College of Education


Sul Ross State University’s Department of Education offers a variety of programs for who are seeking Texas Education Agency certification to work in a K-12 setting as a teacher, diagnostician, counselor, principal or superintendent.

The Texas Education Agency’s State Board for Educator Certification ultimately award the certification based on an accredited Texas entity’s recommendation. Sul Ross State University will recommend a candidate for certification if the candidate:

  • has applied and remains in good standing with the University, the College and Departments, and the Educator Preparation Program. This includes remaining free of disqualifying criminal offenses, Sul Ross State University Student Code of Conduct violations, paying all required fees, and a sufficiently high GPA.
  • has completed all of the required coursework in a timely manner with no grades below a “C” unless repeated, including any required clinical field-based coursework, including student teaching or a practicum.
  • has completed a bachelor’s degree (if seeking a teaching certification) or has completed a master’s degree or higher (if seeking a graduate level certification).
  • has received a recommendation for certification from the clinical field supervisor (the overseeing faculty member during clinical coursework) and a recommendation for certification from the site supervisor or cooperating teacher.
  • completes any required TEA training courses such as suicide prevention or digital literacy.
  • has passed the required TExES examination(s). Becoming a teacher requires a content exam and the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities exam; graduate certification only required in single TExES exam in the area they are seeking certification.

Following a recommendation for SBEC certification, the candidate should complete the TEA requirements including paying the necessary fees.

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