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Department of Math and Computer Science Courses

CS 1309   Computer Science I   CS 1309 (COSC 1336) Computer Science I (2-2). This course is a disciplined approach to problem-solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using pseudo-code and graphical tools. There will be discussions of methods for testing evaluation and documentation. Topics include data types; control structures; functions structures arrays and file input/output; the mechanics of running testing and debugging programs; introduction to programming; and introduction to the historical and social context of computing. Prerequisite: Students may concurrently enroll in Math 1314.  
CS 1309   Computer Science I Lab   CS 1309 (COSC 1336) Computer Science I (2-2). This course is a disciplined approach to problem-solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using pseudo-code and graphical tools. There will be discussions of methods for testing evaluation and documentation. Topics include data types; control structures; functions structures arrays and file input/output; the mechanics of running testing and debugging programs; introduction to programming; and introduction to the historical and social context of computing. Prerequisite: Students may concurrently enroll in Math 1314.  
CS 1320   Computer Science II   CS 1320 (COSC 1337) Computer Science II (2-2). Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming including concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming. This course introduces students to objects classes constructors methods object inheritance and polymorphism from a practical and hands-on approach. Prerequisite: CS 1309.  
CS 1320   Computer Science II Lab   CS 1320 (COSC 1337) Computer Science II (2-2). Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming including concepts and techniques of object-oriented programming. This course introduces students to objects classes constructors methods object inheritance and polymorphism from a practical and hands-on approach. Prerequisite: CS 1309.  
CS 3306   ST: Python Programming   CS 3306 Special Topics (3-0). Discussion of selected topics in computer science suitably for upper division students. The course may be repeated with different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.  
CSAT 2307   Introduction to Audio   CSAT 2307 Introduction to Audio (2-2). Students learn the fundamentals of the physics of sound and basic recording and editing techniques.  
CSAT 3360   User Interface Prog   CSAT 3360 User Interface Programming (3-0). Programming related to interactive displays interfaces and environments for controlling a variety of computer applications including games and communication and other programs including human- computer interface applications. Prerequisite: CS 2315  
CSAT 3380   Motion Capture   CSAT 3380 Motion Capture (2-2). Covers the basics of directing and capturing 3D data for use in character design and movement in videogames.  
CSAT 4301   Voice Over Techniques   CSAT 4301 Voice-Over Techniques (2-2). An advanced approach to vocal production and voice-over performance utilizing audio recording equipment. Prerequisite: THEA 1351  
CSAT 4310   Senior Capstone   CSAT 4310 Senior Capstone (3-0). The Senior Capstone is the culminating course in the CSAT concentrations sequence. Each capstone is implemented by students with the help and encouragement of an academic advisor. Capstone experiences allow each student to demonstrate the capacity to bring information skills and ideas acquired from the major to bear on one significant project. It is aimed at providing students with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired as Computer Science majors as well as provide experiences for students to exhibit competent Computer Science skills within their concentration learned during their program of study in order to prepare for a career in Computer Science Applied Technology.  
CSAT 4311   Capstone II   CSAT 4311 Capstone II (2-2). Continuation of Senior Capstone. Students complete a collaborative video game project and present a working product and business plan. Prerequisite: CSAT 4310  
CSST 3322   Secure Program Practices   CSST 3322 Secure Programing Practices (3-0). This course provides students with an understanding of the characteristics of secure programs and the ability to implement programs that are free from vulnerabilities. It addresses robust programming defensive programming and programming flaws. Prerequisite CS 1320 (may be concurrent).  
