

HIST 5310

HIST 5310 Seminar in American History (3-0). Topics to be announced. May be repeated for credit as topic varies. Students must complete nine semester credit hours in American History for the graduate degree in History.

Summer 2024

Sem: USA Women's History   Section 1W1   Kendra DeHart
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

Sem.Am. Hist. 19th Cent US His   Section W01   Savannah L. Williamson
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2023

Sem: Comparative Slavery   Section 2W1   Savannah L. Williamson

Spring 2023

The Civil War & Reconstruction   Section W01   Savannah L. Williamson
Gilded Age:America 1877-1900   Section W02   Kendra DeHart

Fall 2022

The Coming of the Civil War   Section W01   Savannah L. Williamson
Race, Sex, & Power   Section W02   Savannah L. Williamson
History of the American West   Section W03   Kendra DeHart
 | Student Evaluation
History of American Women   Section W04   Kendra DeHart

Summer 2022

History of Antebellum Slavery   Section 2W1   Savannah L. Williamson