

BIO 4301

4301 Cell Biology (3-0). A study of the particulate morphology and basic physiology of the cell and cell organelles, including basic facts, concepts, and problems in modern cellular biology. Prerequisite: BIOL 1306/1106 & BIOL 1307/1107.

Spring 2024

Cell Biology   Section T01   Thornton Larson
 | Student Evaluation
Cell Biology   Section T02   Thornton Larson
Cell Biology   Section V01   Thornton Larson
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

Cell Biology   Section H01   Thornton Larson
Cell Biology   Section H02   Thornton Larson

Spring 2022

Cell Biology   Section T02   Thornton Larson
 | Student Evaluation
Cell Biology   Section T03   Thornton Larson