

Christopher Ritzi

Professor Biology

Curriculum Vitæ

Biology, Geology & Physical Science
WSB 217   C-64
432 837 8420

Summer 2024

BIOL 4607 201   ST: Arachnida of Trans Pecos        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4607 2V1   ST: Arachnida of Trans Pecos        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5607 201   ST: Arachnida of Trans Pecos        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

BIO 3303 T01   Sciences in Cinema and Telev        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 3303 T02   Sciences in Cinema and Telev        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 3303 V01   Sciences in Cinema and Telev        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 3307 T01   Animal Behavior        
BIO 3307 T02   Animal Behavior        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 3307 V01   Animal Behavior        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 3303 001   Sciences in Cinema & TV        
BIOL 3303 VMC   Sciences in Cinema & TV        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 3307 001   Animal Behavior        
BIOL 3307 T05   Animal Behavior        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4101 001   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4101 V01   Biology Senior Review        
BIOL 4414 001   Forensic Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 L01   Forensic Entomology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 T02   Forensic Entomology-Eagle Pass        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 T05   Forensic Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 WL1   Forensic Entomology Lab - RGC        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5329 001   Readings in Ecology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5407 001   Grad Forensic Entomology w/Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6301 001   Thesis Prospectus        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6302 001   Thesis Defense        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

BIO 3302 H01   Evolution        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 3302 H02   Evolution        
BIOL 3302 001   Evolution        
BIOL 3302 H05   Evolution        
BIOL 3408 001   Invertebrate Zoology        
BIOL 3408 H05   Invertebrate Zoology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 3408 HLM   Invertebrate Zoology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 3408 L01   Invertebrate Zoology Lab        
BIOL 4101 001   Biology Senior Review        
BIOL 5324 001   Tech of Scientific Research        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5326 V01   ST: Graduate Evolution        
BIOL 6301 001   Thesis Prospectus        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6302 001   Thesis Defense        
 | Student Evaluation
SCED 3308 001   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCED 3308 V01   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
 | Student Evaluation
SCER 3308 H01   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCER 3308 H02   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCER 3308 H03   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
 | Student Evaluation
SRSU 1101 005   1st Year Seminar: Biol & Geol        

Summer 2023

BIOL 3601 201   General Entomology        
BIOL 5607 201   ST Grad Fld Studies Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5607 2MC   ST Grad Fld Studies Entomology        
BIOL 6040 101   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6301 101   Thesis Prospectus        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

BIO 3307 H01   Animal Behavior        
BIO 3307 H02   Animal Behavior        
BIO 3403 H02   Parasitology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 3403 H03   Parasitology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 4101 H01   Biology Senior Review        
BIO 4101 H02   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 4101 H03   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 3307 001   Animal Behavior        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 3307 MC1   Animal Behavior        
BIOL 3403 001   Parasitology        
BIOL 3403 L01   Parasitology Lab        
BIOL 3403 MC1   Parasitology        
BIOL 3403 WLM   Parasitology Lab        
BIOL 3407 L01   Vertebrate Natural History Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4101 001   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4101 MC1   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4102 001   Individual Studies        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5310 001   Applied Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6040 006   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6301 001   Thesis Prospectus        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2022

BIO 4101 H01   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 4101 H02   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIO 4410 H02   Med & Veterinary Entomology        
BIO 4410 H03   Med & Veterinary Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4101 004   Biology Senior Review        
BIOL 4101 H05   Biology Senior Review        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4102 001   Ind. Stu: Bio. Investigations        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4410 001   Med & Veterinary Entomology        
BIOL 4410 L01   Med & Veterinary Entomolgy Lab        
BIOL 4410 MC1   Med & Veterinary Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 5322 V01   NT Oral Exam and Prep        
BIOL 5324 001   Tech of Scientific Research        
BIOL 6040 201   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6040 206   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2022

BIOL 4102 001   Biological Investigations        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4607 101   Arachnida of the Trans Pecos        
BIOL 4607 1HM   Arachnida of the Trans Pecos        
BIOL 5607 101   Arachnida of the Trans Pecos        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6040 203   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2022

BIOL 3303 001   Sciences in Cinema & TV        
BIOL 3303 MC1   Sciences in Cinema & TV        
BIOL 3303 T01   Sciences in Cinema & TV        
BIOL 3303 T02   Sciences in Cinema & TV        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4101 001   Biology Senior Review        
BIOL 4101 MC1   Biology Senior Review        
BIOL 4414 001   Forensic Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 L01   Forensic Entomology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 MC1   Forensic Entomology        
BIOL 4414 T01   Forensic Entomology        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 4414 T03   Forensic Entomology        
BIOL 5303 001   NT Oral Exam and Prep        
BIOL 5307 002   Readings in Conservation Biol.        
BIOL 6040 003   Thesis Research        
BIOL 6301 001   Thesis Prospectus        
 | Student Evaluation
BIOL 6302 001   Thesis Defense        
 | Student Evaluation