

Browse HST Courses

HST 3301   Middle Ages to 1350   HST 3301 The Middle Ages to 1350 (3-0) A history of the political, social, and intellectual development of medieval society to the 14th century.  
HST 3302   Latin American History   HST 3302 Latin American History (3-0). A history of Latin America, excluding Mexico, from the pre-Columbian period to the present. The course will emphasize political and social developments of the region. Equivalent courses: HIST 3302  
HST 3304   Europe: 1655-1870   HST 3304 Europe: 1655-1870 (3-0). A study of Europe from the late-seventeenth century to the mid-nineteenth century. The course will cover the constitutional conflict in England, the emergence of Russia as a European power, the intellectual ferment of the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Equivalent courses: HIST 3304  
HST 3305   Europe: 1870-Present   HST 3305 Europe: 1870- to the Present (3-0). A history of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on European society, the problems of modernization in traditional societies, growth of the 19th century ?isms,? the impact of World War I, the rise of totalitarianism, the effects of world-wide depression, World War II, and the problems of post-War reconstruction. Equivalent courses: HIST 3305  
HST 3307   Hist PreColumbian & Col Mexico   HST 3307 History of Pre-Columbian and Colonial Mexico (3-0) This course examines the history of Mexico from its earliest beginnings through the civilizations of the Olmec, Maya, and Aztecs. The impact of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico and the subsequent colonial society through the Independence War of 1810-1821.  
HST 3308   History Of Mexico   HST 3308 History of Mexico (3-0). A survey of Mexico from Indepence to the present. Equivalent courses: HIST 3308  
HST 3309   History Of Texas   HST 3309 History of Texas (3-0). A survey of the history of Texas from its earliest inhabitants to the present, emphasizing the cultural, political, and social developments of the state. Equivalent courses: HIST 2309 (through Summer 2021), HIST 3309  
HST 3310   History Of Western America   HST 3310 History of Western America (3-0). A study of the American West during the nineteenth century and twentieth centuries, emphasizing Indigenous peoples, explorers, and immigrants as well as the development of western industries, such as cattle, railroad, farming, and mining. Equivalent courses: HIST 3310  
HST 3311   The Study of History   HST 3311 The Study of History (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE An introduction to historiography and to the techniques and the materials important to the study of history. Equivalent courses: HIST 3311  
HST 3312   Amer Frgn Plcy Cold War 45-91   HST 3312 American Foreign Policy and the Cold War 1945-1991 (3-0) This course covers the history of American Foreign Policy as it relates to the history of the U.S.-Soviet Cold War 1945-1991.  
HST 3313   Mex-Amer In U.S. Hist   HST 3313 The Mexican American in United States History (3-0). A survey of the history of the Mexican Americans in the United States, relating their collective experience to Mexican and United States history, with comparisons of their experiences to other Americans. Equivalent courses: HIST 3313  
HST 4302   Amer Diplomatic Hist   HST 4302 American Diplomatic History (3-0). A survey of or a thematic approach to American foreign relations. Themes might include United States relations with Mexico, Russia, the Middle East. Emphasis will be on the 20th Century and approaches will vary. Equivalent courses: HIST 4302  
HST 4304   Hist Immigration & Ethn in Am   HST 4304 History of Immigration and Ethnicity in America (3-0) This course examines the history of immigration and the issue of ethnicity and multiculturalism in the United States from the 18th century through the present. This course will focus on immigration from Europe and Asia from the early colonial era through the present.  
HST 4305   History of Modern Asia   HST 4305 History of Modern Asia (3-0) The focus of this course is East Asia, that is, the Confucian societies of China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japanese model. The course begins with the late traditional era and proceeds to the present. Basic historiographical issues are introduced.  
HST 4314   U.S. Hist:1600-1783   HST 4314 US History: 1600-1783 (3-0). A study of the English colonization of North America through the end of the American Revolution. The course focuses on social, political, and economics of the colonial period. Equivalent courses: HIST 4314  
HST 4315   19Th Century U.S. History   HST 4315 Nineteenth Century US History (3-0). A survey of or a thematic approach to 19th Century American history. Themes might include economic, cultural, or political topics. Approaches will vary. Equivalent courses: HIST 4315  
HST 4317   ST: The Religions of Asia   HST 4317 Special Topics (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE Selected Topics in areas of history. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. When U.S. History is the topic, the course may be used to meet U.S. History requirements. Equivalent courses: HIST 4317  
HST 4317   ST: World Religions   HST 4317 Special Topics (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE Selected Topics in areas of history. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. When U.S. History is the topic, the course may be used to meet U.S. History requirements. Equivalent courses: HIST 4317  
HST 4317   ST:Hist of the Modern Mid-East   HST 4317 Special Topics (3-0). QEP MAPPED COURSE Selected Topics in areas of history. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. When U.S. History is the topic, the course may be used to meet U.S. History requirements. Equivalent courses: HIST 4317  
HST 4318   Modern Russia Since 1855   HST 4318 Modern Russia Since 1855 (3-0). A history of Russia from the great reforms of the mid-19th Century to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the attempts at modernization of traditional Russian society, the growth of the revolutionary movement, the Bolshevik Revolution, the impact of Soviet Russia, and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Equivalent courses: HIST 4318  
HST 4320   Twentieth Cen Amer   HST 4320 Twentieth Century America (3-0). A survey of or a thematic approach to 20th century American history. Themes might include economic, cultural, or political topics. Approaches will vary. Equivalent courses: HIST 4320