

Browse GBAA Courses

GBAA 1301   Business Principles   GBAA 1301 (BUSI 1301) Business Principles (3-0). Introduction to the role of business in modern society. Overview of business functions as well as introduction various business and societal issues including contemporary dimensions of business as ethics social responsibilities changes in the workplace and international dimensions of business are considered. Equivalent courses: GBA 1353 (through Summer 2014); GBA 1301 (through Summer 2022)  
GBAA 3000   Internship   GBAA 3000 Independent Study ((0-3),(0-6)). Independent study or research on a topic in General Business with supervision by a General Business faculty member. This course is variable for 1 to 3 credit hours, and may be repeated twice for credit. Prerequisites: Permission of General Business faculty member.  
GBAA 3350   Business Information Systems   GBAA 3350 Business Information Systems (3-0). Exposure to business applications software from the perspective of a manager. Emphasis on the changing nature of information and the data needs of managers. Consideration of the expansion of E-Business and how that affects business functions. Emphasis on the vast array of options for managing information and exposure to techniques for improving management decisions. The course also considers practical approaches to understanding some associated areas of BIS such as the impact of large technology companies on their competitors and the linkage of social media with BIS and the issues that these dynamic areas create. Equivalent courses: MISY 3310 (through Summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 3350 (through Summer 2022); GBAR 3350  
GBAA 3351   Business Law   GBAA 3351 Business Law (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE Legal aspect of business transactions with emphasis on the law of contracts agency bailment and commercial paper. Equivalent courses: BLAW 3310 (through summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 3351 (through summer 2022); GBAR 3351  
GBAA 3352   Quantitative Systems in Bus   GBAA 3352 Quantitative Systems in Business (3-0). A study of data presentation, descriptive measures, probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing with emphasis on business applications. Prerequisite: MATH 1314. Equivalent courses: QMTS 4311 (through Summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 3352 (through Summer 2022); GBAR 3352  
GBAA 4355   International Business   GBAA 4355 International Business (3-0). Covers the economic underpinnings of free trade; investment and trade barriers; foreign direct investment; the multi-national enterprise; assessing the international business environment; and global organization and strategy. Equivalent courses: IBUS 4306 (through Summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 4355 (through Summer 2022); GBAR 4355.  
GBAA 4360   Business Capstone   GBAA 4360 Business Capstone (3-0). The BBA capstone course involving the integration of all functional business areas. Emphasis on management decision making as it pertains to planning, implementing, and evaluating organizational strategy. Prerequisites: Business Major - Senior standing. Equivalent courses: MKT 4379 (through summer 2021); MGMT 4317 (through summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 4360 (through summer 2022); GBAR 4360.  
GBAA 5302   Readings & Cases in Bus Adm   GBAA 5302 Covers one or more special fields. May be repeated for credit as topics change. Equivalent courses: GBA 5302 (through summer 2022); GBAR 5302  
GBAA 5304   Management Information Systems   GBAA 5304 Management Information Systems (3-0). Function of management information systems decision support systems executive information systems and expert systems in business decision making planning and control. Management participation information system design and development. Equivalent courses: GBA 5304 (through Summer 2022)  
GBAA 5310   Project Management   GBAA 5310 Project Management (3-0). Project management is the application of skills knowledge tools and techniques to various project activities for the successful execution and achievement of project requirements and objectives. Retained concepts and principles from the areas of initiating planning executing monitoring controlling and closing process groups are also considered. Specific topics and areas covered may include project integration project scope project time & cost and project risk assessment. The course may use cases problems and specific project management processes. Equivalent courses: GBA 5310 (through summer 2022)  
GBAA 5311   Business Strategy   GBAA 5311 Business Strategy (3-0). The MBA capstone course integrates the different functional business areas. Emphasis on strategic management decision making as it pertains to planning, implementing and evaluating organizational strategy. Prerequisite: 15 SCH of MBA Required Courses. Equivalent courses: MGMT 5303 (through Summer 2021); GBA 5301 (through Summer 2021); GBA/GBUS 5311 (through Summer 2022); GBAR 5311