

GEOL 4403

GEOL 4403 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3-3). A study of the mode of origin, environment, evolution, characteristics and association of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory consists of hand specimen and petrographic examination of igneous and metamorphic rock suites from differing environments. Prerequisite: Geology 2405, and Chemistry 1311, 1111. Lab fee: $8

Spring 2024

Igneous & Metamorphic Petrol   Section 001   Kevin Urbanczyk
Igneous & Metamorphic Pet Lab   Section L01   Kevin Urbanczyk

Spring 2023

Igneous & Metamorphic Petrol   Section 001   Kevin Urbanczyk
Igneous & Metamorphic Petrol   Section HMC   Kevin Urbanczyk
Igneous & Metamorphic Pet Lab   Section L01   Kevin Urbanczyk
Igneous & Metamorphic Pet Lab   Section LMC   Antony Giles
 | Student Evaluation