Browse ENGL Courses
ENGL 3301 | Contemporary Literature | |
ENGL 3302 | Creative Writing-Poetry | ENGL 3302 Creative Writing Multi Genre (3-0).??Emphasis on study and practice in techniques of creative writing. Conducted in a workshop format. Prerequisite: ENG 1301 & 1302 or 2311. Equivalent courses: ENG 3302 |
ENGL 3303 | Struc & Hist Of The Eng Lang | |
ENGL 3304 | Shakespeare | |
ENGL 3309 | Eng Lit From Beowulf To 1800 | |
ENGL 3311 | Children's & Adolescent Lit | |
ENGL 3312 | Advanced Composition | |
ENGL 3316 | Foundations of Lit Studies | ENGL 3316 Foundations of Literary Studies (3-0). Techniques of critical analysis of major literary types: prose, fiction, poetry, and drama. |
ENGL 3317 | World Literature II | ENGL 3317 World Literature II (3-0). A study of world literature from the Early Modern World to 1945. |
ENGL 4300 | Portfolio Capstone Course | |
ENGL 4302 | Southwestern Literature | |
ENGL 4305 | Topics: British Short Story | ENGL 4305 Topics in British Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of British literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENGL 4306 | American Lit:To 1865 | |
ENGL 4307 | ST: Witches&Witchcraft Am Lit | ENGL 4307 Topics in American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENGL 4307 | Top:Polit Beau Multiethnic Lit | ENGL 4307 Topics in American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENGL 4307 | Topics Am Lit: Contep Am Drama | ENGL 4307 Topics in American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENGL 4307 | Topics: Contemp Amer. Fantasy | ENGL 4307 Topics in American Literature (3-0). Topics include specific areas of American Literature and will be announced in the schedule for the semester in which they are offered. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. |
ENGL 4308 | American Literature 1865-1940 | |
ENGL 4320 | International Literature | A study of contemporary international, often postcolonial, literature by authors from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, India, the Caribbean, and various African nations. |
ENGL 5302 | Seminar: Creative Writing | ENGL 5302 Seminar: Creative Writing (3-0). A writing workshop course which may be devoted to fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or other such genres. May be repeated for credit when topic (genre of writing) changes. Equivalent courses: ENG 5302 |