Browse Ed and Professional Studies
Department of Kinesiology &Human Performance Courses
KINE 1131 | Racquet Sports | KINE 1131 Racquet Sports (1-2). The activity course is designed to teach the basic rules regulations and skills of several racket sports such as tennis racquetball badminton and more. Application to lifespan health and sport will be examined. No experience required. Equipment will be provided. Equivalent courses: KES 1151 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 1132 | Cardio Fitness | KINE 1132 Cardio Fitness (1-2). This activity course is designed to enhance overall health && fitness by increasing cardiovascular endurance muscular strength && endurance and improve body composition. Students are encouraged to refrain from a sedentary lifestyle. Activities include walking running hiking cycling indoor rowing and other aerobic activities. Open to all ages. Equipment provided. Equivalent courses: KES 1152 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 1134 | Disc Sports | KINE 1134 Disc Golf (1-2). This course introduces the fundamentals of disc golf. Emphasis is placed on basic throwing techniques putting distance driving scoring and single and doubles play. Tournament and match play formats will also be introduced. NOTE: Basic equipment will be provided. Open to all levels. Equivalent courses: KES 1154 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 1136 | Outdoor Activities | KINE 1136 Outdoor Pursuits (1-2). Outdoor resources and adventure activities are utilized as opportunities for experiential learning. Activities can include hiking backpacking biking canoeing kayaking stand-up paddling outdoor cooking orienteering wilderness safety and first aid. Equipment provided. Open to all levels. Equivalent courses: KES 1157 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 1139 | Yoga | KINE 1139 Yoga (0-2) This course introduces the fundamentals of yoga. Emphasis is placed on beginner yoga practices to support health and wellness. NOTE: Basic equipment will be provided. Open to all levels. |
KINE 1140 | Weight Training | KINE 1140 Weight Training (0-2) This activity course is designed to instruct and practice the various types resistance weight training techniques that can support lifespan health and fitness. Class demonstrations and resistance training sessions will be scaled to individual fitness levels and goal. Open to all ages. Equipment provided. |
KINE 1301 | Intro to Phys Fit & Sport | KINE 1301 Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport (3-0). A course emphasizing the aims and objectives and historical background for sports and fitness and recreation. (Fall/Spring) This class must be completed with at least a grade of ?C? or better prior to enrolling in an upper level Physical Education class. Equivalent courses: PE 1303 (through Summer 2014), PE 1301 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 1306 | First Aid | KINE 1306 First Aid (3-0). A course which includes class discussion reading and units on the fundamentals of safe conduct at home in traffic in play and recreation and in the community with a section devoted to first aid in accordance with the latest National Safety Council first aid techniques and Advanced First Aid and CPR certification (Fall/Spring). Equivalent courses: PE 1302 (through Summer 2014), PE 1306 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 1350 | Sports Officiating | KINE 1350 Sports Officiating (3-0). This course includes the study of the rules interpretations and the mechanics of officiating. The course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required in the officiating of football basketball baseball/softball soccer tennis track and field volleyball and other interscholastic sports. Students will be required to assist in a variety of officiating activities outside the formal classroom. Practice officiating outside the classroom will be expected. Certification is not required but recommended. Equivalent Courses: KES 1350 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 2302 | Recreation & Leisure Serv | KINE 2302 Recreation and Leisure Services (3-0). Introduction to recreation includes brief historical backgrounds professional opportunities present status past and present leaders. Role of leisure time in our social structure professional responsibility familiarization with current issues and trends and professional literature. Lecture and filed trips. Equivalent courses: KIN 2311 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 2303 | Nutrition | KINE 2303 Nutrition (3-0). Principles of nutrition including roles of nutrients psychosocial aspects of eating nutritional issues at various stages in life; developing diet plans computing energy consumption and energy expenditures. Equivalent Courses: KES 2330 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 2314 | Skill Tech Indiv Team Sports | KINE 2314 Skills and Techniques of Individual and Team Sports (3-0). A course that emphasizes the training in basic skills and techniques of a wide range of individual and team activities including but not limited to: tennis golf badminton archery speedball softball volleyball basketball soccer and other selected individual and team recreational activities. (Fall/Spring). Equivalent courses: PE 2304 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 2340 | Prin of Ath Coaching | KINE 2340 Principles of Athletic Coaching (3-0). The course is designed to present foundational knowledge essential for coaching any level athlete in any sport. Emphasis is on a comprehensive approach to the foundations and theories including development of a coaching philosophy determining coaches objectives coaching for character coaching diverse athletes motivational techniques as well as principles of teaching physical training and management. Equivalent courses: KES 2340 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 2350 | Care & Prev Athl Injuries | |
