 6350 | Counseling & the Neurosciences | EDSR 6350 Counseling & The Neurosciences (3-0). This course provides students with an understanding of the relationships between neurological processes and counseling. With emphases on counseling diverse populations, course topics include neurological processes associated with perceptions, cognitions, emotions, behaviors, neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, and psychoactive pharmacological agents used in mental health treatment. Prerequisites: Student must have earned a grade of B or higher in EDUC 5314 and have permission of the instructor. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6350 (through Summer 2022) |
EDSR 6351 | Abnorm. Behavr & Treatmnt Plan | EDSR 6351 Abnormal Behavior & Treatment Planning (3-0). The course is designated to teach concepts, theories, and etiology of abnormal behavior. Students will learn to identify contextual and individual-level factors that shape understanding of abnormal behavior and formulate treatment plans accordingly. |
EDSR 6352 | TX Planning & MH Advocacy | EDSR 6352 TX Planning and MH Advocacy (3-0) This course provides an in-depth overview of the multidimensional community mental health systems, with perspective on the administrative, organizational, socio-cultural, advocacy and clinical aspects of policy formation, managed care, case-management, legal paradigms and trends in mental health services delivery. Equivalent courses: EDUC 6352 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 6355 | Instructional Leadership | EDSR 6355 Instructional Leadership: Planning Implementation and Monitoring of the Instructional Program (3-0). A course which examines the improvement process of curriculum instruction and assessment to positively impact student achievement. Students will create a campus improvement plan to address an identified problem on their campus. If a student is seeking Certification this course must be taken with EDUC/EDSR 7102. Equivalent courses ED 6315 (through Summer 2022), ED/EDUC 6355 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6355. |
EDSR 6375 | Foundations of Ed Technology | EDSR 6375 Foundations of Educational Technology (3-0). This course provides the students with an overview of the historical, theoretical, and philosophical foundations of educational technology. Current trends and research, emerging technology, and critical issues will be examined and the student will have the opportunity to apply newly acquired technological knowledge and skills to a variety of educational environments. Prerequisites: must be completed in first 6 sch of coursework. Equivalent courses: ED 6375 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6375 |
EDSR 6376 | Inq-Based Resrch Methods | EDSR 6376 Inquiry-Based Research Methods (3-0). This course will examine methods and approaches to graduate level research, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method inquiry. Special attention will be given to inquiry-based approaches and social constructivist learning theories, as well as the ethical research of human subjects. Prerequisites: must be completed within first 12 sch. Equivalent courses: ED 6376 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6376 |
EDSR 6377 | Instructional Design | EDSR 6377 Instructional Design (3-0). This course will provide students with insight into the theories and process that guide effective instructional design. A systems-approach to designing instruction will be examined, along with methods to evaluate instructional methods. Equivalent courses: ED 6377 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6377 |
EDSR 6378 | Integrtn of Tech into the Curr | EDSR 6378 Integration of Technology into the Curriculum (3-0). This course will examine the advantages and challenges of effectively integrating technology into the curriculum in an effort to promote student motivation, engagement, and learning. Technologies assisting school personnel in assessment, evaluation, record-keeping, and data collection will be examined as well. Equivalent courses: EDUA 6378 |
EDSR 6379 | Implem of Ed Tech in Educ | EDSR 6379 Implementation of Educational Tech Programs in the Educational Setting (3-0). Students in this course will examine best-practices for the implementation of educational technology programs in the educational environment through the development of specific goals and a strategic plan. Although educational settings will be emphasized, strategies can be applied to a variety of settings and occupations. Equivalent courses: ED 6379 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6379 |
EDSR 6380 | Spec Topics in Ed Tech | EDSR 6380 Special Topics in Educational Technology (3-0). This special topics course provides the student with an opportunity to examine the role of educational technology in a variety of settings, through a case-study type approach. Emphasis will be placed on project/problem-based learning and critical analysis. Prerequisite: Advisor Approval. Equivalent courses: ED 6380 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6380 |
EDSR 6381 | Critical Issue in Ed Tech | EDSR 6381 Critical Issues in Educational Technology (3-0). Students will examine their role as the agent of change and how that role affects and influences the diffusion of technology and the delivery of its services. Probable sociological, financial, and educational implications of the application of change will be examined, as well as approaches to reduce the occurrence of undesirable consequences. Equivalent courses: ED 6381 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6381 |
