

Browse SPAN Courses

SPAN 1411   Beginning Spanish I   SPAN 1411 (SPAN 1411) Beginning Spanish I (4-0). This is an introductory course intended for students with little or no previous exposure to the Spanish language. Its main emphasis is to present essential vocabulary and grammar and to develop communicative and comprehension skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course includes an introduction Hispanic culture. Equivalent courses: SPAN 1401 (through Summer 2014)  
SPAN 1412   Beginning Spanish II   SPAN 1412 (SPAN 1412) Beginning Spanish II (4-0). This course is a continuation of Spanish 1411. It introduces new grammatical structures, idiomatic expressions, and topics which include new vocabulary. It continues to build the foundational skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural awareness with emphasis on conversation, pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 or equivalent. Equivalent courses: SPAN 1402 (through Summer 2014)  
SPAN 2311   Intermediate Spanish I   SPAN 2311 (SPAN 2311) Intermediate Spanish I (3-0). For the non-native speaker of Spanish, Spanish 2311 is the continuation of Spanish 1411 and 1412. Native speakers should begin their study of Spanish with 2311. This course includes a review of grammatical patterns and development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through exploring the many facets of Hispanic culture. Prerequisites: SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPAN 2301 (through Summer 2014)  
SPAN 2312   Intermediate Spanish II   SPAN 2312 (SPAN 2312) Intermediate Spanish II (3-0). This course is a continuation of Spanish 2311. It provides additional study of grammar and Hispanic culture with emphasis on written composition and oral presentations. NOTE: Those whose native language is Spanish, or those who have otherwise acquired a speaking knowledge of Spanish, should begin their study of Spanish with Spanish 2311. The course will meet the needs of those who have obtained a speaking knowledge of Spanish with little or no formal study. Successful completion of such a course will prepare the student to register for 2312. Prerequisites: SPAN 1411 & 1412 & 2311. Equivalent courses: SPAN 2302 (through Summer 2014)  
SPAN 3301   Advanced Spanish Grammar   SPAN 3301 Advanced Spanish Grammar (3-0). A comprehensive analysis of the major grammatical features of Spanish designed to increase student competence and command of written and spoken Spanish. Equivalent courses: SPN 3301 (through Summer 2022), SPNS 3301.  
SPAN 3304   Intro to Spanish Literature   SPAN 3304 Introduction to Spanish Literature (3-0). An introduction to Spanish literature covering such areas as literary style figurative language literary genres versification aesthetics and text analysis.  
SPAN 3308   Studies in Spanish   SPAN 3308 Studies in Spanish (3-0). Mexican literature from pre-Columbian times to the present. Representative literacy works of major literary currents (Neoclassicism Romanticism Modernism etc.) will be read and analyzed. May be repeated for credit when course subject content varies.  
SPAN 3314   Cult and Civil of Spain   SPAN 3314 Culture and Civilization of Spain (3-0). An overview of the development of Spanish culture from ancient times to the present, using the perspectives of history, art, and literature.  
SPAN 4306   Modern Drama   SPAN 4306 Modern Drama (3-0). A study of the Spanish drama of the 19th and 20th centuries. The student will read dramas representative of the different types and movements of the period and will discuss them in class and in written form. Class discussion conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish 2312 or consent of the instructor  
SPAN 4310   Spanish American Literature I   SPAN 4310 Spanish American Literature I (3-0). A survey of major Spanish American authors and works from 1492 to 1830. Prerequisite: Spanish 2312 or consent of the instructor.  
SPAN 4311   Spanish American Literature II   SPAN 4311 Spanish American Literature II (3-0). A survey of major Spanish American authors and works from 1830 to the present. Prerequisite: Spanish 2312 or consent of the instructor.  
SPAN 4312   Teaching Spanish   SPAN 4312 Teaching Spanish (3-0). A study of methods and materials used in teaching Spanish from Grades K - 12. The course presents ideas and techniques for teaching grammar composition literature and culture. Prerequisite: Spanish 2312 or consent of the instructor.  
SPAN 4315   Intro Translation I   SPAN 4315 Introduction to Translation I (3-0). Part one of introductory course in Spanish/English translation covering both theory and practice of translation. Prerequisite: SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312. Equivalent courses: SPN 4315 (through Summer 2022), SPNS 4315  
SPAN 4316   Intro Translation II