

Todd Russell

Curriculum Vitæ

Not current staff or faculty

Dr. Todd T. Russell is a professor, presenter, trainer, evaluator and consultant with more than thirty years of experience in the fields of counseling and mental health. His specializations include the preparation and training of bilingual and bicultural counselors in the South Texas border region, the integration of mindfulness and meditation in counselor education, and the evidence-based applications of mindfulness-based strategies in counseling diverse client populations. He has published numerous articles and book chapters, and co-edited the 2006 text, Teaching Latino Students: Effective Strategies for Educating America’s Minorities (Edwin Mellen Press). Dr. Russell is a frequent presenter and speaker at international, national, regional and state professional conferences, trainings and workshops. He is the proud father of four adult children and the gratified grandfather of the four greatest grandchildren in the entire world. He can often be found in his pottery studio up to his elbows in the mud and muck of creativity.