

Thomas Shiller

Assistant Professor

Curriculum Vitæ

Biology, Geology & Physical Science
WSB 319   C-64

Summer 2024

GEOL 1103 2L1   Physical Geology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 1303 201   Physical Geology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 4101 201   Granulometry        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 4601 101   Field Geology        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

GEOL 1103 L01   Physical Geology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 1104 L01   Historical Geology Laboratory        
GEOL 1303 001   Physical Geology        
GEOL 1304 001   Historical Geology        
GEOL 4102 001   Intro to Field Geology        
GEOL 4421 001   ST: Vertebrate Paleontology        
GEOL 4421 L01   ST: Vert. Paleo. Lab        
GEOL 5404 002   ST: Vertebrate Paleontology        
GEOL 5404 L02   ST. Vert. Paleo. Lab        

Fall 2023

GEOL 1103 L01   Physical Geology Lab        
GEOL 1303 001   Physical Geology        
GEOL 3408 001   Stratigraphy and Sedimentation        
GEOL 3408 L01   Strat. & Sedimentation Lab        
GEOL 5101 001   Graduate Seminar        
GEOL 5320 001   Advanced Paleontology        
GEOL 6040 201   Thesis Research        

Summer 2023

GEOL 1103 2L1   Physical Geology Lab        
GEOL 1303 201   Physical Geology        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

GEOL 1103 L01   Physical Geology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 1104 L01   Historical Geology Laboratory        
GEOL 1303 001   Physical Geology        
GEOL 1304 001   Historical Geology        
GEOL 4311 VMC   ST: Stratigraphic Analysis        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 5322 001   Stratigraphic Analysis        
GEOL 6301 101   Thesis Proposal        

Fall 2022

GEOL 1103 L01   Physical Geology Lab        
GEOL 1103 L02   Physical Geology Lab        
GEOL 1303 001   Physical Geology        
GEOL 3311 001   Special Topics: Correlation        
GEOL 3311 HMC   Special Topics: Correlation        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 3408 002   Stratigraphy and Sedimentation        
GEOL 3408 L01   Stratigraphy and Sed. Lab        
GEOL 5304 001   Special Topics: Correlation        

Summer 2022

GEOL 1103 1L1   Physical Geology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 1303 101   Physical Geology        

Spring 2022

GEOL 1104 L01   Historical Geology Laboratory        
GEOL 1303 002   Physical Geology        
GEOL 1304 001   Historical Geology        
GEOL 4421 001   Vertebrate Paleontology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 5404 001   Vertebrate Paleontology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 5404 L01   Vertebrate Paleontology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 6040 306   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 6302 301   Thesis Defense