

Marina Azar

PT Faculty IE Fine Arts

Curriculum Vitæ

Fine Arts & Communication
FAB206   C-43
832-994-8485 ,

 I might consider myself a Fighter and a Winner.

My life has two timelines:   “There” and “Here”.


I was born in the military tuberculosis hospital on a little island with nickname “Kaputt” which is translated “dead”.  For me it was the beginning of my life. 

At 1 year old, I was chased and terrified by a turtle.  I created a fear of reptiles, but then I overcame all this fear and I have been very friendly with turtles and lizards.  I am still working on my fear of snakes.

At 2 years old, I was attacked by a rooster.  Then for a whole year I did not talk and then through singing  words training start to talk again

At 3 years old I had injured both my legs .Right leg was injured by riding on back sit of the bike with Dad and through 2 day I put my left leg by sliding from the sofa in the pan with boiling water,my mother boil the water for do laundry . I won I only have one scar.

At 5 start I  to learn playing piano. I am not a Mozart but I can play and read music well.

At age 8 I entered Public school where English was second language.I was a first in the family who learned foreign language.

I was a first grandchild.

At age 10 was chosen to be in Olympic youth reserve in the  back stroke swimming .My mother said No because my shoulders got very big.

At age of 13 finished music school playing piano .And next year start music school learning to play accordion. Bayan, guitar and percussion .I had some achievements in Youth music competition.

At18 I graduated from HS,ABHonor roll

During HS I went to Fencing sport school .Also  I had some victories in Youth competition.

I have been a first female who entered Belorussian State college of Music in concentration in classical guitar .Before only man we’re a classical guitar students.

When I was a freshman in college I composed ‘The Hymn for Pioneers “for piano and choir. The music was performed by Adults choir at the Assembly of Belorussian  Union of composers.

I graduated with Bachelor degree in conducting , performing and education 

I have been first who got married from my college class.

I was first female who entered Belorussian conservatory studying classical guitar .I opened the door for all future Amazing female guitar players.

I have been first in my class who had a baby during  my study at the Belorussian State conservatory

 I received master degree in Conducting. Performing  and Music Education. 

I start  to teach guitar part time in music school  at 19 and continued full time teaching in school and college till I was 39 .

During teaching carrier I was recognized and awarded a diploma of excellence in Teaching music by State Government.

During my teaching carrier I was on TV central interviewed about my carrier achievement.  

I taught from  the beginning   amazing  guitar students several of them became world famous performers,composers and outstanding teachers 

I defeated two serious sickness and got healthy.  The period “There” took  40 year 


“Here “

 I came here  with 2 suitcases and a son.

Went to the Beautician school. Received the nail  technician certificate

I  taught guitar lessons in YMCA ,played some gigs

At age of 41 received my Driver license .

I worked  as certified Nurse assistant  at the nursing home 

I Played gigs in restaurants ,on wedding and funerals

I Recorded CDs ,playing  solo classical guitar, Original songs, and duets with Amazing-violin player

I Played several concerts at the  University

I taught guitar and piano in Big Bend school. 

I played piano and organ in  the churches.

At the age of 45 I returned  to school.

I Learned new  instruments -woodwind and brass 

I received teaching certification.

I Started work in Public school

I worked 15 years and still working

I drove  a school bus for 7 years

My MS Band received Sweepstakes at UIL after 20 year being Band rating 2.

UIL Music memory teams rating were consistently 1

Overcame big sickness and being healthy 

My First HS classical Guitar solo player  from our town received twice 1 rating at the Solo- Ensemble UIL Competition .

I have been awarded  title  of MS teacher  of the year. First from Music department.

I Raised Amazing Son . 

 I Founded my true Love

I still teach in school and now also  start to teach in the University

I love my students, respect my colleagues,value my Friends.

Get moving,  Fighter and Winner

let’s made 40 years fight and win in “Here “


Spring 2025

MUS 1113 003   Guitar Ensemble        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1211 004   Ind. Instruction Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3113 003   Guitar Ensemble        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3211 003   Individual Instruction Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2024

MUS 1113 003   Instr. Ensembles: Guitar        
MUS 1211 008   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
MUS 3211 005   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

MUS 1111 005   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1113 002   Instr. Ensembles: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3113 002   Instr. Ensembles: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3211 005   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 4131 002   Senior Recital        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

MUS 1211 014   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
MUS 3113 003   Guitar Ensemble        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

MUS 1111 010   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
MUS 1211 010   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3211 010   Individual Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2022

MUS 1111 014   Individual Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1211 014   Individual Instruction: Guitar        
MUS 3211 014   Ind. Instruction: Guitar        
 | Student Evaluation