CSST 3382   Cyber Sec Plan & Mgmt   CSST 3382 Cyber Security Planning and Management (3-0). This course provides students with the ability to develop plans and processes for a holistic approach to cyber security for an organization. It addresses CBK operational and tactical strategic plans and management and making cyber security a strategy. Prerequisite: CSST 2372  
CSST 4372   Intrusion Detect/Prevent   CSST 4372 Intrusion Detection/ Prevention Systems (3-0). This course provides students with knowledge and skills related to detecting and analyzing vulnerabilities and threats and taking steps to mitigate associated risks. It addresses deep packet inspection log file analysis cross log comparison and analysis host or network based intrusion detection honeynets and honeypots. Prerequisite: CS3310  
CSST 4374   Network Defense   CSST 4374 Network Defense (3-0.) This course provides students with knowledge of the methods of analyzing and mitigating threats coming from inside or outside the network. It addresses network protocols security devices security services configuration and packet capture and analysis. Prerequisite: CSST 3310  
MATH 1314   College Algebra   MATH 1314 (MATH 1314) College Algebra (3-0). In-depth study and applications of polynomial rational radical exponential and logarithmic functions and systems of equations using matrices. Additional topics such as sequences series probability and conics may be included.  
MATH 1316   Plane Trigonometry   MATH 1316 (MATH 1316) Plane Trigonometry (3-0). In-depth study and application of trigonometry including definitions identities inverse functions solutions of equations graphing and solving triangles. Additional topics such as vectors polar coordinates and parametric equations may be included. Prerequisite: Math 1314 or consent of instructor.  
MATH 1332   Contemporary Mathematics   MATH 1332 (MATH 1332) Contemporary Mathematics (3-0). This course is an introduction to a selection of college-level math topics. This course typically covers topics selected from the following: problem-solving counting the real number system sets geometry solutions of linear and quadratic equations elementary probability financial math the mathematics of voting and fair division.  
MATH 1342   Elementary Stat Methods   MATH 1342 (MATH 1342) Elementary Statistical Methods (3-0). Collection analysis presentation and interpretation of data and probability. Analysis includes descriptive statistics correlation and regression confidence intervals and hypothesis-testing. Use of appropriate technology is recommended.  
MATH 2303   IS: Linear Algebra   MATH 2303 Individual Studies (3-0). Independent study of selected topics in mathematics. This course may be repeated during different semesters. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.  
MATH 2310   Foundations Elementary Math I    
MATH 2310   Foundations Elementary Math I   MATH 2310 Foundations of Elementary Mathematics I (3-0). First course in required mathematics content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics include problem-solving techniques reasoning study of sets systems of numeration natural numbers integers number theory and rational numbers. Emphasis on problem-solving as a pedagogical tool with integration of manipulative-based explorations. Offered fall. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion Math 1315 or Math 1342 with a grade of C or better; or equivalent advanced credit placement.  
MATH 2311   Foundations Elementary Math II    
MATH 2311   Foundations Elementary Math II   MATH 2311 Foundations of Elementary Mathematics II (3-0). Second course in the mathematics content sequence for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Topics include: fraction operations decimals real numbers ratio and proportion percent basic notions of geometry measurement and basic probability and statistics. Offered spring. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of Math 2310 with a grade of C or better.  
MATH 2318   Linear Algebra   MATH 2318 Linear Algebra (3-0). Systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, quadratic forms, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and applications in science and engineering. Prerequisite: MATH 1316 or MATH 2413.  
MATH 2413   Calculus I   Topics include limits and continuity, the derivative, techniques for differentiation of algebraic, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions applications of the derivative and anti-differentiation. Offered fall. Prerequisite: Math 1314 and Math 1316 or consent of instructor.  
MATH 2413   Calculus I Lab   Topics include limits and continuity, the derivative, techniques for differentiation of algebraic, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions applications of the derivative and anti-differentiation. Offered fall. Prerequisite: Math 1314 and Math 1316 or consent of instructor.  
MATH 2414   Calculus II   MATH 2414 (MATH 2414) Calculus II (3-2). Topics include the definite integral and its applications techniques of integration improper integrals Taylor's formula and infinite series. Offered spring. Prerequisite: Math 2413  
MATH 2414   Calculus II L01   MATH 2414 (MATH 2414) Calculus II (3-2). Topics include the definite integral and its applications techniques of integration improper integrals Taylor's formula and infinite series. Offered spring. Prerequisite: Math 2413  
MATH 2414   Calculus II Lab   MATH 2414 (MATH 2414) Calculus II (3-2). Topics include the definite integral and its applications techniques of integration improper integrals Taylor's formula and infinite series. Offered spring. Prerequisite: Math 2413  
MATH 3301   Geometry    
MATH 3301   Geometry   MATH 3301 Geometry (3-0). Modern formal development of Euclidean geometry with congruences and constructions. Introduction to other geometries as time permits. Prerequisite: MATH 2311/MTH 3309, MATH 2413, or permission of instructor.  