EDSR 6382 | Basic Appl Media & Tech | EDSR 6382 Basic Applications of Media and Technology (3-0). This course will identify available technologies used to enhance instructional design and delivery. Concentration will be placed on the utilization of multimedia, print materials, audiovisual, computer and web-based technologies, and media conversion for educational and instructional purposes. Equivalent courses: ED 6382 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6382 |
EDSR 6383 | Ed Tech Capstone | |
EDSR 6383 | Ed Tech Capstone | EDSR 6383 Educational Technology Capstone with Portfolio Development (3-0). This course is reserved for students enrolled in the final semester of the Educational Technology graduate program. Students will utilize an electronic portfolio to present an approved topic of research and/or review of program for peer and faculty committee presentation. Prerequisite: Advisor Approval. Equivalent courses: ED 6383 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6383 |
EDSR 6389 | Special Pops & Programs | EDSR 6389 Special Populations and Programs (0-3). A study of the needs of multicultural and special student populations and the state and federal programs that currently serve them in public schools. Equivalent courses: ED 7309 (through Summer 2021), ED/EDUC 6389 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 6389. |
EDSR 7100 | Practicum I-Certification | EDSR 7100 Practicum I for Certification (0-1). A course required for certification which provides a minimum of 50 clock hours of field experience in the principalship in a T.E.A. accredited public, private, or parochial school. Students will create and implement a collaborative team to study a problem relating to student achievement on their campus. Students will serve in a leadership role as part of this committee. Students will prepare a report that details the change process and a video of themselves conducting one of this committee?s meetings. This course must be taken with EDUA 7304. Prerequisites: ED/EDUA/EDSR/EDUC 5330 and 5332. Internship/Practicum fee: $300. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7100 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7100 |
EDSR 7101 | Practicum II-Certifcation | EDSR 7101 Practicum II for Certification (0-3). A Course required for certification which provides a minimum of 50 clock hours of field experience in the principalship in a T.E.A. accredited public private or parochial school. Students will create and implement a professional development plan to address a problem relating to student achievement on their campus. Students will serve in a leadership role in conducting the professional development and in the change process. Students will create a plan that highlights the professional development its implementation and monitoring and report on its success. This course must be taken with EDUC/EDSR 6324. Equivalent courses: ED/EDUC 7101 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7101. Internship/Practicum fee: $100 |
EDSR 7102 | Practicum III-Certification | EDSR 7102 Practicum III for Certification (0-1). A course required for certification which provides a minimum of 60 clock hours of field experience in the principalship in a T.E.A. accredited public, private, or parochial school. Students will create and implement a campus improvement plan and work with the CIP Committee to address a problem relating to student achievement on their campus. Students will serve in a leadership role in the entire change process including creating the plan, and implementing and monitoring it. This course must be taken with EDUA 6315. Prerequisites: EDUA 5330, EDUA 5332, EDUA 5333, EDUA 7304, EDUA 6305. Internship/Practicum fee: $300. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7102 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7102 |
EDSR 7300 | Adv App of Media & Tech | EDSR 7300 Advanced Applications of Media and Technology (3-0). This course explores the uses of multimedia in the classroom and extends the teachers skill base in the development of advanced multimedia examples to support and enhance the curricula. Throughout the course, students will gain experience in still and motion digital editing, audio and animation production. Prerequisite: ED/EDUA/EDSR 5320 & ED 6307. Equivalent courses: ED 7300 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7300 |
EDSR 7302 | Management of Counseling Prog | |
EDSR 7302 | Management of Counseling Prog | EDSR 7302 Management of Counseling Programs (3-0). An examination of the mission philosophy and function of counseling programs in school systems with emphasis on program organization administration needs assessment evaluation legal and ethical issues creating community coalitions and outreach training support staff and adopting and adapting culturally relevant prevention and intervention programs. Prerequisite: The grade of B or higher in EDUC/EDSR 5314 and have instructors permission. