Browse GEOL Courses
GEOL 1104 | Historical Geology Laboratory | GEOL 1104 (GEOL 1104) Historical Geology Laboratory (0-2). Laboratory exercises emphasizing hands-on work with geologic materials as well as application of Historical Geology principles and concepts. Minerals, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks will be examined and identified. Relative dating will be used to interpret timing of geologic events. The Geologic Time Scale and major events in the Earth's history will be examined. Sedimentary depositional environments, as well as their facies relationships, will be studied through examination of characteristic sediments and rock types. Representative fossils from the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozxoic will be examined and identified. Prerequisite: GEOL 1303. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 1303 | Physical Geology | GEOL 1303 (GEOL 1303) Physical Geology (3-0). This course covers the nature and properties of the materials which make up the earth, the distribution of these materials throughout the earth, the processes (volcanism, glaciation, stream erosion, weathering, etc.) by which these materials are formed, altered, transported, and deformed and the nature and development of the landscapes. |
GEOL 1304 | Historical Geology | GEOL 1304 (GEOL 1304) Historical Geology (3-0). A study of the record of life forms (fauna and flora) that evolved throughout the geologic time 4.5 billion years ago up to the occurrence of man. It also covers the physical changes of the earth through 4.5 billion years of advancing and retreating seas, of deposition, and of erosion of rocks, fashioned into mountain ranges-the entire chronological history of how processes of physical geology have operated. Prerequisite: Geology 1303 |
GEOL 1305 | Environmental Geology | GEOL 1305 (GEOL 1305) Environmental Geology (3-0). This course emphasizes the complex relations between the land, sea and atmosphere and human activities. Topics include: geologic hazards, land management use, water resources, hazardous waste disposal, energy and mineral resources, conservation of natural resources, and atmosphere and ocean sciences. This course may be used by persons seeking earth science teacher certification. |
GEOL 2401 | Lithology | GEOL 2401 Lithology (3-2). Introductions to the basic concepts of identification, classifications and origins of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory exercises consist of hand specimen identification and classification of suites of all three rock classes. Prerequisite: Geology 1311/1103 |
GEOL 2405 | Optical Mineralogy | GEOL 2405 (GEOL 2405) Optical Mineralogy (3-3). Introduction to crystallography, crystal chemistry, and optical mineralogy. Identification of minerals by physical, optical, and X-ray diffraction techniques. Prerequisite: Geology 1303, 1103, Chemistry 1311, 1111. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 2408 | Geological Field Skills | GEOL 2408 Geological Field and Computational Skills (2-4). This course will focus on computational skills and their application to modern field data collection. The course will begin with an overview of computational skills as they relate to field data collection and processing. Students will learn to use Excel, Python, Octave and ArcMap using real data examples. Field trips will then be conducted to collect data. Equipment to be used on the trips will be selected from: an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), a ground based LIDAR instrument, a Total Station, an RTK GPS and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Prerequisite: GOL 1304/1104. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 3000 | Independent Study: Field Mthds | GEOL 3000 Independent Study ((0-3), (0-6)). Independent study or research on a topic in Geology with supervision by a Geology faculty member. This course is variable for 1 to 3 credit hours, and may be repeated twice for credit. Prerequisites: Permission of Geology faculty member. |
GEOL 3305 | Geol of West Nat'l Parks | |
GEOL 3311 | Special Topics: Correlation | GEOL 3311 Special Topics (3-0). This is a junior level course covering various material in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304. |
GEOL 3311 | ST: Geochemistry | GEOL 3311 Special Topics (3-0). This is a junior level course covering various material in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304. |
GEOL 3311 | ST: History of Geology | GEOL 3311 Special Topics (3-0). This is a junior level course covering various material in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304. |
GEOL 3401 | Interdiscp Geographic Info Sys | GEOL 3401 Interdisciplinary Geographic Information Systems (2-4). This course is designed to introduce the concepts of computer- based spatial data handling, referred to as geographic information systems (GIS). The interdisciplinary approach focuses on bringing students from diverse academic backgrounds together in a team effort to learn the fundamentals of GIS, including data, sources, input, manipulation, and output presentation. It is recommended that the student have completed an introductory class in one of the following: geology, biology, natural resource management, or archaeology. Prerequisite: Computer proficiency required. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 3401 | Interdiscp GIS | GEOL 3401 Interdisciplinary Geographic Information Systems (2-4). This course is designed to introduce the concepts of computer- based spatial data handling, referred to as geographic information systems (GIS). The interdisciplinary approach focuses on bringing students from diverse academic backgrounds together in a team effort to learn the fundamentals of GIS, including data, sources, input, manipulation, and output presentation. It is recommended that the student have completed an introductory class in one of the following: geology, biology, natural resource management, or archaeology. Prerequisite: Computer proficiency required. