

Browse AGED Courses

AGED 2304   Intro to Ag Education   AGED 2304 Introduction to Agricultural Education (3-0). An analysis of evolving concepts and philosophies of agricultural education programs with emphasis upon history legislation and principles underlying organization and practice. This course is designed to prepare students for entry or advancement in agricultural occupations and professions job creation and entrepreneurship and agricultural literacy. Elements of this course includes: (1) explaining relationships of agricultural education to school based programs (2) the utilization of components to the agricultural education model in promoting supervised agricultural experiences and (3) identifying recent trends and developments in education and discussing the impact of these events on agricultural education programs. Equivalent courses: ANSC 3304 (through Summer 2014) and ANSC 2304 (through Summer 2022).  
AGED 2313   Prin of Agri Leadership   AGED 2313 Principles of Agricultural Leadership (3-0). A study in basic vocational education including the following essential elements including concepts and skills relating to self-awareness academics to vocational education study habits productive work habits attitudes and employability skills consumer management occupational awareness and career decision making and associated with diverse human relations and personality development. Vocational Education history and parliamentary procedure will also be included. Equivalent courses: ANSC 2313 (through Summer 2022).  
AGED 3320   Public Policies in Agriculture   AGED 3320 Public Policies in Agriculture (3-0). An analysis of evolving concepts and philosophies of agricultural and governmental programming, while applying analytical methods and critical thinking skills in assessing the role of politics in policy making. Students can interpret complex and conflicting data and arguments, evaluate alternative courses of action, and anticipate the consequences of policy choices. Students will learn how to find and interpret policy relevant information and to acquire an understanding of the limitations to what government can do about public problems. Equivalent courses: ANSC 3320 (to Summer 2022).