KINE 2370 | Leisure & Outdoor Rec | KINE 2370 Leisure and Outdoor Recreation (3-0). An overview of the role of the natural world in recreation and leisure services. The course will focus on values of outdoor recreation outdoor education adventure recreation environmental impact and the role of government in the provision of outdoor recreation. Equivalent Courses: KES 2330 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 3301 | Structural Kinesiology | KINE 3301 Kinesiology (3-0). A study of the analysis of human motion and posture subject to both mechanical and biological laws and principles. (Fall) Prerequisite: PE/KINE1301 or PE 1303. Equivalent courses: PE 3307 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3302 | Motor Development | KINE 3302 Motor Development (3-0). This course is designed to permit students to study the various aspects of motor development of children. This will give students the opportunity to study physical growth as a factor accompanying motor development fundamental motor skill learning and refinement and physical fitness development. (Spring). Equivalent courses: PE 2302 (through Summer 2006), KES 3306 (through Summer 2022), PE 3305 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3305 | Physiology of Exercise | KINE 3305 Physiology of Exercise (3-0). Physiological responses of the human body during various levels/intensities of physical activity and exercise. Equivalent courses: KES 3305 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3312 | Foundations Adapt PE & Sport | KINE 3312 Foundations of Adapted Physical Education and Recreation (3-0). The course is designed for preservice physical education elementary education and special education students. The course provides a broad range of experiences and assessment in order to help prepare students to work the special needs children in the future. The course aims to provide a background in adapted physical education theory as well as a laboratory experiences and practical timing through field experiences. Equivalent Courses: KES 2320 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 3313 | Prin Elementary PE Health | KINE 3313 Principles of Elementary Physical Education & Health (3-0) This course is designed for for a physical education and elementary education undergraduate student seeking a teaching certification in the State of Texas. The course provides a broad range of assessment and experiences in order to help prepare students for teaching concepts of Health and Physical Education in the elementary school. |
KINE 3320 | Athletic Training I | KINE 3320 Athletic Training I (3-0). A course which deals with proper methods of conditioning for prevention of sports related injuries with a focus on care and treatment of common athletic injures. (Fall) Prerequisite: PE/KINE 1306 Safety and First Aid. Equivalent courses: PE 4304 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3321 | Athletic Training II | KINE 3321 Athletic Training II (3-0). An advanced study of the care and prevention of athletic injuries with a focus of assessment and evaluation of sports related injuries. (Spring) Prerequisite: PE 4304 or KINE 3320. Equivalent courses: PE 4305 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3332 | Health and Aging | KINE 3332 Health and Aging (3-0). Health concerns and quality of life during the aging process ageism demographics ethnicity research on aging economics health status nutrition fitness health care in the 21st century and death and dying. Equivalent courses KES 3302 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3334 | Contemporary Health Problems | KINE 3334 Contemporary Health Problems (3-0). A study of current health problems and topics in society. Specific topics will include substance abuse communicable diseases mental health environmental health birth control and nutrition and fitness. (Fall). Equivalent courses: PE 3304 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3343 | Biomechanics | KINE 3343 Kinesiology and Biomechanics (3-0). This course pertains to the mechanics of human movement during physical activity and exercise; applications of fundamental physics to anatomical structures and motion and analysis of musculoskeletal structures that influence human movement. Equivalent courses: KES 3313 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3370 | Recreation Admin | KINE 3370 Recreation Administration (3-0). Analyzes the internal organization of a recreation department dealing with finances and accounting records and reports publicity and public relations state and federal legislation staff organization coordination coordination of community resources. Equivalent courses: KES 3321 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3376 | River Rec & Water Safety | KINE 3376 River Recreation and Water Craft Safety (2-2). Acquiring an understanding and application of teaching basic paddling skills of water crafts (river board kayaks rafts canoes inflatables etc.) Additional content includes: aspects of safety river policy history culture careers/guiding equipment maintenance/storage river camping and leadership. Field days required (3-5 days). Equivalent courses: KES 3316 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3378 | Mountain Rec & Safety | KINE 3378 Mountain Recreation and Safety (2-2). This course will teach fundamentals of back country camping orienteering and basic rock climbing including equipment climbing techniques knots belaying and rappelling; emphasis on skills development risk management and leadership. This course will follow and promote industry safety standards and teach best practices. Instruction requires three to five full days of practical field application for hands-on experience. KES 3318 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 3390 | Global Perspect Sport Rec | KINE 3390 Global Perspectives in Sport & Recreation (3-0) A course to examine the areas of sport and recreation across and within international settings to broaden the students experience and scope of practice. |
KINE 3392 | Research in Kinesiology | KINE 3392 Research in Kinesiology (3-0) A course to provide knowledge and application of basic, clinical, and applied research in kinesiology settings. Particular emphasis is given to understanding the body of work on a topic, experimental design, and the research process. Students are given opportunities to design, conduct and/or participate in a research project related to kinesiology. |