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 3402 | Structural Geology | GEOL 3402 Structural Geology (3-3). A study of the structural features (faults, folds, etc.) their classification, identification, occurrence, causes, and geographic distribution. Course includes two required weekend field trips. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 3408 | Stratigraphy and Sedimentation | GEOL 3408 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (3-3). A study of the processes governing the formation and distribution of recent sediments, which established the guiding principles used in the classification, correlation and interpretation of ancient, stratified sedimentary rocks. The stratigraphic record is largely the result of the continuity of sedimentary processes through the dimension of geologic time. Prerequisite: Geology 1304/1104. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 3411 | Invertebrate Paleontology | GEOL 3411 Invertebrate Paleontology (3-3). The course deals with the morphology, classification, identification, evolutionary trends and geological distribution of invertebrate fossils. Laboratory work consists of systematic study of index fossils as well as representative fossils of various phyla. Prerequisite: Geology 1304/1104 or permission of the instructor. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 4101 | Granulometry | GEOL 4101 Research (1-0). Research by the student into a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. |
GEOL 4101 | Research: Adv Physical Geology | GEOL 4101 Research (1-0). Research by the student into a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. |
GEOL 4101 | Research: Field Mapping | GEOL 4101 Research (1-0). Research by the student into a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. |
GEOL 4101 | Research:Fossil Turlte Anlys | GEOL 4101 Research (1-0). Research by the student into a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. |
GEOL 4102 | Intro to Field Geology | GEOL 4102 Introduction to Field Geology (0-2). This course reviews fundamental geologic field methods including proper use of the Brunton? Pocket Transit, measuring stratigraphic sections, geologic mapping, constructing geologic cross sections, and conduct/safety. There will be four separate field projects comprising four weekend trips to Big Bend National Park and surrounding regions as well as a number of classroom meetings. Students will produce hand-drawn geologic maps and cross sections, a general stratigraphic log, and field reports. This course is for Junior or Senior-level students intending to take Geology field Camp the following summer. Prerequisite: GEOL 1303/1103 |
GEOL 4301 | Research | GEOL 4301 Research (3-0). In this course, the student researches a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification. |
GEOL 4301 | Research: Chem FlowMod Rechrge | GEOL 4301 Research (3-0). In this course, the student researches a carefully outlined problem in the earth or geologic sciences. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification. |
GEOL 4311 | ST: Aqueous Geochemistry | GEOL 4311 Special Topics (3-0). This is a senior-level course covering various topics in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification. |
GEOL 4311 | ST: Natural Hazards | GEOL 4311 Special Topics (3-0). This is a senior-level course covering various topics in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification. |
GEOL 4311 | ST: Stratigraphic Analysis | GEOL 4311 Special Topics (3-0). This is a senior-level course covering various topics in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Prerequisite: GEOL 1304 and GEOL 2405. Geology major of junior or senior classification. |
GEOL 4401 | Sedimentary Petrology | GEOL 4401 Sedimentary Petrology (3-3). The course concerns the laws of sedimentation, the origin, history, description, classification, and interpretation of sedimentary rocks. It also involves determination of the rock types in the source areas. Laboratory work consists of petrographic investigation of thin sections of sedimentary rock types. Prerequisite: Geology 2405, 3408. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 4403 | Igneous & Metamorphic Petrol | GEOL 4403 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3-3). A study of the mode of origin, environment, evolution, characteristics and association of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory consists of hand specimen and petrographic examination of igneous and metamorphic rock suites from differing environments. Prerequisite: Geology 2405, and Chemistry 1311, 1111. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 4418 | Groundwater Hydrology | GEOL 4418 Groundwater Hydrology (3-3). A detailed, analytical, quantitative discussion of the occurrences and movements of waters beneath the Earth?s surface. Topics include: the hydraulics of water flow through aquifers and the geologic setting for them as well as considerations for their development as water sources. A combination of lecture, field and lab exercises emphasize the subsurface part of the hydrologic cycle in various rock types, and the quantities and qualities (physical and chemical) of ground water. Prerequisite: GEOL 1303 and GEOL 1103. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 4421 | ST: Vertebrate Paleontology | GEOL 4421 Special Topics (3-3). This is a senior level lecture and lab course covering various topics in geology. It may be repeated for credit when course topic varies. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 4601 | Field Geology | GEOL 4601 Field Geology (3-6). A six week summer filed course on the methods or techniques of geological surveying, the nature and construction of topographic and geological maps, measurement of stratigraphic sections, and preparation of geological reports. Prerequisite: GEOL 3402, 3408, 4401, 4403, or permission of instructor. Field school fee: $175 - $1800 |
