

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. (W.H.O.).  Employee wellness programs or wellness plans are a form of health benefit that many employers provide – in one form or another – in addition to health insurance. Having an employee wellness plan can help you attract and keep good employees because they view it as a benefit they’d like to have at work. But wellness programs also provide benefits to the university that can clearly affect and improve our bottom line. The benefits could include: reduced absenteeism; improved morale, productivity and job satisfaction; increased employee retention; cost savings.

To obtain a campus culture which promotes and nurtures health and wellbeing, an integrated, collaborative approach campus-wide is necessary. The employee component mentioned above also contributes to the student portion in the inclusion of shared initiatives, education, and practical applications.

The purpose of the Wellness Committee is to promote a culture and environment that supports the value of individual well-being through education, events and access to campus facilities and programs. The Committee will be a resource for any concern regarding health and wellness within the campus. The Wellness Committee will bring together advocates to collaborate to create a healthier Sul Ross for everyone.

Committee Responsibilities:

The Wellness Committee meets to determine the best course of action to reduce health risks and enhance the quality of life for faculty and staff by encouraging and promoting well-being through education, prevention and support for development of healthier choices. The committee will focus on eight dimensions of wellness: environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual.

The committee collaboratively creates a culture of wellbeing by encouraging individuals to live a healthier lifestyle and supporting a healthy campus community. The committee meets to administer assessments as needed, compile data, coordinate initiatives, and review programs. Please click on the search button below to view all items within this collection.

Serving at the pleasure of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Wellness Committee is responsible for advising in regards to policies, procedures, and practices related to wellness and health promotion at all Sul Ross State University campuses. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, annual review of data and programming offered, identification of areas for development, and promoting a comprehensive culture of wellbeing for the entire university.


Primary Responsibility Area: All Sul Ross State University Campuses


Dr. Shana Moody  Chair
Dani Bell Student Health Coordinator
vacant HR Generalist
Dr. Suzanne Harris Dean of Student Life
Kara Poole Director for Campus Recreation
Karlin DeVoll Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Savannah Williamson Coordinator of DEI
Mary Schwartze Counseling Center Representative
Dr. Jorge Garza Rio Grande Representative
vacant Risk Management Officer
vacant At-large Faculty Member
vacant At-large Staff Member
vacant Athletics Representative
vacant Other Branch Campus Representative
vacant Student Representative

President’s Committee/Teams Annual Report
