Faculty and Staff whose Last Name Starts with T
Jon Tabor | Executive Assistant | Student Life |
Briana Tarango | Curriculum Assess Spec | Upward Bound |
Santana Tarango | Control Systems Technician | Office of Information Technology |
Billy Tarrant | Assoc Dir of Stewardship Serv | Borderlands Research Institute |
Yahir Tavarez | Custodial Worker | Physical Plant |
Kristi Taylor | Museum Office and Gift Shop Coordinator | Museum of the Big Bend |
Gregory Tegarden | Assoc Professor Studio Arts | Fine Arts & Communication |
Ben Telesca | Vice President for Student Affairs | Student Life |
Eva Trevino | Museum Temp Hourly | Museum of the Big Bend |
Yuritssa Trevino | Senior Financial Aid Counselor | Financial Aid |
Alicia Trotman, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Psychology | Behavioral & Social Sciences |
Barbara Tucker | Professor, Education | Office of the Dean of Edu & Prof Studies |