

EDUA 4605

EDUA 4605 Student Teaching Secondary School (Block III) (0-6). The course serves as a capstone experience for teacher candidates enrolled in the teacher education program. Students are required to work within their placement campuses and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations outlined in the student teaching handbook. Students are expected to serve in a teaching and leadership role in public school classroom(s) under the supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Teacher Education. Student Teaching fee: $200. Equivalent courses: ED 4605 (through Summer 2022), EDSR 4605

Spring 2024

Student Tchng: Secondary Schl   Section 001   Jeanne Qvarnstrom

Fall 2023

Student Tchng: Secondary Schl   Section 001   Jeanne Qvarnstrom

Spring 2023

Student Tchng: Secondary Schl   Section 001   Matthew G. Marsh

Fall 2022

Student Tchng: Secondary Schl   Section 001   Matthew G. Marsh
 | Student Evaluation