KINE 4309 | Practicum in Kines | KINE 4309 Practicum in Kinesiology (0-3). QEP MAPPED COURSE Supervised internship with selected agencies and organizations such as intramural sports city recreation departments YMCAs and YWCAs Boys Clubs Girl and Boy Scouts rehabilitation centers and similar agencies and organizations. Field experience fee $75. Prerequisite: Senior Classification and approval of department head. Equivalent courses: KES 4360 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4311 | Tests and Measurements | KINE 4311 Tests and Measurements (3-0). A course emphasizing the application of tests and measurements to the field of sports and fitness including medical written motor skills and physical examinations and tests. (Fall/Spring) Prerequisite: Completion of Mathematics Requirement and make a C or better in PE/KINE 1301 or PE 1303. Equivalent courses: PE 4301 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4326 | Athletic Therapeutic Exercise | KINE 4326 Athletic Therapeutic Exercise (3-0). The study of therapeutic exercises used in the rehabilitation of athletic injuries and clinical techniques involved in muscle testing including goniometry. (Spring-Every third year) Prerequisite: PE 4304 or KINE 3320. Equivalent courses: PE 4306 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4327 | Therapeutic Modality Ath Train | KINE 4327 Therapeutic Modalities of Athletic Training (3-0). The study of sports therapy physical agents used in athletic training setting such as cryotherapy hydrotherapy and electrotherapy as mechanical therapy. (Spring-Every third year) Prerequisite: PE 4304 or KINE 3320. Equivalent courses: PE 4307 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4328 | Admin Athletic Trng Program | KINE 4328 Administration of an Athletic Training Program (3-0). The study of the administration and management strategies in athletics. Functions such as record keeping insurance public relations pre-participation examinations facility and equipment. Maintenance and budgets will be discussed. (Fall-Every third year). Equivalent courses: PE 4308 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4340 | Legal and Ethical Issues | KINE 4340 Legal and Ethical Issues in Exercise and Sport Science (3-0). This course will cover basic legal principles terminology risk-management approaches application of legal principles for the protection of employees and employers in kinesiology-related fields and contemporary ethical issues. Equivalent courses: KES 4313 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4353 | Conc Strength Conditioning | KINE 4353 Concepts of Strength & Conditioning (3-0). A course to study the fundamentals of strength and conditioning and to prepare students for a career as a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Equivalent courses: PE 4303 (through Summer 2022) |
KINE 4364 | Fitness Test and Exercise | KINE 4364 Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription (3-0). Evaluation of health and fitness levels of athletic and nonathletic populations; creating effective exercise programs for various populations. Equivalent courses: KES 4303 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4390 | Independent Study | KINE 4390 Special Topics in Kinesiology (3-0). Selected topics in Kinesiology. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: KES 4361 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4390 | Special Topics | KINE 4390 Special Topics in Kinesiology (3-0). Selected topics in Kinesiology. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: KES 4361 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4390 | Special Topics: Facilities | KINE 4390 Special Topics in Kinesiology (3-0). Selected topics in Kinesiology. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: KES 4361 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 4390 | ST: Independent Studies | KINE 4390 Special Topics in Kinesiology (3-0). Selected topics in Kinesiology. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: KES 4361 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5305 | Research Methods | KINE 5305 Research Methods (3-0). An introduction to the fundamental concepts of research design measurement statistical analysis and scientific inquiry as they apply to understanding and evaluating published research. Upon completion of this course students should be informed about the relevance of published research to their own practice and research. Equivalent courses: KES 5305 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5307 | Issues in Sports Law | KINE 5307 Issues in Sports Law (3-0). This course covers various individual and non-professional sports law issues and focuses on the regulation of interscholastic intercollegiate and Olympic sports. Topics covered include tort law contract law Title IX gender discrimination the relationship between the college athlete and university drug testing of amateur athletes the regulatory authority of the NCAA and the rules and regulations pertaining to ?amateurism? and use of agents. Equivalent courses: KES 5307 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5312 | Advanced Human Nutrition | KINE 5312 Advanced Human Nutrition (3-0). Dietary factors associated with chronic disease development are examined with an emphasis on heart disease stroke cancer diabetes osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases. Students will access diets and provide alternative food choices to lower chronic disease risk. Acute and chronic exercise?s effects on nutrient requirements metabolism and the ergogenic efficacy of dietary supplements receive substantial attention. Equivalent courses: KES 5312 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5313 | Phys & Human Performance | KINE 5313 Physiological Basis of Human Performance (3-0). The purpose of this course is to prepare the student in the areas of exercise physiology. The goals of this course are to provide the