

Jesse Moore Kelsch

Assistant Professor of Geology

Curriculum Vitæ

Biology, Geology & Physical Science
WSB 316   C-64
432 837 8657

My primary field of research and teaching is Structural Geology, or the deformation (stretching, breaking, folding...) recorded in the rocks of Earth's outer layer as a result of plate-tectonic stresses. Currently I'm writing the results of a kinematic analysis of faults of the southern segment of the Rio Grande rift in Trans-Pecos Texas and northern Chihuahua. This research was part of a PhD study through the University of Texas at El Paso, from whom I received a PhD in 2023. I have plenty of ideas for field-based research projects at the undergraduate and graduate levels within this and other areas of structural geology. If you are an incoming graduate student, or a transferring undergraduate interested in doing research, contact me by email to talk about possible research projects. 

I also have great interest in science education in general and Geoscience Education in particular, and am an active member of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers.  

Spring 2024

GEOL 1105 L01   Environmental Geology Lab        
GEOL 1305 001   Environmental Geology        
GEOL 3402 001   Structural Geology        
GEOL 3402 L01   Structural Geology Lab        
GEOL 5306 001   Advanced Structural Methods        
GEOL 6301 001   Thesis Proposal        

Spring 2023

GEOL 3402 001   Structural Geology        
GEOL 3402 L01   Structural Geology Lab        

Fall 2022

SCED 3308 001   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCED 3308 VMC   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCER 3308 H01   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCER 3308 H02   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        
SCER 3308 H03   Foundatns of Elementary Sci. I        

Summer 2022

GEOL 4301 101   McNair Research:Fault Geochron        
GEOL 4301 102   McNair Research: Fault Strain        

Spring 2022

GEOL 3402 001   Structural Geology        
GEOL 3402 MC1   Structural Geology