GEOL 5101 | Graduate Seminar | GEOL 5101 Graduate Seminar (1-0). The course deals with modern fields of research in the geosciences. The format varies from group discussions to the presentation of oral reports. The course can be taken for credit up to a maximum of three times. At least one semester is required of all students. |
GEOL 5101 | Seminar: Paleoclimates | GEOL 5101 Graduate Seminar (1-0). The course deals with modern fields of research in the geosciences. The format varies from group discussions to the presentation of oral reports. The course can be taken for credit up to a maximum of three times. At least one semester is required of all students. |
GEOL 5302 | ST: Lower Canyons Geology | GEOL 5302 Special Problems. (3-0). Qualified students may pursue independent laboratory or field problems under the supervision of the staff. A project proposal is required before enrollment. |
GEOL 5304 | Special Topics: Correlation | GEOL 5304 Special Topics (3-0). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. |
GEOL 5304 | ST: Natural Hazards | GEOL 5304 Special Topics (3-0). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. |
GEOL 5304 | ST: Tectonics | GEOL 5304 Special Topics (3-0). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. |
GEOL 5306 | Advanced Structural Methods | GEOL 5306 Advanced Structural Methods (3-0). Discussion of new geophysical, paleomagnetic, and structural methods. Application of these methods in resolving large-scale structural problems to scale, applied structural problems. |
GEOL 5317 | Aqueous Geochemistry | GEOL 5317 Aqueous Geochemistry (3-0). The course involves the study of the geochemistry of surface and groundwater as applied to geologic and environmental problems. Prerequisite: Geology 3410 and Chemistry 3404 recommended |
GEOL 5320 | Advanced Paleontology | GEOL 5320 Advanced Paleontology (3-0). Understanding the basic principles of evolution and ecology through the study of fossil organisms. The use of fossils in paleoenvironmental interpretations. |
GEOL 5322 | Stratigraphic Analysis | GEOL 5322 Stratigraphic Analysis (3-0). The determination of the depositional history of sedimentary rocks by the study of lithology and paleontology. |
GEOL 5326 | Carbonate Petrology | GEOL 5326 Carbonate Petrology (3-0). Origin, classification and diagenesis of ancient and modern carbonate rocks and sediments. |
GEOL 5334 | Geological Methodology | GEOL 5334 Geological Methodology (3-0). This hands-on course is designed to orient the Geology graduate student to geological research and project design field and lab work, writing and presentation of results. Students will use the geologic literature and sources available in the library and on-line. Students will be made familiar with the geology of west Texas. Field and lab methods of gathering geological information will be demonstrated and practiced. Students will learn about the scientific method and will devise a problem and a methodology to gather data. Students will write outlines and rough drafts. Plagiarism, formatting and editing will be covered. The different MS options will be covered. |
GEOL 5402 | Interdisciplinary GIS | GEOL 5402 Interdisciplinary Geographical Information Systems (3-3). This course is designed to introduce the concepts of computer- based spatial data handling, referred to Geographical Information systems (GIS). The interdisciplinary approach focuses on bringing students from diverse academic backgrounds together in a team effort to learn the fundamentals of GIS, including data sources, input, and analysis, and presentation of results. It is recommended that the student have completed an introductory class in one of the following: geology, biology, natural resource management, archeology, geography, or criminal justice. This graduate version of the class will require a term research project, preferably related to thesis project. Prerequisite: Computer proficiency required. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 5404 | ST: Advanced Hydrology | GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 5404 | ST: Invert Paleontology | GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 5404 | ST: Invertebrate Paleontology | GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 5404 | ST: Vertebrate Paleontology | GEOL 5404 Special Topics (3-3). A seminar or lecture format may be used when sufficient interest exists in a timely topic. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in geology and by arrangement with the instructor. Lab fee: $8 |
GEOL 6040 | Thesis Research | GEOL 6040 Thesis Research (0-18). The student will enroll in this course after earning credit for GEOL 6301 each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. The course is variable for 1 to 9 credit hours, and may be repeated with approval of advisor. Credit hours earned may not be applied towards the 30 or 36 hours required for the degree. Prerequisite: Master of Science students that have been admitted to candidacy |
GEOL 6301 | Thesis Proposal | GEOL 6301 Thesis Proposal (0-6). Satisfactory completion of this course requires an acceptable prospectus presented to the Graduate Committee. The student will normally register for this course no earlier than the second semester of graduate study. The student will enroll each semester or summer term in which assistance is provided by Committee members or when use of the library or other research facilities of Sul Ross State University is made. |
GEOL 6302 | Thesis Defense | GEOL 6302 Thesis Defense (0-6). The student will enroll in this course at the time of the defense, and after earning credit for GEOL 6301 (Thesis Proposal). Satisfactory completion of this course will result in the completed thesis presented to the Graduate Committee, accepted by the Dean of the School, the Dean of the Graduate School, and filed in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. Prerequisite: GEOL 6301. |