In addition to academic requirements – degree(s), field experience and/or clinical practice, candidates who are seeking Texas Education Agency (TEA) – State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) credentials to work in a K-12 school or district environment must also pass one or more TExES tests and then be recommended for certification by Sul Ross State University.
Teacher Candidates are required to pass a grade leveled content TExES test, and the EC-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities TExES test. Some content areas also require passing the Science of Teaching Reading TExES exam.
Graduate Level Certification Candidates (Educational Diagnostician, Principal, School Counselor, Superintendent) are required to pass one TExES test.
Click here to visit the Texas Educator Certification Examination site (then choose TExES).
Following completion of all required academic coursework, required field experience, recommendations of field supervisors (SRSU Department of Education faculty) and site supervisors (campus mentors), and passing the appropriate TExES exam(s), candidates may apply for certification. Department of Education will review the applying candidate’s records and will complete the electronic recommendation of candidates through SBEC.