MATH 3305   History of Mathematics    
MATH 3305   History of Mathematics   MATH 3305 History of Mathematics (3-0). Biographies of mathematicians along with an exploration of the chronological development of important ideas in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 2413. Equivalent courses: MTH 3305  
MATH 3306   ST: Graph Theory   MATH 3306 Special Topics (3-0). Discussion of selected topics in mathematics. Course may be repeated as topics vary. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.  
MATH 3307   Differential Equations   MATH 3307 Differential Equations (3-0). First-order differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order, systems of linear differential equations, and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 2414. Equivalent courses: MTH 3307  
MATH 3330   Number Theory & Cryptography    
MATH 3330   Number Theory & Cryptography   MATH 3330 Number Theory and Cryptography (3-0). This is an introductory course in basic number theory via its important applications in modern cryptography. Topics include divisibility and the Euclidean algorithm congruences finite fields quadratic residues enciphering matrices public key cryptography pseudoprimes and factoring techniques. Offered fall or spring when needed. Prerequisite: Math 2414.  
MATH 3340   Foundations Of Higher Math    
MATH 3340   Foundations Of Higher Math   MATH 3340 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (3-0). Organization and structure of mathematical thought. Writing and evaluating proofs. Topics include propositional logic, set theory, functions, sequences, relations, number theory, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MATH 2311 / MTH 3309 or MATH 2414.  
MATH 3415   Calculus III    
MATH 3415   Calculus III   MATH 3415 Calculus III (3-2). Calculus of functions of several variables, including partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 2414 with a C or better.  
MATH 3415   Calculus III - Lab   MATH 3415 Calculus III (3-2). Calculus of functions of several variables, including partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 2414 with a C or better.  
MATH 3415   Calculus III Lab    
MATH 3415   Calculus III Lab   MATH 3415 Calculus III (3-2). Calculus of functions of several variables, including partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 2414 with a C or better.  
MATH 4301   Modern Abstract Algebra   MATH 4301 Modern Abstract Algebra I (3-0). Congruence classes, group theory and its applications to number theory and geometry, introduction to rings, integral domains, and fields. Prerequisite: MATH 2318 and MATH 3301 / MTH 3301 or permission of instructor.  
MATH 4303   Individual Studies: Analysis I   MATH 4303 Individual Studies (3-0). Independent study of selected topics in mathematics. This course may be repeated during different semesters. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.  
MATH 4303   IS: Modern Algebra   MATH 4303 Individual Studies (3-0). Independent study of selected topics in mathematics. This course may be repeated during different semesters. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.  
MATH 4320   Real Analysis   MATH 4320 Real Analysis (3-0). Topology of the real line, sequences, series, continuity, and differentiation. Prerequisite: MATH 2414.  
MATH 4360   Complex Variables I   MATH 4360 Complex Variables I (3-0). An introductory course covering functions of one complex variable. Topics will include: the algebra of complex numbers geometry in the complex plane polar representation of complex numbers analytic functions mappings continuity differentiability Cauchy-Riemann equations elementary functions of a complex variable contour integrals and the Cauchy integral formula. Rotated with 4320 and 4330. Prerequisite: Math 2415  
MATH 4390   Senior Project   MATH 4390 Senior Project (3-0). Directed individual studies in a mathematical topic of interest to the student. Emphasis on written and oral communication. Prerequisite: Completion of any 4000-level course with a C or better or permission of instructor.  
MATH 5301   Number Theory and Crypt   MATH 5301 Special Topics in Mathematics (3-0). Selected topics in theoretical and applied mathematics. The course may be repeated for different topics. Offered when needed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Equivalent courses: MTH 5301