College of Education


TEA & SBEC Updates

Expiring Certification Exams in PE, Health, and ELAR 7-12

This is a time-sensitive notice for candidates pursuing certificates in Physical Education (PE) EC-12, Health EC-12, and English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR) 7-12. The certification exams for these areas are being replaced. Candidates who have not received standard certification using the expiring TExES exams (158, 157, 231) by September 1, 2025, will need to pass the new TExES exams (258, 257, 331).

Texas Administrative Code Chapter 228 - Required Training

Chapter 228. Requirements for Educator Preparation Programs
Subchapter D. Required Educator Coursework and Training


TAC §228.57 (c) The following subject matter shall be included in the curriculum for candidates seeking initial certification
in any certification class:


(1) the code of ethics and standard practices for Texas educators, pursuant to Chapter 247 of this title
(relating to Educators’ Code of Ethics) as well as Chapter 249, Subchapter B, of this title (relating
to Enforcement Actions and Guidelines), which include:
(A) professional ethical conduct, practices, and performance;
(B) ethical conduct toward professional colleagues; and
(C) ethical conduct toward students;


(2) instruction in detection and education of students with dyslexia by an approved provider as
indicated in Texas Education Code (TEC), §21.044(b);


(3) instruction regarding mental health, substance abuse, and youth suicide, as indicated in TEC,
§21.044(c-1). Instruction acquired from the list of recommended best practice-based programs or
from an accredited institution of higher education or an alternative certification program as part of
a degree plan shall be implemented as required by the provider of the best practice-based program
or research-based practice;


(4) the skills that educators are required to possess, the responsibilities that educators are required to
accept, and the high expectations for all students in this state, including students with disabilities;


(6) the framework in this state for teacher and principal evaluation;


(8) instruction in digital learning, virtual instruction, and virtual learning, as defined in TEC, §21.001,
including a digital literacy evaluation followed by a prescribed digital learning curriculum. The
instruction required must:
(A) be aligned with the latest version of the International Society for Technology in
Education’s (ISTE) standards as appears on the ISTE website;
(B) provide effective, evidence-based strategies to determine a person’s degree of digital
(C) cover best practices in:
(i) assessing students receiving virtual instruction, based on academic progress;
(ii) developing a virtual learning curriculum; and
(D) include resources to address any deficiencies identified by the digital literacy evaluation;

Required Background Check Information

Criminal History Background Check: TAC §227.1(b)(1)-(2), and (d)(1)-(3) 

To participate in student or clinical teaching in a TEA accredited public school, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check, as mandated by Sul Ross State University. This background check is required before both employment as an educator and clinical teaching, ensuring that all applicants meet the standards necessary. The background check will be conducted through CastleBranch, and results will be reported to Sul Ross State University. Candidates should be aware that this information may be shared with the School District(s) involved in their teaching placements. Additionally, when applying for a Teacher Certificate, the State will conduct a criminal history inquiry through the Federal Bureau of Investigations. It is essential for students to understand these requirements as part of their journey towards becoming educators.

  • Required Background Checks and Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation Notification

Teacher certification candidates are required to have a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching (student teaching).

All certification program applicants candidates should be aware that a criminal history background check and fingerprinting is required for employment as an educator (including graduate / advanced level certifications, such as Principal or School Counselor) in Texas.

All certification program applicants and candidates should be aware that a negative result on their criminal history background check could result in (a) denial of admission to a certification program at SRSU, or, (b) removal from a certification program at SHSU, or, (c) denial of Texas Education Agency  – State Board for Educator Certification(TEA SBEC) certification, or, (d) suspension or revocation of an existing TEA certification.

Please refer to the TEA website for details on Chapter 249. Disciplinary Proceedings, Sanctions, and Contested Cases, Subchapter B. Enforcement Actions and Guidelines including criminal history background checks and information.

Candidates may request a Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation from TEA.