

Browse SPN Courses

SPN 3301   Adv Spanish Grammar   SPNS 3301 Advanced Spanish Grammar (3-0). A comprehensive analysis of the major grammatical features of Spanish designed to increase student competence and command of written and spoken Spanish. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPN 3301 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3301  
SPN 3302   Adv Spanish Comp   SPNS 3302 Advanced Spanish Composition (3-0). The main objective of this course is the development and practice of writing skills in order to foster the ability to write coherent and meaningful essays in Spanish. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPN 3302 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3302  
SPN 3304   Intro to Spanish Literature   SPNS 3304 Introduction to Spanish Literature (3-0). An introduction to Spanish literature, covering such areas as literary style, figurative language, literary genres, versification, aesthetics, and text analysis. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPAN 2305 (through Summer 2018), SPN 3304 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3304  
SPN 3308   Studies In Spanish   SPNS 3308 Studies in Spanish (3-0). In-depth study of specific periods or genres of Hispanic literature and other areas related to Spanish language and culture. Typical topics include Mexican literature; history of the Spanish language; the Medieval period, the Golden Age, Modernism; Spanish-American literature, the Colonial period; Spanish of the Southwest. May be repeated for credit if topic varies. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPN 3308 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3308  
SPN 3310   Spanish Literature I   SPNS 3310 Spanish Literature I (3-0). A survey of major Spanish authors and works from the 11th to the 17th centuries. Prerequisite: Spanish 2312 or consent of the instructor. Equivalent courses: SPN 3310 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3310  
SPN 3311   Span Lit II   SPNS 3311 Spanish Literature II (3-0). A survey of major Spanish authors and works from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Prerequisite: Spanish 2312 or consent of the instructor. Equivalent courses: SPN 3311 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3311  
SPN 3314   Cult & Civil Of Spain   SPNS 3314 Culture and Civilization of Spain (3-0). An overview of the development of Spanish culture from ancient times to the present, using the perspectives of history, art, and literature. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPN 3314 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3314  
SPN 3316   Cult Civ In Span Ame   SPNS 3316 Culture and Civilization of Spanish America (3-0). An overview of the development of Spanish American culture from ancient times to the present, using perspectives of history, art, and literature. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPN 3316 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 3316  
SPN 4302   Span Golden Age Lit   SPN 4302 Spanish Golden Age Literature (3-0). A survey of the literary masterworks of the Spanish Golden Age. The students will read and interpret representative texts from the various genres in order to gain a more complete understanding of and appreciation for the literature of the Golden Age. Prerequisite: SPN 3302. Equivalent courses: SPAN 4302  
SPN 4304   Spanish American Novel   SPNS 4304 The Spanish American Novel (3-0). A study of the Spanish American novel from its origins to present. Students read novels representative of literary movements of the period and discuss and evaluate them in class. Prerequisite SPAN 1411 & 1412. Equivalent courses: SPN 4303 (through Summer 2021), SPN 4304 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 4304  
SPN 4310   Spanish American Literature I   SPN 4310 Reading in Spanish American Literature I (3-0). A survey of major Spanish American authors and works from Pre-Colonial times to XVIII century. Prerequisite: SPN 3302 or consent of the instructor. Equivalent courses: SPN 4310 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 4310  
SPN 4311   Spanish American Literature II   SPN 4311 Spanish American Literature II (3-0). ?A survey of major Spanish American authors and works from the XIX century to the present. Prerequisite: SPN 3302 or consent of the instructor. Equivalent courses: SPN 4311 (through Summer 2022), SPAN 4311  
SPN 4327   Readings & Research in Span   SPN 4327 Readings and Research in Spanish (3-0). Directed studies on specific topics in Spanish language, Spanish literature, and Spanish American literature. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. Prerequisite: SPN 3302. Equivalent courses: SPAN 4327