

Browse CSST Courses

CSST 3322   Secure Program Practices   CSST 3322 Secure Programing Practices (3-0). This course provides students with an understanding of the characteristics of secure programs and the ability to implement programs that are free from vulnerabilities. It addresses robust programming defensive programming and programming flaws. Prerequisite CS 1320 (may be concurrent).  
CSST 3382   Cyber Sec Plan & Mgmt   CSST 3382 Cyber Security Planning and Management (3-0). This course provides students with the ability to develop plans and processes for a holistic approach to cyber security for an organization. It addresses CBK operational and tactical strategic plans and management and making cyber security a strategy. Prerequisite: CSST 2372  
CSST 4372   Intrusion Detect/Prevent   CSST 4372 Intrusion Detection/ Prevention Systems (3-0). This course provides students with knowledge and skills related to detecting and analyzing vulnerabilities and threats and taking steps to mitigate associated risks. It addresses deep packet inspection log file analysis cross log comparison and analysis host or network based intrusion detection honeynets and honeypots. Prerequisite: CS3310  
CSST 4374   Network Defense   CSST 4374 Network Defense (3-0.) This course provides students with knowledge of the methods of analyzing and mitigating threats coming from inside or outside the network. It addresses network protocols security devices security services configuration and packet capture and analysis. Prerequisite: CSST 3310