College of Education



Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) – The Zeta Delta chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) is an international honor society at Sul Ross State University focusing on education students. The society recognizes educators who demonstrate excellence, scholarship, and commitment to teaching.  KDP promotes excellence in education, recognizes outstanding contributions to education, fosters fellowship among educators, and helps educators become leaders in improving education.


Texas State Teachers Organization (TSTA) – Members belong to the largest democratically run, member controlled, professional organization in the world. TSTA is governed by a president, vice president and board of directors. We have staff in Austin as well as in your area of the state. Among other things, the staff works with the legislature and government agencies, such as the State Board of Education; provides legal assistance and member advocacy; disseminates information to members and the media; provides business and technology services; and offers affiliate and leadership development.  Teacher candidates can get a student discount and join before getting certified.


Student Support Services (SSS) – The SSS Cub is an officially-recognized Sul6 Ross State University campus student organization.  The purpose of the SSS Club is to be more actively involved in the university activities as well as letting our students meet new people and grow as leaders without the constraints of the SSS federal grant. This club is important for our students because it gives them a sense of belonging to our university and helps them to improve their non-cognitive skills. The clubs activities will enable students to meet socially, develop a strong sense of community, and raise funds for trips that cannot be paid for through the SSS federal funds.