College of Education & Professional Studies
SRSU Certification Program Exit Policy
Important Information for All Admitted Candidates for TEA Certification
Exit/Dismissal Policy from the SRSU EPP [TAC §228.31 (b)]
It is never anticipated that a student will be asked to leave the Educator Preparation Program. However, under certain circumstances it may be necessary for a candidate to be dismissed from the program. Based on the Texas Administrative Code Rule §249.5, the following purposes provides the framework for considering a dismissal from the program.
- To protect the safety and welfare of Texas schoolchildren and school personnel;
- To ensure educators and applicants are morally fit and worthy to instruct or to supervise the youth of the state;
- To regulate and to enforce the standards of conduct of educators and applicants;
- To enforce an educators’ code of ethics;
- If a candidate has been inactive and not taking coursework and/or testing requirements for more than two years.
Acts that would cause an individual to be dismissed from Education Preparation Program of Sul Ross State University-Alpine include, but are not limited to the following:
- Any violations of the Texas Educator Code of Ethics
- Felony criminal offenses
- Solicitation or engagement in sexual or romantic relationship with a student or minor.
- Sexual or physical abuse of a student or minor.
- Engaging in any type of illegal behavior with a student or minor
- Possession, transference, sale or distribution of a controlled substance
- Inability to place a candidate in a field-based setting due to actions with a school district.
- Removal from a clinical teaching/internship/practicum/residency placement.
- Not taking coursework and/or testing requirements in the admitted certification program for more than two years.
Dismissal Process for Candidate Inactivity
- Candidate has not enrolled in academic coursework towards their certification program for more than two academic years.
- Candidate will be notified by written and/or electronic letter of their inactive status.
- If candidate does not respond to notification with indicator of upcoming enrollment, the candidate will be removed from the Educator Certification Online System.
- With removal from ECOS the inactive candidate will no longer have testing approval or be considered a candidate in the SRSU EPP.
- A candidate who has been removed from ECOS and is considered inactive by the EPP must reapply for admission to the respective certification program to return to active status.
Dismissal Process for Conduct Violations
- Actions that violate the Texas Code of Ethics, or the SRSU EPP code of conduct and regulations will be forwarded to the Director of Education and Chair of Education.
- Violations will be documented in writing.
- The Director of Education and Chair of Education will meet with the faculty of the SRSU EPP certification program to discuss the violation.
- After meeting with the certification program faculty, the Director of Education and Chair of Education will meet with the Dean of Education to present the issue at hand.
- The candidate in question may be asked to present information.
- The Dean, Director, Chair can recommend:
- Permanent Dismissal from the Program
- Suspension from the Program for a determined period of time.
- Other sanctions as deemed appropriate
It is never anticipated that a student will be asked to leave the EPP. There are several levels of support provided to candidates in order to assist them through the process of teacher certification or graduate level certification. Please seek assistance from these resources when necessary. It is much easier to deal proactively with a potential situation than to handle it reactively.
If necessary, a candidate may be placed on a growth plan, targeting areas of deficiencies and support to address and remediate these deficiencies. A committee will meet comprised of members familiar with the candidate’s situation and construct a plan including goals and a specific timeline. Failure to meet the goals in the growth plan will result in dismissal from the EPP.
Should a candidate finds it necessary to withdraw from the EPP, written notification is required. It is also important to speak with the program advisor in order for the candidate to be aware of potential implications of leaving the program.