student with an active learning experience that will increase their knowledge of (a) energy metabolism and nutrition (b) aerobic and anaerobic principles of work and exercise (c) body composition measurement themes in exercise science (d) cardiorespiratory/renal responses to exercise (e) muscular/neural responses to exercise and (f) thermoregulation during exercise in differing environments. Historical and contemporary concepts of exercise physiology will be discussed to improve the student?s understanding of the genesis and progression of exercise physiology throughout the twentieth century. This course will prepare the student for practical applications of exercise physiology. Equivalent courses: KES 5313 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5314 | Diagnostic Test & Meas | KINE 5314 Diagnostic Test and Measurement in Exercise Science (3-0). This course will provide students with the background in the appropriate design structures both qualitative for research projects. Within the different framework of experimental designs an emphasis will be on how to collect and organize data data clearing statistical analysis and the interpretation of data. At the conclusion of the course the student should have identified and be comfortable applying the appropriate experimental design for the thesis/project. Equivalent courses: KES 5314 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5315 | Group Dynamics | KINE 5315 Group Dynamics (3-0). An analysis of small-group structures and function with emphasis on leadership membership attitude and value formation and role theory. 1. To provide the students with an analysis and understanding of small -group structure and function with emphasis on leadership membership attitude formation value formation and role theory. 2. To acquaint the students with basic methods of effective management and control of the group situation. 3. To provide practical application of small-group principles to simulated situations. Equivalent courses: KES 5315 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5316 | Motor Learn and Control | KINE 5316 Neurological Basis for Motor Learning and Control (3-0). This course is designed to provide an understanding of psychological/physiological principles involved in motor learning control and performance in skill acquisition for school-age- children and adult populations. Equivalent courses: KES 5316 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5321 | Leadership in Sport Admin | KINE 5321 Leadership in Sports Administration (3-0) A variety of leadership and management skills will be examined, including communication, problem solving, conflict management, group dynamics, and leadership theory. Practical application to sport and allied professions will be included. Equivalent course: KES 5321 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5322 | Strategic Management in Sport | KINE 5322 Strategic Management in Sport (3-0). A study and application of management theories and practical application to sport administration. This course provides students with an opportunity to analyze organizational structure examine current industry trends and develop a strategic plan for a sport organization. Equivalent courses: KES 5322 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5323 | Sport Finance & Sales | KINE 5323 Sport Finance and Sales (3-0). Students learn financial concepts including financial planning and management budgeting the fundraising cycle and explore the use of different strategies and techniques to maintain or expand sports operations stadium/facility proposals budgets and bond referendums. In addition a variety of revenue streams are discussed in detail. Students are exposed to a variety of different sales strategies and tactics that can be applied to the sport industry and are also exposed to the latest research and professional trends in the field. Equivalent courses: KES 5323 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5324 | Applied Marketing in Sports | KINE 5324 Applied Marketing in Sport (3-0). His course covers the essentials of sport marketing which includes planning promotions operations and market analysis. The fundamental principles used in the marketing of sport products events and the importance of service quality will also be examined. Students also examine the latest research in the file and will interact with industry professionals. Equivalent courses: KES 5324 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5325 | Event Facility Mgmt | KINE 5325 Event & Facility Management (3-0). The course provides students with an opportunity to examine the practical application of the principles and theory related to event and facility planning human resource and equipment organization and execution of sport at these facilities. Site visits and interactions with local sport organizations are required. Equivalent courses: KES 5325 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5373 | Health and Human Behavior | KINE 5373 Health and Human Behavior (3-0). This course explores the process and methods of scientific inquiry and interpretation of research findings in kinesiology. Students will gain familiarity with the major elements of research including literature review quantitative and qualitative methodology design evaluation of research statistical analysis presentation of data and ethical considerations. This course also provides an overview of statistics including descriptive and inferential statistics and one-way ANOVA. Students should have a basic understanding of conducting library and Internet information searches prior to taking this course. Equivalent courses: KES 5373 (through Summer 2022). |
KINE 5609 | Adv Practicum Kinesiology | KINE 5609 Advanced Practicum in Kinesiology (0-12) A course which provides real world application of blank in a public or private setting. Limited to students in good academic standing who have completed 24 sch. in a kinesiology master of science program and who meet sufficient GPA requirements. Prerequisite: Advisor approval required. Equivalent courses: KES 5609 (through Summer 2022). |