Sul Ross State University’s Department of Education offers a variety of programs for who are seeking Texas Education Agency certification to work or advance their careers in Texas public education, and programs for professionals outside of the K-12 setting.
College of Education
Bachelor's Degree with Teacher Certification
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- Apply to Sul Ross if you are not already a student
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- Bachelor’s Degrees and Programs leading to Teacher Certification
- The Department of Education works closely with other colleges and departments at Sul Ross State University to provide a robust, preparatory Minor or Concentration in Education for students seeking TEA certification in secondary levels and EC-12 (all-level) programs. These majors reside outside of the Department of Education.
- BS in Agriculture with 6-12 teacher certification
- BFA in Art with EC-12 teacher certification
- BS in Biology with 7-12 teacher certification
- BS in Chemistry with 7-12 teacher certification
- BA in English with 7-12 teacher certification
- BS in Geology with 7-12 teacher certification
- BA in History with 7-12 teacher certification
- BS in Kinesiology and Human Performance with EC-12 teacher certification
- BS in Mathematics with 7-12 teacher certification
- BM in Music (instrumental) with EC-12 teacher certification
- BM in Music (choral) with EC-12 teacher certification
- BA in Social Science with 7-12 teacher certification
- BA in Spanish with EC-12 teacher certification