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7302 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 7304 | Ed Leadership-Principals | EDSR 7304 Educational Leadership for Principals (3-0). A critical examination of the theory and practice of leadership. The behaviors skills attributes beliefs and attitudes for leadership will be researched and investigated. Special attention will be placed on the change process to improve campuses and the development of professional learning communities. Students will develop a plan to create a PLC or Leadership Committee to study a problem on their campus identified by data. Must be taken with EDSR 5333. If student is seeking certification this course must be taken with EDSR 7100. Equivalent courses: ED 7404 (through Summer 2014), ED/EDUC 7304 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 7305 | Cont Read Skills for Grad Stud | EDSR 7305 Workshop in Education (3-0). A special topics course in which the course content varies according to the instructor?s course design. May be repeated when the course content varies. Equivalent courses: ED/EDUC 7305 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7305 |
EDSR 7312 | Practicum In Reading | EDSR 7312 Practicum in Reading (0-3). This course is the capstone course for the Master of Education Reading Specialist Program. It consists of a 160-hour, 15-week field experience designed to allow the reading specialist candidate opportunities to put into practice the knowledge gained throughout the program. All of the Reading Standards and Competencies will be demonstrated by the reading specialist candidate through working with students and colleagues. The candidate will be supervised by university faculty and an onsite reading specialist while administering and interpreting diagnostic assessments, planning and conducting intervention programs, and documenting the reading development of students. Prerequisites: EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 5308 & 6313 & 6314. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7312 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7312 |
EDSR 7313 | Practicum Schl Admin /Non-Cert | EDSR 7313 Administration Internship (3-0). A course which proves reality experiences in the principalship in a T.E.A. accredited public private or parochial school; students spend a minimum of 100 clock hours working with a principal and/or assistant principal in the conduct of everyday administrative duties. Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 24 s.c.h. of administration coursework. Instructor approval only. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7313 (through Summer 2022). |
EDSR 7315 | Group Processes in Counseling | |
EDSR 7315 | Group Processes in Counseling | EDSR 7315 Group Processes in Counseling (3-0). A course which explores numerous theoretical models, exposes students to various techniques and principles, and includes class presentations, role play and opportunity for ?hands on,? experiential involvement in a group. Prerequisites: EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 5314. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7315 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7315 |
EDSR 7316 | Practicum in Counseling | EDSR 7316 Practicum in Counseling (3-0). A course that provides reality field experiences in counseling in an appropriate school or agency setting; students spend between 100-160 clock hours under supervision in the conduction of counseling and guidance activities with 40-100 of these hours being direct client hours. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor and completion of a minimum of 42 semester hours of counseling coursework. Practicum fee: $300. Prerequisites: EDUC/EDSR 6321 & EDUC/EDSR 7315. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7316 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7316 |
EDSR 7316 | Practicum in Counseling | EDSR 7316 Practicum in Counseling (3-0). A course that provides reality field experiences in counseling in an appropriate school or agency setting; students spend between 100-160 clock hours under supervision in the conduction of counseling and guidance activities with 40-100 of these hours being direct client hours. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor and completion of a minimum of 42 semester hours of counseling coursework. Practicum fee: $300. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7316 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7316 |
EDSR 7317 | Internship In Counseling | EDSR 7317 Internship in Counseling (3-0). This advanced fieldwork experience will provide students with university and clinical-site supervised practice in counseling in university-affiliated services and community settings. Students must accumulate 600 total clock hours of counseling experience, with at least 240 hours of direct face-to -face counseling contact. Prerequisite: student must have earned a grade of B or higher in EDUA/EDUC/EDSR 7316 and have permission of the instructor. Practicum fee: $300. Equivalent courses: EDUC 7317 (through Summer 2022) |
EDSR 7320 | Prof. Issues & Ethics in Coun | |
EDSR 7320 | Prof. Issues & Ethics in Coun | EDSR 7320 Professional Issues and Ethics in Counseling (3-0). This course familiarizes students with professional, legal, and ethical issues facing clinical mental health counselors. The focus will be an overview of business, family law and professional practice, the study of current board rules, and records management. Students will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors Statutes/Law and Rules/Regulations. Prerequisite: Advisor Approval. Equivalent courses: ED 7320 (through Summer 2022), EDUA 7320 |